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Joined 1 years ago

The sheer amount of pro-communist/pro-china comments is insane here. Plus the number of giant emojis that spam up the whole comment feed. Honestly, most of my real issues come down strictly to Hexbear users. A lot of their behavior completely ruins the platform for me.

That and the lack of fanbases for the things I like. There's very little Star Wars or Halo fan presence here. Feels like Star Trek is the only fandom with any presence here, so I have to go back to reddit for those things.

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By the time you're 20 you'll be using Arch Linux and self-hosting everything!

Film photography. Started with a camera I got for free, and $20 worth of film. Quickly spiraled into many cameras that I bought or inherited, and so much money on film and development

Heck yeah

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Question, where did you find a phone that isn't run by an ad company?

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Another bump for Proton. My wife and I share an account with a few different addresses each going to their own folder. (One for me, one for her, one for shopping, one for spam, etc) Their VPN is great too and includes ad/tracker blocking.

Sacrifice a few extra bits and you can do floating point arithmetic on your fingers too

I've been using Photoprism. Single-user is fine for me. I see lots of people switching to immich, but haven't checked it out myself.

Photoprism supports sharing albums via link to people who don't have accounts. Mine is remotely accessible using Tailscale. I would like to set up proper remote access via DNS, but haven't made that leap yet, I'm too nervous about opening ports up.

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A year or so I turned off targeted ads from Google. I very quickly noticed an increase in ads with anime tiddies.

I guess Google sees a correlation between people who worry about privacy, and people who are likely to click on anime tiddies...

I think the idea here is that if mods are bad on, say,, everyone can just leave and make or wherever. There should be more competition here, at least in theory. Time will tell how well it actually works.

TandoorRecipes is a great little recipe-hosting service, and it's available as an app on Unraid. No more saving recipes in my notes app, I actually have nicely-formatted ingredient lists and instructions.

Finally, an emoji that's worth being that big

It was about a year ago. A lot of upper management departed. They brought in the guy who used to be in charge of MCC to be the new studio head.

It took a few months to start seeing an impact, but it's been pretty much constant wins since about Season 4 launched. Only L's have been monetization stuff, like the shop prices increasing and battle passes still being pretty weak.

There's a really good third-party Photoprism app on F Droid. So much nicer than using the web app.

343 has been full of W's ever since the new management took over. We love to see it.

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In my opinion it is very good these days. Almost all of the major problems at launch have been resolved. There's a ton of game modes and maps. They added firefight, forge, custom games, infection, and there are like 15 different playlist to choose from.

They're actively working on networking improvements (three playlists use the new netcode currently, and they're using that to test how well it works before making the whole game use it).

Cosmetics are in a much better place than at launch. There are a ton of options and a lot of things work on every armor set.

The biggest issue imo is still the battle pass system. Limited time events (like the Christmas event) replace the season pass if you don't buy the paid version, so there isn't much to unlock at a given time unless you pay. But, paid passes never expire, and you can go back and buy old passes, and most passes contain enough credits to buy another pass, so it's basically a one-ti.e fee.

If you don't like Halo, nothing has changed that will make you like it. The game plays like it did at launch in terms of gunplay and movement. But the overall experience is in a much better state than at launch

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Ori And The Blind Forest is definitely up there

I mean, there's a lot of pretty bad memes here too. But a lot of good shit posts too

10 minute burner emails are such a godsend.

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What version of Android are you switching to? Fairphone with /e/?

I use banking apps and such on my phone so I'm hesitant to switch to anything other than the latest official Android release I can get

Halo 3 Game Fuel needs to be S tier but other than that idc

Problem is I like c/piracy. I don't pirate much, but I do everything I can to avoid ads, and i self-host a lot of stuff, so there's a lot of overlap between my interest and the content there.

The smell of Greek Yogurt

Any recommendations for a Zigbee hub to use with HomeAssistant? I'm planning to make the switch now that Hue is doing this

Exactly the same for me. Choosing an instance based on values, content, or location is so lame. I chose my instance based on the funny name.

This is my biggest pet peeve. One data point can't be exponentially more than one other data point without context.

If people still want to sound "smart" because they used a fancy math word, you can say "orders of magnitude more experienced."

I'm nervous about how long it'll be until those stop working

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I think this is the best answer here. The theatrical Palace scene had such a good tone, they totally ruined it when they added Jedi Rocks.

I'm one of those Linux Die-hards (well, I use Pop! so I guess I can't be that die-hard) so I actually enjoy the privacy/FOSS discussions, but totally see how it would be annoying.

But yeah I've slowly been moving back to Reddit in-browser because of the spam and the lack of communities here. I won't be caught dead using their app though. If they disable mobile web I'll either stop using Reddit again or find a way around it.

This is a fair point. Forgeable AI is pretty sweet but it's not a replacement for proper campaign expansions unfortunately

This was definitely going to be my answer too