3 Post – 506 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Me: “Reading the technology community will be safe before bed”

OP: “Nah.”

Induction stoves are no joke. Had one in a ski condo I rented and it boiled water faster than I could grind the coffee beans! Threw my whole routine off!

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This has happened so many times it's almost a cliche. People who do this are mentally ill. It's like cosplaying as a Nazi.

I use Cloudflare as my registrar and public DNS. And only for that. Sorry but they don't get to peek at my network traffic.

Because most people, including those implementing this shit, have no idea how LLMs work, or their limitations. I see it every day at my job. I have given up trying to patiently explain why they are having issues.

Don’t judge. He has a lot of layers to put on before he goes out in public.

Audio on the Amiga was way ahead of its time. I had a device for my A500 that you could plug in an RCA cable and sample audio. I plugged my VCR into it and recorded all the best lines from Aliens and some other movies and shared them with my friends. Game over man, game over!

And I like to fire up my Amiga emulator and play some of my old mods once in a while. They still sound good.

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They’ve been calling us meatbags since at least 2003.

Linux is waiting for you. You know you want it.

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She is fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked.

How many recalls do they have to do before all profit from cybertruck sales has evaporated?

Haha, I work for one of Microsoft’s biggest customers and they still treat us like shit. Trust me they don’t do favors for anybody. They honestly do not care.

Nothing to forgive, I love hearing about cool stuff people did with their Amigas! Thanks for sharing.

From the article, really buried: "Roiland usually asked people how old they were, if they were single, and if they were “into girls.” In three cases, when the person said they were under 18, Roiland would message them again months or years later. Those three conversations started with people who said they were 16 at the time, and continued for years, until they were 18 and older."

After reading the whole article it doesn't seem like he did anything sexual with anyone under 18. My takeaway is that he's a creep, abuses his fame and power (part of a big club there), he's manipulative, and he plies underage people with alcohol to get them to sleep with him, but it appears he's not a pedo. Or at least smart enough not to get caught.

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One more gentle nudge towards only stupid people reproducing.

But that’s probably the conservative goal. Playing the long game, expanding their base.

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Don't mistake my comment as a defense of him as a person. He's been accused of domestic violence, forced oral sex, and taking advantage of intoxicated women under the drinking age. Despite him getting off on the DV charge, where there's smoke, there's fire. He's obviously a pretty terrible human being.

I just don't like people throwing around 'pedo' unjustly, because it waters it down and takes away the impact when used against even worse monsters.

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The government should never be allowed to put its own citizens to death. The government is not infallible. The government has put innocent people to death.

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The GOP is right, there is a 2 tiered justice system. It tilts in their favor at the moment. Look at all the shit Trump has gotten away with. Look at the light sentences handed down for a majority of the Jan 6 traitors. And they are still bitching about it.

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They are finding the stone is running out of blood.

Friends don't let friends use the cloud enshittified internet services. Stop signing up for subscription services for things that should never have a subscription. Stop giving companies your data. Even if they aren't screwing you over today, they will tomorrow. It happens so often it's just background noise on the news anymore. Just say no to putting your shit on the cloud other people's computers.

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Have the admins of ever given a reason for this decision?

I would very much like to see Meta kneecapped in the Fediverse. They are a blight on the world that needs to be dealt with.

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Where I work they are so fucking stupid they are making everyone go back to the office to 'foster collaboration' but all the seating is random - you sit somewhere new every day, first come first served. What useful tasks am I going to collaborate on with random people from all different parts of the company sitting around me each day? It shows that the executives are just fucking liars and aren't willing to tell the truth, which is that they need people spending money in the cities to help with their portfolios. Or they are just doing what everyone else is doing. Or they're just on a power trip. Or all of the above.

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The only reason his grandkid is still alive is because he wasn't QUITE stupid enough to put live rounds in his 'attention getter'. What a moron.

I've seen a guy shoot his daughter in the leg at a public outdoor range because he cleared a misfire in his handgun incorrectly. She lived, but goddamn. It only takes a second of inattention to kill someone and it happens all the time. These people do not treat firearms with respect. It's not a fucking noisemaker or a penis replacement. It kills, instantly.

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People (guys usually) also answer like this when they are trying to tell you exactly what you want to hear so that you'll sleep with them. They feel like if they give any wrong answer early on, they've lost their chance. It's a very manipulative mindset. He was like a deer in the headlights, not knowing if any answer he gave would be the right answer since he doesn't know her at all yet. So he stalls, hoping she'll drop it.

Or he might just be an idiot.

Either way, drop them and move on to somebody who will be real with you.

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I haven't been back to reddit since a couple days before the protests started, when I knew reddit was going to die and switched over to Lemmy. After reading this news I finally went back today and deleted my account. What a bunch of fuckin idiots in charge over there.

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This is a dumb game of whackamole that they’ll never win.

If you’re affected just switch your dns to Quad9 or something.

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Please make sure this fuckhead is never allowed to touch a firearm for the rest of his life. And give him a few years in a secluded spot to think about what he did wrong.


Responsible Gun Owners

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That wall of shame is called

Why is it whenever a govt shutdown almost anything bad in government occurs it’s because of Republicans?

I didn't used to think like this and I didn't used to be so one sided in my political thinking, but events from 2016 on have turned me into a 100% Democrat voter. I always was for presidential elections but I used to consider more nuance in local elections and actually read the positions before voting. Now I don't even bother. Democrats are not without sin but I'm always going to vote for the party that at least pays lip service to social improvement instead of greed being the core value of the party.

Ranked choice voting and more than 2 parties would be the best situation but until we get that I'm straight down the ballot with the lesser of two evils.

Ahahahaha, the executives don't have to come in to the office.

Obligatory "I was a Windows user for decades until a couple months ago but Microsoft's enshittification drove me to Linux and I have no regrets" post.

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It's not the actor's job to check if a prop is a functional weapon. They have other things to be focusing on.

But since he hired the people and set the policies, he's still responsible.

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Dethrones? No. Not in the sense it will overtake Windows in numbers.

Grows its gamer ‘market share’? Absolutely.

What the fuck is wrong with these people? I’ve made it through my entire adulthood without molesting any children…. WITHOUT EVEN TRYING. It’s real easy, the only thing you have to do is not fuck any kids. Do they need to teach that in church or something?

And they think they can still hold some kind of moral authority? What a sick joke.

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Yeah. I have friends that won't even let their kids walk a quarter mile to school, in one of the safest communities in the entire state. It's insane. The media has put the fear of "but what if..." into so many people.

You've got better odds winning the lottery than what these people are afraid of. Be smart, be savvy, be aware of your surroundings and watch out for the oblivions as you go about your business. But there's no need to be afraid of everything around you.

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Enjoy your six figure settlement, Professor! That won't hurt your retirement plans any.

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I write automation code for devops stuff. I’ve tried to use ChatGPT several times for code, and it has never produced anything of even mild complexity that would work without modification. It loves to hallucinate functions, methods, and parameters that don’t exist.

It’s very good for helping point you in the right direction, especially for people just learning. But at the level it’s at now (and all the articles saying we’re already seeing diminishing returns with LLMs) it won’t be replacing any but the worst coders out there any time soon.

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Tell him you’re shy but you like him and would like to meet him.

Er, I mean, tell your friend to say that.

That's not been my experience. I've been using DDG for years, and when I first switched I would occasionally have to go find something on Google instead. That slowly fell off as the years went by because going to Google and getting better search results became rarer and rarer. It's to the point now where I don't even do it, unless I need to look at something on street view.

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You appear to have completely misunderstood OP. There is no anger or correction of the original comic here.