
0 Post – 90 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Banning abortion doesn't stop abortion, it just shifts it to a black market where women are far more likely to die.

What does demonstrably reduce abortion to effectively insignificant levels is better sex education and easy access to contraceptives.

Prohibition has never worked. Education always has.

29 more...

Feeling sick for a day or two after the vaccine is a small price to pay to avoid long COVID. Some people never recover, see Physics Girl on YT.

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It's a hell of a lot easier to disable than it is to enable, especially if you're not disabled. It's a minor inconvenience once for us, but enabling it could be exceedingly difficult to overcome for someone else.

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In what fucking world does that level of harassment justify possibly taking a life? Yes, fuck these shitty YouTube/TikTok prank content creators, but if someone is harassing you like this you call security, or you call the cops. No reasonable human being should think that level of force is justified for that offense. I say this as a lifelong gun owner and someone who sat on a jury and voted to acquit someone who fatally shot another person in self-defense.

There's plenty of situations where deadly force is reasonable. This one isn't it, chief, and it's a real bad hill to die on for gun owners.

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Lemmy is a much closer analog to Reddit than Mastodon is for Twitter. While Mastodon has similar basic functionality to Twitter, it lacks a lot of the features that make it easy to find new content and new people to follow.

Pair that with some very polished third-party mobile reddit apps with large, loyal followings transitioning to Lemmy and it became way easier to abandon reddit for Lemmy than it was to leave Twitter for Mastodon. I'm a huge open source supporter, but the average user doesn't care about FOSS or open source software. They want something that looks nice and just works.

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To be clear, the text in the bottom half of this meme is 100% accurate, though rarely, if ever, spoken out loud. When you approached The Hole, you'd briefly exchange glances with the other diggers, they'd nod, silently acknowledging a new ally and, without a word, affirming "you know what to do."

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I'm a huge Linux supporter. I maintain an infrastructure of thousands of Linux servers, don't have a single Windows install. My work laptop runs Linux, the only one in the company not on Windows or OS X. I have a mini-PC proxmox setup running a bunch of VMs for different services like pihole, FoundryVTT, NVR, etc. I use Linux for everything except my gaming PC.

And even I find the Linux fanboys absolutely intolerable. Go ask a question in @tech and any possibility of an actual helpful answer is drowned by hundreds of "Install Linux" comments that are all up voted to the top. The entirety of some of the most popular communities are completely worthless because of zealots like them.

Get the fuck out of here with your Tucker Carlson "I'm just asking questions" bullshit. The little kids table is to the left of the soft serve machine.

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This is the way. The butts sacrifice themselves for the greater good.

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I agree with what you're saying for the most part, but for a population the size of Australia with 1000 respondents, a 99% confidence level has a margin of error of 4% which is perfectly acceptable. Unless the survey targeted very specific demographics versus a random sample, it should be very accurate.

What part of buying a textbook for $250 then selling it back in like-new condition to the same retailer for $20 three months later is bad for the consumer?

Not just taxes, they want all the benefits of society without contributing to it at all. They want to be able to do whatever they want without consequence. They're literal freeloaders pretending to be "free people."

There's a VERY big difference between "pain relievers", NSAIDs, and "pain killers" which are opioids. NSAIDs are effective and safe if used properly.

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I said living wage, homie, not minimum wage. I think everyone should be paid at least a living wage, I just said tipping in general isn't bad - it just shouldn't be used to supplement poor wages.

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Good old American healthcare!

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I switched from Spotify because their personalized mixes and radio stations stopped letting you thumbs down songs. I got sick of hearing the exact same crap on my mixes. And no matter how many times I fucking skipped it, my metal mix would always play Mother by Danzig early in the playlist. No matter what I actually listened to, my "personalized" mixes always had the same crap on it. Thumbs down a song on a mix or radio on YT Music? It goes away forever.

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What fucking conversation do you think you're a part of? Because you're clearly not reading my comments before responding to them.

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What a fucking nostalgia bomb. Haven't been a part of the scene for a very long time, so seeing RAZOR 1911 in the hex triggered a flashback. They were huge back when I was running a "warez" BBS as a kid in the 90s.

The teacher will make millions from the settlement, paid squarely out of the pocket of working Floridians. And despite that, half the state will continue voting for politicians and supporting police whose actions have no real consequences for them - the tax payers will foot the bill for their actions. Until we start hitting these people in their own pocket books and pensions, their behavior won't change.

You're being very pedantic about something very unimportant. Sometimes it's best to just let it go.

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Where did you read this nonsense? The COVID vaccines are FAR more effective at preventing illness and death than the flu shot. The things we learned about mRNA vaccines made for COVID will be used to improve the flu shot and other vaccines in the future. There is quite literally no reasonable argument against the vaccines. They're extremely safe and extremely effective.

As a lifelong gun owner, you clearly have no understanding of how firearms work and should probably seek out a firearm safety course if you own guns. Please stop spreading dangerous misinformation about firearms. The shit that just came out of your mouth would never be said by a responsible gun owner.

A responsible gun owner always errs on the side of caution. They know that discharging their weapon is an absolute last resort. They also know how loud a 9mm is when fired in an enclosed space, and that even if miraculously in a shopping mall there was no one down range of his shot, it very likely damaged the hearing of nearby bystanders.

Love this logic by them. If I commit a crime in a state I'm not a resident in, they can't touch me! She headed up Trump's businesses while he was in office and those businesses are heavily entrenched in NYC.

Eh? RCS is an open standard. Yes, you're basically required to use Google's RCS endpoints at this point unless you want to host your own, but it's far superior to SMS. Apple made their own proprietary version in iMessage instead, so you have iPhones on iMessage and every other phone in the world on RCS.

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They're ok with an entire subset of American kids being oppressed because "overall not that many people will be impacted." What a fucked up take. These shitheads have zero empathy until something affects them directly.

Why the fuck you roasting a turkey upside down? You want nice crispy golden skin on the back and gooey white skin on the actual edible parts?

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If the report is accurate, there's absolutely no way a reasonable person could see that level of force as justifiable. You walk the fuck away, you go to security, or if none of that works, you call the cops. Imagine thinking that possibly taking someone's life is a reasonable response to them waving a phone in your face and making pretty soft insults.

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I mean we use US customary and metric too, but US customary measurements aren't always the same as Imperial.

1 US pint = 16 US fluid ounces

1 British pint = 20 British fluid ounces

But wait!

1 British pint = 19.2 US fluid ounces

Would you like to know more? Probably not, but anyways: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_the_imperial_and_US_customary_measurement_systems

It absolutely does not justify that. You are not suddenly immune from the damage you cause because you were defending yourself. If you don't pay attention to what's down range and put a bullet through a kid's head, your negligence caused a death and you will absolutely be charged with manslaughter at the very least. Most people don't realize how loud firearms really are. Discharging a firearm inside an enclosed space without hearing protection can permanently damage hearing, so he could have easily permanently injured a lot of bystanders.

And it's easily decoded when you have the keys which, based on every other department that uses them, won't take long to leak or be cracked.Lot of folks use SDR setups on a PC to decrypt and stream police and fire radio to a service like Broadcastify

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A lot of the hate was undeserved, IMO. Besides one absolutely hilarious bug where I called my ride in an odd place, and another where part of a mission didn't trigger so I had to reload the last Autosave which was about 30 seconds back, the game ran well for me and a lot of friends at launch. And CDPR responded quickly and had patches out within a week fixing most of the gameplay affecting bugs.

I typically judge games pretty harshly, and my only experience with CDPR prior was Witcher 3, which dropped with some bugs but was patched within a week, and really didn't understand the level of shade CDPR received.

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They would have to argue that sex and gender are not the same thing in court, under oath. It's been a longstanding argument for the GOP that they are the same. And if they argue biological sex and gender are not 1:1, then they're acknowledging that a different gender identity than one's birth sex is possible, and setting that precedent immediately takes the wind out of a lot of their arguments on transgender folk.

Block those communities or ask the admins of your instance to defederate if there's not much redeeming content from the offending instance(s).

No, Apple can begin supporting RCS and play nice with other phones (not just Android) using a modern, encrypted, and open messaging platform. But they choose to fall back to SMS intentionally in order to market their devices as superior.

Yup, this is why you should always sign up using a credit card, never your debit card or bank. You can issue a chargeback online pretty easily with most credit card companies these days, it won't affect your credit, and the money never leaves your bank account.

The majority of Americans care...at least they should. Jan 6th is nothing compared to what his cultists would do if he was assassinated.

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Eventually, but it starts with Googling and trying a bunch of other example code and failing miserably.

Brand new previous year models go on sale for that cheap every year when new models are released. If you want a killer deal on a brand new car, start looking at the handful of 2023 models still sitting on lots now that 2024 models are out.

Assuming that's about a 60 mile commute and they average 30 miles per gallon, that means it costs your friends 1/8th of their income just to drive to work.

2 gals x $4/gallon x 2 trips = $16. That's one hour of their eight hour shift that they have to work just to be able to work.

That's if they get 30mpg. At 20mpg, it costs them $24, or 1.5 hours of work just to afford to get to work.

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So we're in agreement then? Why are you lighting me up when we're clearly on the same side? You need to learn to recognize an ally and save the anger for someone who deserves it, or you'll find yourself without any allies.

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