
13 Post – 352 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

It's amazing how many snowflake comedians start crying about being cancelled and then go on to have numerous netflix specials about it. Almost like they were never actually cancelled in the first place but they learnt that if they said they were enough times, the terminally dim people who enjoy their material will pay money to see their bully fantasies played out on stage by an old rich guy.

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Just a reminder to my American friends that everyone was absolutely positive there was no way Trump would get elected in 2016. You sleptwalked into a near dictatorship because everyone agreed the idea that he could win was a big joke. There's very real possibility that a refusal to believe he can do it again will mean he does do it again. And if he does, I don't think it'll be a near dictatorship you have to live in.

18 more...

Elon: "100% free speech, always!"

MediaMatters: "Here's evidence Musk is an antisemite."

Elon: "I'm suing you for speaking freely!"

Elon is slowly but surely tearing down everything he has created


Maybe pay teachers enough that they don't have to do this if they don't want to?

And if they do want to, how does it affect their efficacy as a teacher?

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It is different. I had cause to go back a week or two ago to look for an old post of mine and I did have a bit of a poke about in my old subs too. It was like a war zone. Blatant no fucks given racism, incel level women hating, transphobia and ableism of the most vitriolic kind. And these weren't just the massive general subs, some of them were niche interest subs where I felt I belonged at the time. Has it changed to become like that since June or was I just so used to it before that that I'd never noticed how toxic it was? Did I just used to shrug and say to myself 'well, that's just reddit'. Literally everyone seemed angry and hateful.

I'm not claiming the fediverse is perfect or free from that sort of shit but either through the practicalities of federation, or better moderation or a smaller userbase or a more mature userbase or a mix of one or more of those things it doesn't feel exclusionary to me. I often see on posts like this some people calling Lemmy a left-wing echo chamber and whilst I do agree there's more people of a left-wing bent on here I think echo chamber is a bit much and is a phrase maybe used by those who live in a country without a functioning left-wing political party. I've not encountered a communist or tankie since Hexbear fucked off back to their kindergarten.

As for the Guardian article, they've fallen into the same trap as I'm concerned the fediverse might fall into by federating with Meta - assuming high numbers equal success or victory. If you have corporate/economics based mindset I can see how that works, but to me success equals a popular, useful community site entirely free from algorithms and other forms of manipulative control. One that isn't gathering data via ads and tracking on its userbase to sell on (lets remember that reddit weren't upset that AI were scraping reddit, they were upset that the company weren't seeing any money from that). A community that grows organically, with all that that implies - sometimes growth might be very slow, it might stop entirely for awhile, maybe even reverse - but the emphasis should be on the people making the community better.

Reddit forgot somewhere along the way that it was the users who made reddit what it was. Look at the stats for r/askreddit - in particular the posts per day and comments per day - look at the trend since 2020. There may well be the same amount of users on reddit, but we all know a certain percentage of them are bots and even if they weren't, just looking at those two graphs tells you everything about people's level of interest in participating on reddit.

The only thing high user numbers guarantee sites like reddit is ad revenue. Nothing else.

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Read the headline: yes mate, she is.

Read the post: Perfectly understandable, carry on.

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Clearly incorrect as no one would be sad.

  1. If you get kicked from an instance, upon joining a new instance, make your first post a furious comment on the admins/mods/hivemind of the instance that kicked you, completely forgetting we can all see the modlog.
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Maybe not right now, but when shareholders start demanding action over NSFW subs or subs that discuss illegal activities or subs that discuss the evils of capitalism or subs that just aren't profitable and those subs start getting shuttered, then they will.

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Before you get annoyed with Foster over a cherry picked BBC article, read the much more in depth Guardian piece they lifted quotes from. It'll give you much more context.

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The only way this story could be more American was if it had been a child dolphin, in a public school.

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Today in bizzaroworld, asking for context demonstrates bias and unfounded opinion.

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Outsmarting Piers Morgan is about as difficult as obeying gravity.

An actual life sentence for being the victim of rape.

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Using 'female' in that context does give off, at best, vibes of someone who doesn't have much contact with women. Feels like someone classifying an unfamiliar species, rather than referring to an actual person.

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I'm not American but what's happening in the US and what will happen when/if Trump gets re-elected definitely worries me. It's difficult not to sound overly dramatic or hyperbolic about the situation but it really does feel like the US is uncomfortably close right now to a christofascist state. And if you just rolled your eyes at that word, take a look at who's currently second in line to the US presidency.

If Trump does win, I really fear for American democracy. Do you really think a man who encouraged an armed insurrection to support a subversion of an election will pause to think twice about removing the few rights large sections of America currently have? And if the process prevents him, do you think he'd think twice about dismantling the process? At gun point if necessary?

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  1. This story is about a Channel 4 appointment, nothing to do with the BBC.
  2. It's not C4 who have rejected her, they wanted her - it was the gvmt who told C4 they couldn't appoint her.
  3. She's the 3rd recent veto of a non-white appt by the gvmt
  4. The gvmt provided no reasons for the rejection

He's campaigning. A large part of the country love this sort of behaviour and if it costs him a few mill well then donations will take care of that.

Is it possible to (at least temporarily):

  1. Turn off instance image hosting (disable pictrs)
  2. Disallow image and video posts across all communities
  3. As in Firefish, turn off caching of remote images from other instances.

whilst longer term solutions are sought? This would at least ensure poor mods aren't exposed to this shit and an instance could be more positive they're not inadvertently hosting CSAM.

Unless a characters race or gender or ethnicity or (dis)ability is a key component of either their arc or the story as whole (e.g. the plot depends on it), who the fuck cares who's playing who? I saw the same thing happen when the Dune movie had the Liet-Kynes character portrayed by a black woman. It makes absolutely zero difference to the story what gender or race Liet-Kynes was and she was really good anyway.

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Reddit was created as a Digg clone so there were no sub's and no comments, just links to up/down vote.

A lot of those links were scraped in an effort to make it seem popular. Both Aaron and Spez have admitted that.

Markets are greedy and never satisfied. A fracturing of services has led to situation where it's impossible for the average person to be able to afford all the streaming services they need in order to watch their stuff. And even if they could, they now have to pay extra to exclude adverts - the lack of which was a major selling point for streaming services. Pay extra to watch in high quality and no matter what service you use and what content you've bought - music, TV, books, movies. games - it's all stuffed full of DRM that can literally remove the media from your devices. You don't even really own the stuff you've bought.

So yeah, I fully appreciate why some people pirate stuff.

Capitalist governments are pro-finance, not pro-people. Totalitarian gvmts (China etc) are pro-system, not pro-people. They're just different ways of maintaining classes of people who control the power/finances.

There's always been an uber-rich elite, all the way from the first tribal chieftain or Pharaoh or whatever until now and there's always been a huge underclass of the rest of us. The first law of any hierarchy is to protect the people at the top.

What we see today (in Westernised countries) is the natural, logical progression of economics driven democracy. Economic theorists say wealthy people create wealth by purposefully distributing it via jobs etc but in reality they do everything possible to minimise the loss of what they see as their money by abusing labour laws, privatising everything, trying to kill unions, creating convoluted laws to protect their fortunes, avoiding taxes and hiking prices up to the point most of us are just about surviving with enough carrot to ignore or pretend we don't see the stick.

And we're willing participants in that system. We know this is happening but we're dazzled by lotteries holding out the chance to join the rich, promises of work making us rich and a media which lionises the elite as some kind of fabulous aspirational status to the point we have people on social media faking a rich lifestyle for internet points.

The uber rich believe they're better than us and our acquiescence with this system really means we agree with them.

18 more...

The UK political cycle:

  1. Tories elected because they made people think Labour were bad with money
  2. Tories stay in power for a couple of decades
  3. Rich people get richer, public services get shitter, prices for everyone else get higher. They coast along on a tide of right-wing populism for awhile
  4. Eventually people catch on, Tories get voted out
  5. Labour need to spend a fortune getting things back on track. Might get two terms.
  6. Go to 1.
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You'll start to decay, flies and maggots will infest you. When the smell reaches animals, they'll eat the meat. During that process the bones will get scattered. Insects will pick the bones clean and anything organic left (the bone fragments themselves) will eventually break down.

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In my own personal experience, Nextcloud;

  • Needs constant attention to prevent falling over
  • Administration is a mess
  • Takes far too long to get used to its 'little ways'
  • Basics like E2EE don't work
  • Sync works when it feels like it
  • Updating feels like russian roulette
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Did you miss the part where you told him asking for context meant he was biased? And they're only assumptions if this was the first time this comedian had ever done a netflix special making trans people the butt of his jokes. Once someone has form for it, and we know he's done it again, they're no longer assumptions, they're a reasonable inference.

It's an isolationist policy. The US military doesn't have military bases/presences across Europe (and elsewhere) out of the goodness of its heart or to protect Europe. They also do it because their military realises that its much, much better to have bases somewhere where they can strike an international enemy quickly from. It's a militarily mutually beneficial arrangement.

So, the US would lose that early strike capability. They'd also lose all the intelligence benefits having people on the ground brings with it. Also, should it happen and Europe was successfully invaded, US businesses would either temporarily or permanently lose access to one of their biggest trade export blocs and a large amount of access to imports too.

Gates: "I'm at least 1% less evil than these two sociopaths."

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I mean, doing anything to anybody without either their knowledge or permission is about as unethical as it gets.

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There might be no benefit to you but the people who would be the direct targets of every hate group like LibsOfTikTok currently active on Threads probably feel a bit differently.

This is in no way a knee-jerk reaction to a hypothetical alarm. Meta have directly contributed to a genocide and allow hate groups to grow unchecked on Threads. It blows my mind that the fediverse - itself built as a series of alternatives to shitty companies doing shitty things - thinks the harm Meta will do is hypothetical and unproven.

The benefits to not federating are many, but the best one, in my opinion, is not exposing current fediverse users who will be targeted to those who will target them.

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There was a news article a day or two ago about a pensioner vandalising a statue of Thatcher. I feel the same way about this act as I did that - good on the perpetrator.

Unless a work of art is housed somewhere meant to cause reflection on all the actions a person took in their full context which includes making clear the problematic acts of the subject, they shouldn't be somewhere clearly meant to commemorate them. And if they are, then they're fair game.

And the part you left out - just before the 'victim created an incident', the male called her a n-word - twice - , then pushed her hard.

Musk: "Scumbags of the world are welcome on my platforms!"

Also Musk: "Let me put this device in your brain."

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I believe they do, yes. It's done to out anti-trans people, making them easy to spot as they complain loudly about being forced to.

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I try to ease up on the c word when I think I might be replying to an American because I'm aware it has pretty hideous connotations over there.

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Not really. Disagreement, even angry disagreement, but only hexbear did I find truly toxic.

Conversely, I had to use reddit recently (to find an old post) and I don't know if its because I haven't been there for months and I'd forgotten how bad it is or if it is actually worse but fucking hell it was like a war zone.

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If she's a good therapist she'll be feeling awful she couldn't make it. I'd wait to hear her out before making any judgement on either her no-show or her as a therapist/person. It's highly unlikely to be a personal slight, whatever it is, and if it's not personal then there's no need to develop a thick skin.

Whilst I completely understand why you, as private individuals with limited income and not a huge org that has high priced legal teams on call, have made this decision (I think people forget that it costs money just to defend yourself in court, irrespective of how accurate or legal the charges might be), this is about the 3rd or 4th time that the Admin team have communicated and taken action very, very poorly.

It's really not a difficult thing to do. A post such as this either before or immediately after taking such important actions. I realise you're all busy people with real life stuff to do too but surely you tell new Admin's when they're onboarded that momentous decisions that affect a lot of people must be communicated to the members immediately?

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