
8 Post – 423 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm American and I've never heard this used.

But after thinking about it, gopher is a play on words that means "go for". So saying gopher John is like saying "go for John" and can be a greeting.

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Not getting off the guillotine list that easy fuck boy

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Reddit changed their upvote algorithm which is why it looks so much lower than it really is.

They covered this years ago..

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The mainstream ones yeah. But that void will get filled with shady advertisers. It's gonna look like the daily mail on there lol

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Only place I've ever accidentally uploaded a dick pic and so glad I had like 2 friends on there who never checked lol. It was a fun 2 weeks.

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This isn't a new thing, these services have been around for a long time. True people search blew it out of the water and it's free. I highly suggest submitting a data removal request to them if you live in the US.

It's word pad though, do you really ever use it? I use notepad for a quick temp fix in a pinch, I haven't used word pad in like 15 years.

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Perfect thank you!

Do you guys need help dealing with the security side? I can help depending on the need.

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It was ITAR restricted and not sensitive. Every time I see this I just shake my head..

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They already kicked the shrooms community out and it's not part of this "transparent" post because not enough people noticed it or cared.

Food for thought..

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Well sir I'm a bit jealous. But might i remind you this is a Wendy's.

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Can't spell cum without U in the middle

Time to go support an educator and help defend her rights

Leave it dull and rusted

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It was a pretty safe bet. Most of the people on this planet don't give a shit about principles or corporate hostilities so long as they get what they want.

It drives me nuts!

Let's not forget the $53,000,000,000 they would instantly lose from federal funding

I was able to make an account on here finally, I'm never going back now! Woohoo! Gonna go use one of those reddit data deletion tools this afternoon.

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Whatever this turns out to be it will establish a precedent that all social media conglomerates will set the bar at.

I had to use this service one time, to pick up my wife from the hospital in the middle of the night. The guy never even picked her up and I still had to pay 50 goddamn dollars. Fuck this company.

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It is truly an addiction platform.

To my credit though I shredded all of my accounts today and deleted them. I'm 100% all in on lemmy and this new and exciting fediverse stuff.

Hey I'm even a mod now for NSFW! I'm a big boy now.

Can somebody please photoshop a red Maga hat on this?

Yeah but the subsequent private purchases of the drug well after it was established to not work is what the issue is.

If you got covid in that first year you were getting treated with the kitchen sink. Your Healthcare decided the drug was worth the risk and you got it. Not every hospital was doing that, hell I hadn't even heard of one using it until your comment..

Better upgrade them* networks dawg

@ShittyMorph where you at bro

Do y'all need a consultant? That is so bad it's a non starter.

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Reddit was the same way to be honestly.

I get what other folks are saying about addiction etc but I'll throw this out there..

There is a difference between addiction and dependency. They are 2 different things.

If it helps you, then you may rely on it. Think of medication. You aren't addicted to an antidepressant, but you are dependant on it.

This may be that for you. Or it may be addiction. If you "need" to be high to function, it's probably addiction. You should take a break and talk to your Dr.

But if it helps you, genuinely helps you, then what harm is it doing? I mean really, ask yourself that. Think of your situation in the third person. Objectively.

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Good opportunity to spread the word:

Hail Satan? Is a great documentary about TST, highly encouraged to watch.

Behind the bastards is doing a 2 part podcast on this too. Those AI cult mofos are fucking crazy..

There are no pardons in the GA charges.

And Republicans have definitely come out against this douchebag they just don't get the attention because other news is too sexy to ignore.

Yep! Got the update from AP news last night!

Hey now leave comfortable clothes out of this

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I'm about to self host, sounds like a great move towards data privacy and ownership.

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Idk I'm 36 and this checks out

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Is DLC an in game purchase though? I think they are specifying not having micro transactions.

DLC purchased through steam isn't "in game".

Edit: I just checked out the DLC and meh 10 bucks for a starter kit, dice skin, and emote.

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Idk I tried a few times on that one and never got approved. I like the concept of it but at the end of the day I just want an account so I can finally interact with you fine folks over here.

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Whoo boy that typo had me going at first lol

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Nail in the coffin on this guy lmao what a fucking joke he turned out to be..

For shame, Joe Rogan, for shame sir..

Well see, we're kinda trapped right now. We can go chopping heads off, get thrown in the news cycle for a few days, and then continue losing everything we got trapped in anyways.

Good ol kitchen confidential right here lol