12 Post – 678 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Your concern is that a breach of the site's data may leak some information about you that you wouldn't want to leak, yes?

If so, and if you can still use similar methods to navigate the site in question, use those methods to edit your account/profile details to scrub the account of anything that you wouldn't want to leak. Change it to use a fake name. Change the email address to somthrowaway email address. Change the password to something unrelated to any passwords you could possibly use on any other sites so that if the hash is leaked and brute forced, no one can use that to gain access to any of your other accounts. Delete individual posts or pieces of content that you've uploaded.

Actually, I can read (barely) enough Japanese to figure out that the registration process seems to only want your email address and password. (Though I haven't gone through the whole signup process.) You mentioned uploading a file, yeah? I'm guessing the amount of stuff you'd have to do to overwrite/delete every bit of data they have on you is pretty limited.

And, yes, I suppose there's the potential caveat that that might not affect backups and such, but I'd wager a lot of the other account deletion requests you've done don't affect things like backups either.

I think having a way to delete accounts is legally required by some jurisdictions. And sometimes if a site does business in such a jurisdiction and are required to have a way to do that, they'll still offer that option those outside the jurisdictions in question. (It's easier to just allow everyone who asks than to have rules keeping track of who can and can't legally demand it.)

But if this is an image board hosted in Japan intended for a Japanese audience, and if Japan has no such legal requirements (or if such requirements don't apply here for some reason), then, your experience with websites that operate in/for countries where they speak your language(s) notwithstanding, it's highly plausible this site just doesn't have any way to delete accounts.

Well, yeah. It's OpenSea. That's like saying "76% of videos on Pornhub are porn."

From the content of this thread, I'm betting there's a lot of selection bias going on. The ones who don't scroll past. The ones who do post.

And I'll follow that pattern. I still live with my mother. Never moved out. Live in the same house I was raised in. But my mother was never really financially stable. My grandmother with whom my mother and I lived... well, she managed to keep us housed and fed with credit card debt, which honestly worked out very well.

Anyway, I was kindof the only person who really made much of an income in my household and have been financially supporting my parents for decades now. (Though my grandmother passed on a few years back and left me a life insurance policy.)

I'm 37 now.

Windows, I will always remember it being the best thing for business’s as Microsoft pushes licenses and such business related features.

Most businesses I'm familiar with deserve to have to deal with Microsoft BS.

Their healthcare system is insane (sorry Americans but it is)

Don't apologize! If anything that's an understatement. And everything else you said is on point too.

Source: Am American.

How is this getting upvotes?

If anyone's fooled, the video is edited from the original. In the original, the old man yells the word "mom".

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There's a reason why they call it a "suicide".


(I hope any Buddhists here find that as hilarious as I do.)

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I think that's just how every Rust developer learns Rust.

Bitcoin. I mined some (might've even been on my CPU at the time) back when it was easy to mine it. Not a ton, but enough that now I have to explain that despite thinking blockchain is just straight up a scam, I do have some Bitcoin in a wallet on my hard drive somewhere. (That I've never done anything with.)

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Yup. I can. I have around 1/20 of a Bitcoin, so the amount I have should be worth about $3,000 USD (unless the price has crashed since I started writing this post. 😈)

Cashing it in would make me feel dirty. It's basically just handing the bag to the next bagholder. (Though, I'm not really a baholder per se. I'm not really invested to speak of. The only investment I made to get this Bitcoin is to leave my computer on for like a month or less.) Feeding the ponzi monster, as it were.

But then again, it's $3,000.

As much as I hate myself for admitting it, the possibility that the price will climb a little higher is probably part of why I didn't trade it for real money back in late 2021 when the price of a Bitcoin was so high.

But, yeah, you're probably right I should just sell it. Maybe I'll just make whoever I sell it to promise they're not giving me next month's rent or their kids' college fund. Lol.

Edit: Ok. You've inspired me to make a post asking other crypto-skeptics what I should do with it.

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Don't post the Down The Rabbit Hole documentary on Furries. Don't post the Down The Rabbit Hole documentary on Furries. Don't post...

Dammit, I posted it.

(I'm sorry SavvyWolf... For everyone here, that documentary doesn't paint an entirely representative picture of the furry community as a whole.)

Wait, for real?

On the chance that you're serious, this should tell you way more than you'd ever want to know about furries. (And if you aren't sated by the time you're finished reading that article, there's a link to the page "Furry Convention" in the first paragraph.)

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Where's the love for SatansMagottyCumFart?

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Never have I acquired a bit of head canon so quickly and permanently.

Nope. But that's also not as big a deal as a lot of folks make it.

Also, he's far from the only important(?) historical(?) figure we can't prove ever existed.

You've heard this, haven't you?

It's more... "up-beat" than what you posted, but the vibe isn't 100% dissimilar.

If it makes you feel any better, I decided earlier today to experiment with "castnow", a command-line program for casting to a Chromecast device.

I grabbed the url of a video off of, used wget on a box I was ssh'd into to download the video, and then ran my "castnow" command to cast it to the Chromecast.

I got a progress bar and current/total time on the TV, but aside from that only a black screen and no audio.

I tried getting the latest version of "castnow" from the Git repo. I tried transcoding 7 different ways with FFMPEG. A bunch of things.

Finally, copied the video to my local machine and ran it in mpv.

The video itself was solid black with no audio and the page had comments on it saying "why is there no video or audio?"

I tried a different video and it worked fine.

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Therapy. It's clear this is causing you problems in your life. And that's exactly what therapy is for.

ChatGPT is a revolution in surrealism.

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Here are just some of the practices that are being misused as evidence of terrorist behavior:

– the use of applications such as Signal, WhatsApp, Wire, Silence or ProtonMail to encrypt communications;

– using Internet privacy tools such as VPN, Tor or Tails;

– protecting ourselves against the exploitation of our personal data by GAFAM via services such as /e/OS, LineageOS, F-Droid;

– encrypting digital media;

– organizing and participating in digital hygiene training sessions;

– simple possession of technical documentation.

Welp, guess I'm a terrorist then.

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If a senator's honor is impugned by another senator to the point that it is beyond repair and in order for the offended senator to gain satisfaction, such senator may rectify the perceived insult to the senator's honor by challenging the offending senator to a duel.

The Republican who introduced this bill did so because his feelings were hurt. Wait, who are the snowflakes again?

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Obligatory "install Linux" post.

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OpenAI will steal a whole internet worth of everybody's data to train their large language model, but gets pissed when others do the same to them.

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In my economics 101 gen ed course back in college, I remember a story about some society somewhere that used boulders as currency. But they were such a pain to lug around that often times they wouldn't move them. They'd just keep track of who owned which boulders. "I'll give you one boulder for a cow." "Ok, it's a deal." "Cool, cool. The boulder over in so-and-so's field is your now. Pleasure doing business with you."

There was even a case where someone tried to transport a boulder across a lake but the boat sank midway and the boulder ended up on the lakebed under many feet of water. But they kept exchanging the boulder as currency for goods and services.

I'm imagining a dystopian Idiocracy-like future where Bitcoin has deleted itself, but people still trade seed phrases on slips of paper or pressed into metal plates with a "there's 7 whole Bitcoins in this wallet. Trust me bro."

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Why would I want my lab-grown carrots to be carrot shaped exactly? As someone who eats quite a lot of carrots, I'd rather have my lab-grown carrots be rectangular-prism shaped for easy stacking.

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Reddit used to be a pretty cool thing. And it still has a lot of good information. But I always feel dirty when I do resort to searching Reddit for information.

Aaron Swartz would be appalled.

I'm more surprised that the folks at OpenAI saw fit to fire him than I am that he committed fireable offenses.

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This account is being.

Very trippy/psychedelic digital art with eastern religious connotations. The Buddha in the background overlooks a humanoid figure in a golden bubble in the lotus position with sanskrit writing on their forearms and neon-colored roots growing from their legs.

This is what Wilby is for.

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You know how when your coworker leaves their desk and forgets to lock their computer, you change their desktop wallpaper to Oompa Loompas or whatever?

This is the new that.

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Won't someone think of the landlords.

I hope the "/s" is superfluous here, but:


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En PISSant.

The same bull logo in the original image inverted. Upside-down, it does indeed look like a robot violating a crab.

Just to save folks from having to google for it like I just did.

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Covid causes loss of smell. Spikes in bad reviews of Yankee candles correspond with covid spikes. Not because of anything wrong with the candles. Because of something wrong with people's schnozzes. Specifically loss of smell due to covid.

Aside from what everyone else has said, also:

The "The Simpsons" "so far" meme where Bart says "this is the worst day of my life" and Homer "helpfully" responds "this is the worst day of your life so far." Only this one is captioned with "never mind it just opens the CD-ROM drive" and "it just opens the CD-ROM drive as far as you know."

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"Thank you for calling the U.S. nuclear arsenal command system. To launch nuclear missiles, press one. Para Español, marque dos."

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Here's one nobody has mentioned yet. Hasbro. Owner of Wizards of the Coast which recently tried to massively fuck over D&D players and sent hired mercinaries (literally Pinkertons) after one of their Magic: The Gathering players for something that totally wasn't the player's fault.

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