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Joined 1 years ago

Does anyone not think that?

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Fetterman is what I thought we were finally getting when Pelosi ripped Trump's State of The Union speech up behind his back.

Strikes are working people.

Oh, it's both parties are the same so I'll do nothing guy!

I was thinking the same thing. It's all written in such a way to make people mad and get them to respond. It's like being back on reddit!

Man. So glad NAS is in my computer toy budget next year

I just want to say I don't see why this is getting down voted, this is nostupidquestions, and on top of that, this one is interesting and I'm excited to see peoples insight.

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This is answer number 1. The guy from the Simpsons asks you do to voice work, which I have to imagine isn't as much of a pain in the ass as being filmed.

I think answer 1b is they are also getting paid for said work on a show by a legendary creator.

1c is they are usually themselves, which means there's no confusion as to who the person voicing the character is. It's great for their brand.

When people tell me electric cars will never see mass adoption, I'll remember this.

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There won't be anything meaningful. A payout if there's anyone alive to collect, a slap on the wrist for most people involved, maybe one sacrificial lamb to lose their job but theyll get rehired somewhere close and everyone will keep carrying on.

Torrentleech is a good general tracker. It can be slow to grow ratio, but have most everything commonly.

Not sure about what constitutes a light comedy, but The Righteous Gemstones is a fantastic show I just got turned onto a few months ago. Good news is it just wrapped up season 3, so there's plenty to watch.

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I can fix this for you. Garry Newman is 41 and new is spelled correctly. https://garry.net/

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As a car salesman, this will cost me some money. As a guy who believes everyone should be in a union and have a goodpaying job, go get it boys. Shut it down for as long as it takes.

It's not. I am a red blooded American and see too many officers not held accountable for their crimes. You're just a bootlicker trying to get sympathy for people that aren't sympathetic.

Please give some examples.

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I know that I would be fucking irate if someone stole the ashes of my pet. I don't believe in any sort of afterlife, I know it's just ash and bone fragments and she doesn't really exist anymore. I've never visited a deceased relative grave after a funeral because I feel its a pointless gesture, but for some reason I still go touch the box she's in because it makes me feel better and I still miss her.

I try to be a logical person but if someone took that from me I would raise hell.

I did the same thing with Vizio and it eventually would randomly turn off, or sound wouldn't work or something, you'd call support and they'd tell you that you have to update it. It doesn't make any sense, but I did it and it would work find for awhile again. Thr tinfoil hat in me says they do that to get whatever info they have stored on you.

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For real. In my much younger days and I was out and someone offered me a bump, id do it. Worst case, you snort a little baking soda. These days I'd be so afraid I wouldn't fuck around.

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Man, I hope so. I'll take 10 we'll written episodes over 24 with 10 that are mediocre and 4 that are just filler

Funny you got downvoted for that. It's a favorite tactic of the pro-israel crowd to conflate the government of Israel with the Jewish religion and to say if you criticize the actions of the Nation of Israel the youre also attacking Jews.

Also, here is a great song about this subject for good measure: https://youtu.be/ePYM91_JNg4


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I remember buying a game and you got the whole game. Not a portion of the game with the opportunity to buy more of the game later.

This is just some nonsense. Below average at what? There are probably things you're better than many at, and things that your worse at. How would you quantify if someones existence is average? This is just some drivel to sell a self help book.

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Man, I miss Fuddruckers.

I joined a couple days ago. I decided to just sign up and jump in. Everyone else doing it, why can't I?

As much as I bitch about how sucky albums were in the 90s where you'd get a couple good songs and a lot of garbage, the self title that this single is from is great from end to end. Like fucking fantastic don't miss it if you like this song.

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How long until information from our conversations is recorded and sold to data firms that will in turn use it to sell to us, or hacked and personal conversations exposed.

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Not sure why you're getting shit on. Actually, I do know. Many people think everyone is as tech savvy as they are. It would blow many people's minds they could install an operating system. Their computer comes with it like their iPhone comes with iOS. A lot of people just can't figure things out for themselves. They can google it, but then will see a bunch of crazy commands to copy and paste. And there's a good chance that if they do ask for some help. People will tell them their dumb and should be able to figure things out on their own and that linux is too much for them.

Also, this is from a guy who can use Linux at an average level.

Oh man. It is year 20. I think I made my account like 6 days in. I have a 6 digit steam ID.

I really wanted to but my game kept crashing like right after the part where you create a character. Maybe that has something to do with it.

We were all expecting this, right?

Trump lost Iowa last time to Cruz. And wouldn't you know it, accused him of cheating to win.

Racist homophobic incels.

This may be the most amazing comment in the history of the internet

You have to work to get a 350. I've been selling cars a long time and seen only a couple go that low. We always say on scores like that we couldn't get financed on a dollar with 4 quarters down.

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Imagine living an existence where you can't jerk it to whatever you want.

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Since Diablo. Back when I played on dialup. I'm old.

I'm mostly a punk and emo guy, but see you're more of a hard rock metal guy. I am a fan of Protest The Hero. I feel like it will be up your alley.

I enjoy weed but have anxiety, and weed sometimes makes it worse. However if I'm too high or too anxious,.I'll have a beer or two. I'll still high, a little buzzed and a lot more relaxed.