3 Post – 591 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

the original undermines its own message: they are lifting it, even if barely and with difficulty, which implies that those characters are within an order of magnitude or so of literal divine power.

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Tbh he could probably make plenty as a conservative media personality of some kind. Start some webshow and sell tacky branded garbage and fake health supplements to his supporters or something like that

something something grapefruit technique

tbf, arent those border policies somewhat popular among some latino voters? Im not defending those policies as they dont align with my own views on the topic, but theres plenty of room for people that managed to get through the immigration system legally to look down of people who havent, or for people born in the country to dislike migration even if their ancestors did it, or for people that want to "pull up the ladder behind them" so to speak. Biden couldnt exactly expect Trump's border policies to automatically win him that demographic either way.

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"just change the system" is easier said than done, which I suspect you realize of course, since if it were so easy, you'd have changed it yourself already. The difficulty in such change is that it requires a very large number of people to act in unison, which is quite rare, especially when most people aren't literally starving, and have different ideas over what they want the system to be, some of which might be better, but some of which might be as bad or worse. It's a bit like how libertarian types sometimes remark that, if everyone stopped paying taxes, the government would run out of money and be unable to enforce them anymore: technically true, but requires humans to act with uncharacteristic unity towards a singular goal, against pushback from established power. Not to say that it never happens, but it does not seem to happen reliably or in a way that can be readily forced to occur.

I mean, the greater evil would presumably have gotten us worse. And in a system that is set up so as to inevitably produce two viable parties, and where "good" is not on the ballot from either, what else do you expect people to do?

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My suspicion is that it's abiogenesis, but it's only a suspicion that I can't have any certainty of

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Why does it need to be a formal contract? People can engage in relationships without the law being involved. I tend to think we should disentangle marriage and law, have some paperwork one can fill out for the legal affairs like hospital visitation and such that can be changed without the same degree of court proceeding, and have the religious or cultural ritual as just a ritual people can but are not obligated to hold if they feel like with no legal meaning to it.

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The ironic thing is, conflating any and all criticism of the state of Israel with anti-semitism could be argued as anti-semitic itself, because to suggest that jewish people in general and the Israeli state/military are one in the same such that criticism of the later is also hateful towards the former, is also to suggest that jewish people as a whole are responsible for the actions of Israel.

As cultural groups as a whole are inherently unable to be guilty of crimes (since even if a large number of people belonging to one commit some crime, such a group will also contain members that cannot be guilty of it, like young children), but states and similar entities, being organized and capable of decision-making, can be, then any attempt to link the moral culpability of a state and that of a cultural group is inherently to apply unfair accusations to that group, and thus hateful to it.

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If chess were a new game released today, I imagine a lot of these "why'd they make it political" types would probably object to the fact that the most powerful character in the game is the only one that's clearly stated to be a woman.

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I'm not sure being able to get away with breaking laws much more easily than most really makes one "lawful"

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If we go back in history, there was a point in time, after radioactivity was discovered but before nuclear weapons were developed, where there was a trend of putting radium and other radioactive substances in health and beauty products, because I guess people thought that because it possesed some form of energy that it must be good for you. In hindsight that seems far more stupid than some embarrassing dance or something.

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Yeah, just stay out in the open away from places a snake might hide so that you don't accidentally scare one, and the Mambas should be fine.

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What kind of incompetent principal reacts to trouble making elementary schoolers by calling the cops on them?

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Furries are centered around anthropomorphic animals. Anthropomorphic means it has human traits. Humans are an animal species. Humans have human traits by definition, therefore humans are technically anthropomorphic animals, therefore all art of humans is technically a subset of furry art.

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Who knew, Texas is bigger than Luxembourg

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A literal flag colored red, if you or the flag is moving towards the other so fast as to blueshift it to green.

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Tbh if I see black come up 32 times in a row I'm probably betting on black just because I'm gonna start getting suspicious this wheel has actually been biased towards black somehow and isn't as random as it's supposed to be. Is there such a thing as an inverse gamblers fallacy?

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Imagine being an animal control guy and having a school seriously call you and ask you to take a stranger's child because of that child's participation in a subculture.

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Yeah, I thought the implication was that in the lore of whatever pretend reality the game takes place in, the penalty for losing the game is getting executed by hanging

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"Your honor, let the record state that there is a common saying to the effect that "the internet is a series of tubes". Now, PVC pipes are also a variety of tube. Therefore..."

I mean, until the next train comes that is

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If anything, the book of Mormon would be fan-fiction in this series, or maybe one of those cases where the author's son or whatever writes an awkward sequel that isn't as popular as the originals and steps all over the canon.

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I mean, can someone really call themselves a "devil's advocate" if they're really just arguing for their own position that just happens to be unpopular with the people around them? My understanding was that the term was supposed to mean something more like arguing for a position that one disagrees with, to ensure that the arguments against that position hold up and strengthen them.

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Good thing that most people tend to judge you for killing a given finite number of people, rather than based on the percentage of the population. That is to say, If you kill one random person in China, you're generally considered just as much a murderer as if you kill one random person in Luxembourg

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Honestly, they don't really deserve the idolization they get even beyond the movies. Sparta was a rather brutal slaver society after all, the reason for their famous military training was mostly to deal with rebellion by their slave population which greatly outnumbered them. If they still existed as they did then, they'd probably be viewed with the same kind of contempt we view places like North Korea.

I thought sexualized police officer costumes have been a thing for awhile now tho?

A couple times now at my current job they've hired someone, only to have them just not show up on their agreed first day with no communication. I'm guessing they just got a different job they like more or something, but still, I'd imagine one usually at least tells people not to expect you, under that circumstance?

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Honestly at this point I feel like if I was on a jury for some court case and some of the evidence was the testimony of a police officer, that'd probably make me less confident of whatever they had said than if they had said nothing at all. When a profession has every incentive to lie, little consequence to doing so, and in some cases consequences for revealing the lies of one's coworkers, there is precious little room for credibility.

In order to live next to all the city stuff? Some people like cities after all, and more space is more space to clean

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Where exactly is the closest alien civilization located?

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Seems an unpopular opinion here, but I honestly miss this. The whole "using subreddits as hashtags" thing is how I found a number of interesting subs I would have never otherwise even thought to search for. Yeah, some were very big and well known ones like /holup that got repetitive, but others were some niche thing that fit that specific post in a way that I at least found somewhat funny.

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did they stop trying with the anti-adblocker stuff at some point? when they were rolling that out Id get a "adblockers violate our terms of service" message once every few days or so when uBlock Origin hadnt updated to work around it yet, but I dont think ive seen one in a while

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To be fair on the deer, no natural predator is going to be chasing them at that kind of speed, so their instincts have no reason to be adapted to understanding objects moving that fast

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I mean, possibly not quite if we go back far enough in history, Dred Scott was a thing after all.

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I dunno, this feels to me like it might be a funny way to troll neo-nazis and such. Can you imagine Hitler's face if you could show him this?

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wouldnt this add the risk that one's online purchase history could potentially be discovered and used against you as evidence?

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Israel is not Judaism and criticism of it is not criticism of Jewish people as a whole. To hold otherwise is to hold an entire people responsible for the actions of a few (those in the Israeli government), that those people often have no or only limited influence over, which would be an inherently bigoted position to take because it robs those people of their agency. If anything, the Israeli government itself is being antisemitic in a sense by pushing such a narrative in order to use Jewish people as a whole as a shield against criticism of their actions.

That's not terribly surprising, given that both of those groups rely most heavily on network effects: the very point of such accounts requires being where their audience is, especially brands. Those kinds of accounts will move en masse only when most everyone else has already done so

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