does THC override all other senses and substances for you? to – 6 points –

I'll vape some type 2 flower as a last resort sometimes for sleep (sometimes, other times it's a first choice for a fun time).

I've noticed that no matter what I felt from other substances before (i.e. alcohol, ambien, etc) once I feel the effects from vaping flower, all other feelings from those previous substances go away entirely.

I'm not a big fan of taking a bunch of different things but sometimes it is what it is.

Is this typical for those of you here?


Lmao no. That's super weird. Have you never heard of the term crossfaded before?

Yeah for sure. But this is different, once I feel the effects of THC it's the only thing I feel. Like any other substance is completely drowned out.

Nope. For me weed after alcohol is almost always a mistake. It knocks me the fuck out. Whereas without the booze, just smoking, I can chill and watch 3 movies in a row and go to sleep when I’m ready, not when the intoxicants say I’m ready.

Same. Alcohol after weed though, no problemo. These days I prefer to just stick to the herb.

What is "type 2 flower"?

Mixed ratio THC:CBD i.e. 1.3:1 could have 13% THC and 6% CBD. Really good stuff.

They don't have high THC strains that I've seen, 13-15% seems to be the cap.

I enjoy weed but have anxiety, and weed sometimes makes it worse. However if I'm too high or too anxious,.I'll have a beer or two. I'll still high, a little buzzed and a lot more relaxed.