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Many years ago™ OkCupid actually had a good system, before it revamped itself and got bought by Match (Tinder).

In the old version of the website, you could answer any amount of questions from a huge catalogue of sometimes very obscure and specific questions and look for people who had very similar (or very different) answers overall. You could chat freely with everyone and had the option to look just for (platonic) friends.

I had incredibly interesting discussions with people who were at the opposite spectrum of my answers. And I made a few acquaintances and two amazing friends who still are my friends today, one is even my roommate for 8 years now! I also found a group of white hackers and Linux enthusiasts for real life meetings and we still hang out occasionally.

Two other friends of mine looked for and found romantic partners there and they are both happily married to the partners they found via OkCupid back then.

It went all down the gutter when people used the "platonic friends" option to get into your pants.

And when OkCupid tried to make more cash by pushing into the sex/romance market more and copying dating apps.

I don't think something like this would work anymore. Dating apps and the weird culture and thinking about a "sexual market" seem to have broken humans or something. This asinine idea is just another symptom.

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On Reddit you also have multiple subreddits on technology. Especially when Reddit was just starting out several people started technology subreddits. It is just that you only visited the one most popular with the most users and most content. Which built up over quite some time. I think it is weird to expect Lemmy instances to be exactly like Reddit is now, when you consider Reddit is 17(!) years old.

While there will be a few instances which are very niche because they get defederated from anyone else and they may have a technology community as well, for the bigger, federated instances there will be the one big technology community again.

Currently people all over the fediverse start new communities without checking if they already exist. This won’t go on indefinitely…

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It is overrated. At least when they look at AI as some sort of brain crutch that redeems them from learning stuff.

My boss now believes he can "program too" because he let's ChatGPT write scripts for him that more often than not are poor bs.

He also enters chunks of our code into ChatGPT when we issue bugs or aren't finished with everything in 5 minutes as some kind of "Gotcha moment", ignoring that the solutions he then provides don't work.

Too many people see LLMs as authorities they just aren't....

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Melting is a physical process that changes the form and aggregation state of a thing, but it still remains that thing. Melted gold is still gold, for example.

Burning on the other hand is a chemical process that leads to new "things". The egg isn't longer an egg.

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That our diet stems from mostly molecules described in organic chemistry can also be the direct result of the fact that there are vastly more molecules considered "organic": about 19 million are known and the number is growing!

While for anorganic compounds, there are only about 100,000.

The separation into organic and inorganic chemistry is really only done to make it easier to talk about broader subjects in science. We need and use obviously a lot of compounds that aren't carbon based large molecules.

The number of comments posting a better solution is funny and somewhat concerning.

Can relate. I was beat up by another kid of my age after practice because I beat him in a really small and unimportant Judo tournament. We were both 12 and his parents, my parents and the trainers all agreed that he just overreacted because he was scared the other boys would bully him. I switched to ballet afterwards.

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This looks like as if she already knew this is going to be a bad day when she got up in the morning and now she has proof.

Nah, my father is one of those who thinks everything is a virus, especially emails. And so he installs all kind of "clean your PC from viruses"-software ....

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You are glad she won't get any kind of compensation for what she has to endure?

I never thought it would bother me, until I actually sat in a car where everything was dependent on software the first time.

At first I thought I was just getting old. But it dawned on me that relying on software to fucking roll down the windows or starting the car doesn't feel too good.

(It was also an extreme jump in technology for me because the last car I drove before that was an old Corsa around the year ~2005.)

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When I was a kid and McDonald's started to became a thing here I was scared that Ronald McDonald would be at the restaurant. When I was invited to a birthday party and the parents wanted to take us to McDonald's I refused to go inside and the dad had to wait with me on the parking lot until my parents picked me up. I also figured that he could potentially be at Burger King, so I never went there either.

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Is this 4chan now?

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Yeah I think it's more likely that the TV studio will not allow a woman without a perfect bikini line on set.

You can easily subscribe to all the technology communities here as well, it’s just two clicks sometimes instead of one.

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How can abs on a woman be anti-masculinity in any way?! It makes no sense.

I am not sure if laziness really exists. But there are countless reasons why someone can have this issue. Additional ones are: a physical lack of energy (nutrition deficit, sleep deficit, etc.), decision or option paralysis, problems handling emotions, trauma, .....

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What? We loved watching the movie as kids and for me it was a beautiful fairytale with some action. I never thought it was scary or anything.

Might be because in Germany fables tend to be on the more drastic side. I still think it's a great kids movie, on a similar level as The Last Unicorn or The Labyrinth for example.

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Even when international powers would force the place into two countries the fighting will never stop. Because both don't have a country and want one and both ground their claim on religion. The religions are incompatible. Hamas consider Jews as the enemy of Allah quite literally.

Jews were pushed out of countries and killed and therefore promised land. So land was simply taken from a torn place that couldn't protect itself. Palestinians are also pushed out of countries and killed and want their land back. The Brits just left them with this conflict because they couldn't handle it. And now probably no one will be able to stop Israel anymore because they were given the better hand in terms of weapons.

Asking either side to stop won't work. Ban religion instead. They could both live there.

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I regularly feel like I've turned into a magician when 30 layers deep into my process of "fixing" something. So at least that is accurate.

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A friend of mine managed to slice his arm while opening packages with scissors. His workplace had to do mandatory security training for everyone, hang signs and create a rule that only those who work in logistics and wear a specific overall (can't remember which colour) are allowed to handle scissors of a certain size.

Imagine you little spoon your centaur partner and during your deep slumber they suddenly get up, take a piss, drink some water and go for a midnight walk through the woods. And when you wake up because it's getting cold you're on the back of your horseperson, naked, under the stars in the woods and they're like "ah honey I just didn't want to wake you because of your project at work tomorrow". And you won't start a discussion because then perhaps you'd fight and you would have to walk by yourself back home again in the cold which would take forever. So you cuddle up to your horseperson again and hope they're done soon.

In Europe there are more Muslim refugees though, than, for example, in North America which gets more regular Muslim immigrants.

It's a specific problem in Europe with an influx of refugees from war torn and poor countries who are often troubled, more extreme in their religion and potentially less educated (because they fled from shitty countries).

I guess it's more connected to those circumstances than with Islam in itself. Statistically, more educated and better off people are less religious. I suspect that's the same with Muslims?!

If this is the pizza for 36 $ I feel pitty for humanity.

Someone, who probably works a shitty job that pays mostly for their rent, comes home way too tired and depressed to cook. Orders a pizza that looks absolutely underwhelming. For money that is equivalent for a month of food in another country.

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The public prosecution department in Germany let someone's home got searched because he called a conservative politician "Du bist so 1 Pimmel" ("you are such a penis") via Twitter.

At the same time the public prosecution department in Germany regularly refuses to take action against hate speech when aimed against other people. Even other politicians.

And since many people do not really understand our jurisdiction, they believe it is enough to protest against the police.

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It is completely unrealistic to control kids media consumption after a certain age without also infringing on their rights to privacy. Basically, you can't do it right as a parent. You are either helicopter parenting or you aren't controlling enough. It's funny how we shift blame entirely to parents on this while ignoring that it's an impossible task. And I am not even a parent.

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Every person who likes horror movies can probably name a few examples. Horror movies are somehow really weirdly understood by a lot of people, including critics. Or perhaps I watch them for the wrong reasons, I don't know.

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Unfortunately, I think this is because pretty much every endeavour in life, if you have (severe) ADHD, feels like that. At that point it doesn't really make a difference.

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I also believe that will happen! We will not be prepared since many don't understand the differences between what current models do and what an actual general AI could potentially do.

It also saddens me that many don't know or ignore how fundamental abstract reasoning is to our understanding of how human intelligence works. And that LLMs simply aren't intelligent in that sense (or at all, if you take a tight definition of intelligence).

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It's the same dumb approach as it is with the "housing first" model. Yes this models work and they work great!

But you actually have to read more than just the headline of the paper. The decriminalisation of drugs in Portugal for example came with a whole bunch of other new regulations and programs. It wasn't "just" decriminalise drugs and be done with it.

We are approaching Idiocracy status fast...

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Perhaps he has actual brain damage and didn't go to the doctor because that's not alpha :(

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Also, people jumping to extreme or nonsensical conclusions. Something like: "I personally don't like a cactus as a balcony plant." - "Aha so you think all plants should die?! I think you should die instead!"

Sometimes they will just make up stuff you supposedly believe and go ballistic on that. For some there really is no nuance and it's really tiering how this compromises more complex discussions.

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The human brain does not simply recognise patterns, though. Abstract reasoning means that humans are able to find solutions for problems they did not encounter before. That's what makes a thing intelligent. It is not fully understood yet what exactly gives the brain these capabilities, btw. Like, we also do not understand yet how it is possible that we can recognize our own thinking processes.

The most competent current AI models mimic one aspect of the brain which is neural pathways. In our brain it's an activity threshold and in a neural network AI it's statistics which decide whether a certain path is active or not and then it crosses with other paths, etc. Like a very complex decision tree.

So that is quite similar between AI and brains. But we actually get something like an understanding of concepts that goes beyond the decision tree but isn't fully understood yet, as described above.

For an AI to be actually intelligent it would probably need to at least get this ability, to trace back it's own way through the decision tree. Maybe it even turns out that you in fact do need a consciousness to have reason.

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A handful of restaurants which definitely can't afford the amount of people working there and the interior. They always operate the same way: the food doesn't taste good, expensive interior and (many) more personnel than customers.

Unless they all have a philanthropist millionaire as a sponsor, I suspect they launder money. Apparently this is quite common in Germany because hard cash is still common here. Even large sums of money.

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Since I didn't immediately understand what this is about: "EVRAS" stands for "Relational, Emotional and Sexual Education" and it is a general guide for schools on how to educate school children on this matter. How many hours are advised, which topics should be talked about, etc. For example the UNESCO and the WHO research and work on EVRAS programs. But each school implements it differently, it's just a framework.

This is a summary on topics which are mentioned in the program. So it's basically a help for teachers on how to talk about that stuff:

  • Promoting the respect between boys and girls, women and men ;

  • Offering the possibility to anyone to make informed choices and to act by respecting oneself and others ;

  • Preparing pupils to physiologic, psychologic and social changes linked to puberty ;

  • Offering the possibility to everyone to get necessary aptitudes to face every aspects of sexuality and romantic relationships ;

  • Promoting the capacity of everyone to communicate on sexuality, emotions, relations and to acquire necessary vocabulary to be able to communicate it properly

Sources (hard to find because everyone's talking about the arsons...):

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Deeprock Galactic.

On paper it's everything I like in games. But when my friends invite me to play, I get bored so much, that I have microsleep episodes. It's so incredibly boring I can not understand the hype at all.

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I heavily suspect it's more about the specific type of person you get together with.

A two-state-solution doesn't work in part because extremist Muslim groups want the are to be purely Muslim. They would continue to attack Israel with terror tactics, Like they did from the start. What is your solution to that?

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