10 Post – 142 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hong Konger NYU student | he/him

I read "brutish" as "british" on first glance

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Time for a genocide. And no one's going to stop them. Fucking hell.

Some of my friends have suggested that there might not be a Gaza to fight for independence for in a few years. I didn't believe them, but now it definitely looks more possible...

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Looks like even this place couldn't keep it up. Unfortunate. Thanks admins for the transparency though.

Most of them have never spent time living under China / USSR as well lol. I'd like communism in theory, and I still think there's a possibility of it, but even just in Hong Kong the flaws of the CCP system of "socialism with Chinese characteristics" are very evident — and that's barely with any of the actual communism in Hong Kong.

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Atwood specifically called it speculative fiction, because everything written in there had happened already in some other form.

He's a Russian, can't have reasonably expected this lol

The only other place I've seen it used funnily enough is RuneScape.

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Write-in campaign huh. Wonder if some people will accidentally vote for him and whether that would count

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Ben Gvir needs to be locked in the Hague forever.

Even Teddy Roosevelt didn't get it to work.

One thing i miss about Lemmy is shittymorph tbf

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Honestly, if you can, hydro is brilliant. Not many places can though — both because of geography and politics. Nuclear is better than a lot of the alternatives and shouldn't be discounted.

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They don't like how and have no barrier to setting up an account

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Both sides have said the same thing and offered peace deals that the other side is unwilling to accept, doesn't really matter if neither side wants to negotiate. Sucks that the civilians just have to suffer while two assholes fight it out.

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Hamas is a real government, and is in charge of Gaza — the PA is not in charge of Gaza. It is also a terrorist organisation, and is also basically not democratically elected. But the people of Gaza should not be held responsible for their government's folly and terrorism. But it is important to recognise that de facto Hamas is the government of Gaza.

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Surely their long term best interests is to kick the MAGA caucus out of the party, but I guess we're just driving full steam into fascism instesd

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It should be a new election tbh. Even if that ends up being another Republican, it's the best way to do it. Elections in the US are for people, not parties — at least on paper.

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someday we'll realise the entire universe is a massive supercomputer which runs doom

We're on the Earth — how do we see the Earth? By seeing other parts of the Earth that aren't ourselves. The same is somewhat true for the Milky Way. And like on Earth, you can't see the whole thing without leaving it, because we only get to see the stuff that isn't blocked by other things.

Did you know humans stole our likeness from God also? Time to deglove our entire bodies and become a mass of flesh!

Win win.

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They specifically said they're being trolls and going to brigade tbf.

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Huge, huge development for both India and humanity. Congratulations.

Funnily, Ancient (Classical) Greece had its own ancient Greece — the Mycanaeans.

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Surely it should be "donussy", not "donutussy"

Also I never want to hear about Thatchussy thank you very much wikipedia

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this shit ain't a game mate.

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By not picking, you are picking fossil fuels. Because we can't fully replace everything with solar/wind yet, and fossil fuels are already being burned as we speak.

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Honestly though, at the point where only two people would need to flip for the majority to go to the Democrats, it seems crazy that no one's tried.

daily mail is shit so grain of salt but that sounds incredibly stupid if true

That being said, would not surprise in the slightest if he's a spy; just curious about the timing... there's definitely spies from every country that has any in China, the US etc.

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Single incidents of murder or other crimes also don't "impact the world in significant ways" but are most certainly news. Why is this not? It affects more people.

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Israel's clearly taking this war in a different direction from usual, unfortunately — based on what they're saying at least, it seems the intent is to eradicate Hamas and deal with the consequences later

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While russia is actively waging war in Europe

Firstly, I never said that I know everything about anything. Anyone who does say that is either lying, or God. Secondly, I have no idea what you know. Thirdly, I picked "under" because China consistently treats Hong Kong and her citizens as second-class citizens. Not as bad as in East Turkestan, but certainly below the likes of Beijing, Shanghai etc. Look at the difference in response between sentencing of peaceful protestors, response to said peaceful protests (notably the Urumqi protests, where the CCP acquiesced to a much smaller group of protestors' demands in contrast with Hong Kong where the CCP continues to not even move an inch), and how Hong Kong's Covid policies remains even when China's were removed.

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I know it's a damn lot easier than carbon recapture, if we're talking waste products. It's not ideal, but there is no such thing as perfect, and we shouldn't let that be the enemy of good. Nuclear fission power is part of a large group of methods to help us switch off fossil fuels.

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I mean, that's to a minor extent how parliamentary systems work. There's a limit on how long you can go without an election, sure, but the government can call one basically whenever they want, which means if they have a stronger mandate they'll probably try to stretch it out whereas if they barely have a government yet the people support them they may try another election to increase their standing, and if you have a flimsier support you may end up being vote-of-no-confidence-ed sooner

The June 4th Tiananmen Square vigil, though banned since COVID and the NSL, was a HK tradition (and elsewhere of course, though most significantly in HK) that would be good to replicate here.

I'm currently in a course about the Roman Republic in college, so pretty much every other day.

Which each have their drawbacks. Just as an example, though not representative of the majority, what do you do about months of no sun in the Arctic Circle for solar power? There is no single solution to this problem. Nuclear is better than fossil fuels by far, and we should not just throw it away out of fear.

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There's been a Gaza for decades, it's not going to stop just because the genocidal Bibi tries to, even if it is being turned into rubble. The primary uncommited campaign is good, and I support it, but people saying that they're gonna vote for Trump over Biden / that they'll abstain entirely are just not going to help either present or future atrocities — wiping your hand clean doesn't save lives.

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