Israel announces 'total' blockade on Gaza

tryptaminev ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ to World – 433 points –
Israel announces โ€˜totalโ€™ blockade on Gaza

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Where exactly are the Palestinians supposed to settle? The Israelis took their land, homes, and businesses, so a great many Palestinians are impoverished. Many can't afford to move. It's not like the Palestinian government can just purchase land and build new cities elsewhere as it's poor too. If the Palestinians were to all move to any other country, they'd largely be refugees, reliant on their host country for food and shelter, which is a huge financial drain. Who is going to take and care for all of them?

And if they were to move, Israel would take over the evacuated area. It'll be enough for awhile, but the population is ever growing. Who will Israel invade next?

Didn't the Palestinians also "evict" all Jewish people? They went to Israel because they were refugees. It was about the same amount of people who fled from both sides. The only difference is that Palestinians grew from under a million refugees to more than 5 million by now. That is why they want Israel. Where would you have the Jewish people go? The Hamas want all Jews gone.

That's the biggest pile of regurgitated Israeli propaganda I've seen yet. People existed in the Palestine area before the beginnings of the formation of Israel. Said formation was largely begun by the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, which resulted in waves of Jewish immigrants into Palestine. Israel was officially created in 1948 by the Israeli Declaration of Independence.

So, to simplify it - Palestinians lived in Palestine. The United Nations declared support for a Jewish "national home" in Palestine, a place already occupied by Palestinians. Lots of settlers moved to the area and began to displace Palestinians, causing tensions between the two groups. Israel declared its Independence in 1948. Supported by the United Nations, Israel continued to displace Palestinians and expand the borders of Israel, evicting Palestinians from their homes to be replaced by Israeli settlers. Rinse and repeat for nearly eighty years, interspersed with Israel playing the victim and acting surprised their continued genocide of the Palestinians has resulted in the formation of terrorist groups.

Can you give me a source for your side on this? Because on Wikipedia they describe it quite differently.

And also, aren't these actual quotes from the Hamas covenant?

Palestine is an Islamic land... Since this is the case, the Liberation of Palestine is an individual duty for every Moslem wherever he may be.

[Peace] initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement... Those conferences are no more than a means to appoint the infidels as arbitrators in the lands of Islam... There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility.

The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.

And so forth. Source:

To me this sounds like a religious motivated anti-semitic war against Jews in general.

Yep, here are articles. As to the motivation for war, it absolutely has antisemitic elements, but I was never disputing or even discussing that. I'm simply refuting the commonly spread propaganda that the Palestinians are somehow ungrateful refugees looking to take the Israeli's land. It's pretty well the other way around.

I'd love to see this Wikipedia article you mention.

And if they were to move, Israel would take over the evacuated area. It'll be enough for awhile, but the population is ever growing. Who will Israel invade next?

That is so bad faith. There is plenty of dessert left to expand into.

Where exactly are the Palestinians supposed to settle? The Israelis took their land, homes, and businesses, so a great many Palestinians are impoverished. Many can't afford to move.

A great start would be to stop all this militant jihad nonsense and concentrate on stability and engaging with the Israeli economy. If you keep having thoughts of causing harm to Israel, why would anyone on their side want to employ you people.

Quit shooting yourselves in the feet.

Lol, "you people". I think we've found an Israeli apartheid supporter.

If there's so much "dessert" to go around, why don't the Israelis fuck off and go there instead? The Palestinians were there first, they're the invaders.

Nope, the Israelis and Palestinians have claims to the region and the Israelis did historically live there during Ottoman times. The Palestinians don't have a better claim than the Israelis.

Also, Israel built infrastructure to make the dessert livable. That's not free.

Palestine lost the war, they should stop being belligerent so that Israel can trust them to not be terrorists. That's the whole reason why there's an apartheid. They've made their bed for themselves.

It's amazing the mental gymnastics that pro-Israel propagandists will go through to justify the genocide of an entire people. By your shitty logic, I should be able to go back to my childhood home, kill a few of the people who live there now, and feel justified moving in with the survivors, taking over a bedroom or two. It was mine before, after all, and I never agreed to sell it to them. I'm not responsible for the actions of my parents, right?

I would then play the victim when the survivors fight back as I systematically drive the rest of the household out and replace them with my friends and family. Then we'd start taking over neighbor's houses. Sure, we didn't live there before, but we're a growing community and I'll play off the retaliation of the first household as indicative of their "sub-human" nature. It was always my house, they were just squatting there so how dare they fight back. When the neighborhood gets fed up with our bullshit and starts burning our houses down, we'll collectively pull a "surprised Pikachu face" - we didn't do anything wrong, there's no way this could have been foreseen, much less prevented!

Edit: thank dog, another propagandist banned.

who lived somewhere hundreds of years ago matters little compared to who lives in a place for the last few generations, as it is those people who get displaced in these kind of things, not the people who lived during the time of the Ottomans

Mhm, so the historical claims of so many countries about this shallow should be at risk too huh.

Also, did we forget that the British promised both Palestine and Israel these lands? Palestine tried to wipe out the Israelis and they and their allies have been on a losing streak ever since. That includes the loss of land in a conflict. You know, consequences.

Frankly, the history of the area is not an excuse in my book. Some child born to Palestinian parents can have had no part in any of that, why should they have to face consequences for the circumstances of their birth?

And yes, I don't buy the whole "our country owned this land a hundred years ago so we should be able to take it and evict the people who grew up and live there now" kind of arguments where they apply to other countries too, but those are not the current subject of argument, Israel and Palestine are.

I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea here, I'm not saying this to defend Hamas or anything, but punishing a civilian population for the actions of a terrorist organization that lives in the area is both morally wrong and foolish, it will drive more of those ordinary people to join the terrorists, out of desperation or desire for revenge.