3 Post – 433 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm also disabled. We tend to refer to this as the "disability tax". Anything that could potentially be billed to insurance or for which there are no other options is incredibly expensive. If we can't afford it or don't have insurance, we're always welcome to go die under a bridge somewhere. Gotta pay for the owner's yacht.

Testicular torsion. As a teenager, I woke up early in the morning with the worst back and stomach pain I had ever felt in my life. I remember thinking I might be sick, vomiting, then passing out from the pain. My parents found me later that morning because I was delirious and moaning. They took me to the hospital and it was fixed.

Just kidding! My parents are shit bags so they told me I just had the flu and I was being dramatic. After my testicle swelled up to over double the size later that day, they called our family doctor who said I probably had a hydrocele and he'd look at it when he got back from vacation. For the record, mine was textbook testicular torsion, my doctor was as idiotically negligent as my parents.

The pain again became excruciating that evening and I was exhausted from lack of sleep, so I started yelling and demanding my parents take me to the hospital, which they did the next morning. There was TV to be watched, they couldn't bother with taking care of their children. The ER determined my testicle was quite dead. Surgery was scheduled for that evening and I've had one testicle since. Get fucked, mom and dad.

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I would argue that Israel is killing civilians so they can move colonists in to replace them. It's been their MO for about 100 years.

Seriously. If these "media pros" are actually concerned, it appears my personal server adheres to higher standards than their industry.

Yep, but he's rich. I fully expect nothing to happen.

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Yowza! That's a lot of easily disproven misinformation. You do realize you're on the Internet, right? You can actually look up the things you're claiming and verify they're not true.

They took her comment grossly out of context for effect. The actual quote was...

“Can someone please tell the freedom fighters in Palestine to flip their phones and film horizontal."

Yeah, pretty tasteless, but it's not what the article makes it out to be. She's largely getting dragged for openly criticizing Israel's genocide and the media is skewing the situation to make her look worse. Can't have the masses questioning the party line and all.

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Oh man, this is so beautiful to see. Unity can get fucked.

I think people are misinterpreting your comment as "the Nazis originated from leftists" versus what I think you meant, that the Nazis went after leftists first after getting into power.

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You can save $1000 a month? Damn!

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Please stop spreading misinformation. You're on the internet. Kindly fact check yourself in the future. It's better for everyone, including you!

I'd imagine an increasingly hostile world economy coupled with a then-looming but now beginning climate crisis might have a huge impact there.

It'd be bad. Real bad. An algae bloom of massive proportions. It has one huge issue.

Enough algae to make the rivers run green will use up enough oxygen at night to kill off fish and oxygen hungry invertebrates, starting a chain reaction of death.

Now you have a river full of dead organisms, so they start decomposing thanks to microbes. You know what many types of bacteria love? Oxygen. So they start using up oxygen, multiplying all the while. Night hits and the algae need to use oxygen, but a bunch die because there's not enough. Now the river is full of literally hundreds, maybe thousands of tons of decomposing matter. The river largely goes anoxic (meaning there's no oxygen) so things start dying left and right. A bunch of those bacteria can live with and without oxygen, so they use up what they can and keep on chugging without.

Now we've moved from aerobic respiration to anaerobic. You know what the primary byproducts of anaerobic respiration are? Organic acids and alcohols, which smell. The river begins to smell like an infected wound. It's no longer green but deep, murky brown from the suspension of decomposing organisms. This continues until the river flushes everything out, but it kills what's downstream as it continues until it hits the ocean, where it likely continues to kill everything in the vicinity until it becomes dilute enough.

I'm a microbiologist and worked with algae and cyanobacteria as an undergrad. Never underestimate the impact of uncountable billions of trillions of living organisms.

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Another quote from the Journal of Rectally Sourced Statistics.

Not really all that different. I have had multiple autistic friends and coworkers. Only two things really stand out and they're absolutely generalizations that are untrue for some people and exist on a continuum for the rest.

First, I find the autistic crowd interrupts people more, sometimes a lot more, and some ramble quite a bit without getting to the point. It can be frustrating for the NTs and I've had to implement conch shell protocols and thought mapping so we can get through meetings and conversations effectively.

Second, the autistic folks tend to be blunter in speech but also often can take things straight. I don't have to dance around issues as much. We put everything out on the table, work through it, then move on.

Edit: I should mention that I'm neurotypical but have CPTSD due to parental abuse. Those with CPTSD can have significant behavioral overlap with autism. Before getting a lot of therapy, I displayed multiple traits often associated with autism, including alexithymia. Thanks Dad!

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I hate it when people downvote questions that aren't obviously sealioning.

I think they're referring to how non-democratic workplaces are the norm in capitalist societies, i.e., the employees who form the vast majority of a business have little to no influence on its operations.

I remember back when someone first ran the idea by me. I initially was confused - that's the way things are, after all! Business owners OWN a business, so they should get to call the shots.

Then I gave it some thought and I began to realize how weird that is. Why should one or a small group of people get to steer the lives of large groups of people with no say in their decisions? For example, if you have a 1000 employee business owned by one person, that single person can make decisions that can result in consequences that strongly affect all of those employees, e.g., reduced income or joblessness, life incompatible changes to work schedule, inhospitable work environments, etc., and face no repercussions from their employees. They're just shit out of luck. It's effectively a mini dictatorship or a part-time fiefdom. This is somewhat antithetical to the premises on which many countries are founded, but many are okay with it because of some combination of it having been the way things have been done and because it directly benefits them.

The response I often hear is "they can just get new jobs". The issue is when businesses are run similarly, they tend to settle into comparable compensation and operation parameters.When the majority of your applicable job market is dominated by similar companies who have settled into similar benefits, having no reason to do otherwise and with many facing investor pressure NOT to do otherwise, moving from one company to the other is just like hopping from one abusive relationship to another: it seems like an improvement, but you're ultimately still tied to yet another scumbag. You can get a new job but, without working to make significant change, you're just repeating the previous cycle.

In this situation, as most businesses are set up to specifically prevent employees from being able to make substantive change to the businesses that employ them, unionization provides a means by which employees can gain sufficient influence to make those changes.

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It's like a cheat code for winning over stupid people. Us social apes instinctually band together against things we feel threaten us. These douchebags just keep crying wolf, then bear, then cougar, then three headed rattlesnake, and the list goes on, and ride that fear to further their careers. A disappointingly large portion of the population never seems to notice how so many of these issues are entirely fictional.

My boss constantly rode my ass about my coming into the office. I'm a consultant and work on site for various clients. I do a lot of driving that is not reimbursed in any way by my company so, whenever I have a break, I prefer to work from home. But no, my boss has set the expectation that any time I have no on site client work, I needed to be at the company office, a 45-90 minute commute each way (depending on traffic).

If I need to drive into an office every day, I'm going to get paid the most I can for it. She took away one of the main perks of my job, so I had no reason to stick around. So I found a new job that pays 50% more and I'll be letting the company know in my exit interview that's the primary driver for finding new employment. Oh, and the best part? I work from home at least one day a week. My previous employer can get fucked.

I'm biased because I'm a scientist, but verifying observations and assumptions through empirical methods is typically a good thing. A lot of people believe "common sense" things that are completely wrong, e.g., that lightning never strikes twice, evolution has some sort of goal in mind, to never go to bed angry, etc.

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There's nothing nonsensical about their comment. Long winded? Absolutely. Do you not agree with it? Probably, but just because you don't like it doesn't make it nonsensical.

But even if it did make no sense, there's no excuse for personal attacks. That's just being shitty.

Don't shit this place up like Reddit. It's not welcome here.

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I'm guessing Hamas operatives were hiding inside them.


I'm super curious how the Israeli propagandist crowd here is going to try to justify this one.

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This picture caused me to unintentionally groan aloud. It's like nails on a chalkboard.

He's a CEO. His job is to guide his company to make money. His actions are actively doing the opposite: he is causing his company to lose money.

While this happens from time to time, a smart, presumably stable CEO reverses course and engages in damage control when this happens. Instead, Musk is doubling down hard, despite knowing full well this is likely to destroy the platform formerly known as Twitter.

Look at it this way. You have an investment banker than handles investing a great deal of your money. You just found out said banker just made a series of awful decisions which caused the investments of several of their other clients to crash. They are unrepentant and refuse to take responsibility, instead telling those involved to go fuck themselves.

Would you want that person to continue to handle your money?

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A big part is because things like the Fediverse are aligned with the goal of Communists. Do away with the profit motive and constant rat race so we can spend time doing and making great things.

Imagine if Facebook wasn’t interested in ad revenue and data gathering but truly sought to keep people connected and to facilitate communication. No bullshit algorithm, no manipulation to keep people doom scrolling.

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That's just disgusting. This is why aliens won't talk to us.

Where exactly are the Palestinians supposed to settle? The Israelis took their land, homes, and businesses, so a great many Palestinians are impoverished. Many can't afford to move. It's not like the Palestinian government can just purchase land and build new cities elsewhere as it's poor too. If the Palestinians were to all move to any other country, they'd largely be refugees, reliant on their host country for food and shelter, which is a huge financial drain. Who is going to take and care for all of them?

And if they were to move, Israel would take over the evacuated area. It'll be enough for awhile, but the population is ever growing. Who will Israel invade next?

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I checked the comments before opening the article and wasn't sure what to expect based on yours.

Holy hell, we really are catering to the lowest common denominator here. It's not that I think we shouldn't, we absolutely should, but our society really should be working harder to keep lowest from being so damn low.

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A median is a value at the midpoint of a frequency distribution, such that the probability of a value being above or below it is equal. A median value is going to be highly dependent on the area - cities with a boom in the building of luxury homes will have a higher median value that may not be indicative of the existence of more affordable housing but, in a larger market with an even vaguely normal distribution of home prices, it should be an indicator of a fairly average (in the non-statistical sense) home. But why take my word when we can test your hypothesis!

For example, the median home value in Portland, OR is $515K with a median household income of $78K, yielding a median home price to household income ratio of 6.60. So lets hop on and look at the first three homes listed at that price, +/- 2%. Look at these McMansions!

$510K for 2500 square feet on 7000 sq.ft. lot built in 1910

$515K for 2,234 sqft on 6,098 sqft lot built in 1992

$525K for a 1542 sqft condo with admittedly nice views of the river

Such luxury! Oh wait, they're just average homes. The largest home in that price range is 2,624 sqft. The smallest is this guy which, while nice, isn't a McMansion. It's a very nice but not luxurious 1200 sqft apartment.

Maybe Portland is a shitty example? How about Gillette, WY? Gillette has a median home value of $390K and a median household income of $72k, yielding a median home value to household income ratio of 5.42. Let's see what's in store!

$390K 2,880sqft 7,200sqft lot built in 2010

$410k 3,002sqft 6,199sqft lot built in 2011

$410k 3,944sqft 6,522sqft lot built in 1975.

The largest in that range is actually my third result, with the smallest coming in at 2706 square feet on 0.31 acres. Check that one out, it looks like they built two houses on top of each other. It's weird looking!

Note: only the first house was close to the median. I had to bump the upper price limit to 5% above median to get more than two results.

You'll get a lot more space for your dollar in Gillette, but a McMansion? They're still lacking the ostentatiousness and cut rate luxury characteristic of the McMansion, so not really. Certainly not the best a man can get.

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You absolutely should not subscribe to a VPN before not visiting any of those sites. I can't recommend or at all, clearly having never used them. They're also useless for circumventing cell network limitations on video quality. Completely useless, otherwise I'd use them to subscribe to a cheaper lower data tier but still get 4k video.

Exhibit ACAB.

Props to the guy who asks if Al Qaeda is woke. These two have to be some of the dumbest people alive.

I haven't used Evernote in at least a decade, I didn't even think they were still around.

I'm poly and am now in a monogamous marriage but was in a few poly relationships prior. I'm 99.5% okay with this.

Poly was fun but had high overhead - there's a certain amount of work required for any relationship and it seems to increase to some extent as you get closer with someone. Two partners was literally double the work, sometimes more. A lot of people thought I was a swinger which always pissed me off. A couple of non-poly girlfriends thought it gave them carte blanche to fuck around on the side while I was staying monogamous for them. Classy.

My very last poly partner was simply horrid and ultimately turned me off to poly. Successful polyamory requires trust and communication. We had been unintentionally monogamous for awhile and it turned out she was not communicating some unfulfilled needs. To be fair, they were valid needs, but I couldn't have known to fulfill them without being told first.

When she and I started dating, we were only seeing each other and had agreed that we'd only consider bringing new people to the relationship if our "core" relationship was solid. That was always my condition in every poly relationship. Years later, without any prior warning, she told me about the issues she had with us and mandated that the only way she'd be willing for us to stay together was if I were to support her starting a relationship with an absolute trainwreck of a human being. He was a socially awkward, late twenties, literally virginal fellow that had never been in a relationship of any kind before and he nailed the cocky, oblivious, "kind of an asshole but projects the blame on you" engineer stereotype on the head so hard you could feel it across county lines. I noped the fuck out so hard. Looking back, my ex had glaring warning signs you could see from space, but I was pretty young and nieve, plus I was madly in love with her even before we started dating. This and an earlier relationship with a narcissistic abuser are the only relationships I regret.

I met my now wife a few months after my ex and I split. She didn't want to do poly and I was pretty burned out on it, so I had no complaints. I do miss it sometimes. I'm a bit of a flirt and I really miss that, the excitement of hitting it off with a new person and all the chemistry and interesting things to learn about them. Still, I wouldn't trade what I have with my wife for all the dates in the world.

Classic Trump supporter here, posting sources that contradict their point as supporting their point because, out of eight statements, one weakly suggested peace while the other seven weakly suggested insurrection.

This is how con men win over the critical thinking challenged crowd.

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Not saying all conservatives have brain damage, but...

There's definitely a correlation between issues with critical thinking and conservatism.

I was coming to ask why she'd punish her own people.

"Free speech absolutist". Right. I intended to write that Musk is a clown, but I like clowns more than him, and I hate clowns.

Turbo Tax is gonna be pissed. Good, fuck them.

Because of TP USA.

I feel now is a good time to pimp our community, !

I had to verify the current situation in the United States is what you stated because it's intuitively so wrong. I can't believe an employer can set terms for compensation and, through no fault of the employee, legally prevent that employee from completing those terms.

Land of the free!