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Joined 12 months ago

Absolutely debunked, FAA accepted a report that didn't do proper research and have been called out by SpaceX for it.

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The conclusion is brain dead. Can anyone even confirm that SpaceX is losing more satellites than they're launching?

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You can tune down the power draw yourself and get that efficiency you need.

Besides that, you should buy AMD Radeon. They are the ones with a reasonable production strategy to lowering die cost and also have the lower price on their cards.

lmao what hearts and minds do you expect to win out of a population who has religious beef with you? A population who would gladly wipe you out if they could?

Nah, Israel needs to be able to throw the baby out with the bathwater in the name of peace, so that Palestinians can find their peace elsewhere.

I'm on their instance ( and can see all the support for Hamas clear as day.

I would argue that contributing to society can at minimum mean to be a person of good standing who participates without causing trouble. You could be as useless as a retiree since your 20s and still have contributed to society.

I would argue that because reddit technology was anti-Tesla, they carried that over to lemmy as well.

Well, you are wrong that religion is a good thing when people do good in spite of religion rather than because of it. If someone's belief system is aligned with a particular religion, they can just adopt the practices of that religion without professing faith in it.

Whatever makes them less susceptible to manipulation from religious leaders is a win in my book.

There is at least the possibility to get a good traditional lock that is trusted by organisations that value security and has the interest in getting security solutions that genuinely defeat intrusion.

Anyways, the general idea should be to have a house lock that is better than your neighbors, and that is sufficient for most purposes.

basically asking for a raise that they aren't obligated to provide.

Well, employees aren't obligated to not resign either.

Almost as if they're perpetually fried. It's a rage bait account.

Come to Singapore, we have the Indian culture (among others), and we're the diametric opposite of India where it comes to safety in all aspects. 😉

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Absolute nonsense, Starlink is firmly on the side of the Americans.

Do you have any further reading on this topic? This has been such an amazing read.

Starlink is not providing an essential service to Ukraine. They do not have the right to expect SpaceX to cooperate with their military effort when SpaceX is a US company under dual-use rules to not unilaterally provide military connectivity to weapons systems to foreign nations.

Ukraine must do military procurement properly and go through the US government to get approval, not whatever this is. They used a civilian service for military purposes, so they are in breach of the terms of use of Starlink and should not be surprised when services degrades at SpaceX's whims.

The law priorities the health of people, but Starlink isn't meant for use like this, so this analogy is moot.

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It's funny, Steam Deck is so much weaker than the typical gaming PC and will definitely not outperform an ~RX 6700XT at the same quality level but Steam Deck resolution vs at 1440p. Worse, Steam Deck shares 16 GB of RAM between CPU and GPU, so this guy is gonna have an even smaller list of games they can play on a docked Steam Deck vs a PC.

Also, Steam Deck can't be (read: processing power) upgraded, and doesn't have 3D-VCache, that's not good for CPU bound games. And then you might also be defaulting to Steam OS, which doesn't have full compatibility with Windows games, and have a complicated compatability file structure, which could complicate modding and 3rd party utilities.

So yeah, Steam Deck as a complete desktop replacement has more issues than you might expect. And the worst part is, absent docking portable HDDs, everything is an SSD, so welcome to the SSD $/GB world. TF cards have even worse $/GB.

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You're just bullying dissent, just shows how unreasonable your positions are.

Though the simpler solution is that perhaps memory formation is paused over the period then the person 'lost' their memory to sleep.

Losing memories when you're wide awake is like a file system deleting pointers to a file. The file is still there, just inaccessible.

Anyways I feel that the assertion that "Creating and destroying perfectly identical copies of the information that corresponds to a person neither creates nor destroys people" is extremely dangerous thinking that could lead to the premature end of consciousness for some very unfortunate individuals. After all, they're perfectly identical and we have no documented instance of anyone sharing consciousness, so it may be that consciousness are unique and not commutative.

I would argue that two disconnected copies of the information that corresponds to a person does make 2 disjoint persons.

Like running a different seed on procedural generation, entropy will ensure that these two identical persons won't be identical after whatever ticks in the biological clock.

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If you can support the death penalty for them, then you can also support the irreversible traumatization of them.

However, if you cannot be confident enough in your justice system, just don't do it. A wrongful conviction would have no possible restitution for death or torture.

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I understand, and the point of punishment is to well... punish the offender for the offence they committed, and to deter others who might not be at the 'best' version of themselves from thinking of committing the same offence.

Punishment and deterrence. It is something that my country of Singapore has no end of pride in when talking about the low crime. It helps that some subset of the population of Singapore do serve for a time in the Singapore Police Force as part of HomeTeamNS, which helps assure the people that the police are accountable, lest an NSman whistleblow upon the issues that they face or some other systemic problem.

Now, our justice system isn't perfect, and some scandals over the years regarding the legal system's favoritism towards the affluent, and the high performing students have made the news. But the things that attract the death penalty are things that can be proven beyond reasonable doubt, with objective measures on the evidence like the presence and amount of drugs that indicate dealing and trafficking, being a partner to or as an offender in the use of firearms in service to a crime, and intentioned murder.

We put these hard and very provable requirements on the sentencing of the death penalty because it is no joke, that the courts have to be as infallible as possible in handing out these judgements.

We support the existence of death penalty in our justice system because we find it necessary to safeguard us from these heinous crimes in a way that best minimizes damage to our society, and we trust our courts to be impartial and discerning in each case they hear where it is in the cards.

Can yoir country achieve the same? That is the question you must ask before you consider implementing the death penalty. Your institutions must be strong, competent, and incorruptible before you can do these things. It is a hallmark of good governance that we can do all of these terrible punishments (including caning!) without regret.

That being said, it is extremely sad what happened to that 14 year old girl in India. May those rapist-murderers find their due justice in the questionable institutions of India. It is because of poor deterrence, corrupt institutions, and the poor attitude of the populace that this goes on unfettered in India. I hope you agree that they anger you as well as they did me.

At the end of it all, it is our choices of action that define us, not our thoughts. May you find it within you to accept yourself and all of your thoughts as your own.

Any recommendations?

If that comment was in error, I can only blame Jerboa for being really broken and unpolished lol

#1 you're also restricted to whatever plays nice with the steam input system, and custom inputs are generally more tedious to use than a mouse and keyboard.

#2 that's the entire point of the Steam Deck.

#3 isn't the hallmarks of something "powerful", I'm surprised that you would consider 30 fps acceptable given that you know what 240 fps is like.

#4 it's not cheap. It's just at the right proce for the hardware. The only reason why it doesn't feel worse is because it's running at 1280x800p. The display is literally from the discard pile with its terrible colours.

#5 Windows could do the same if Valve tried hard enough. Suspend/Resume isn't that special and I've manually invoked it on desktop for all kinds of things before. >Task Manager.

#6 that's because Steam is doing the legwork to make things work for you. See what they did with Elden Ring's stuttering problem. I challenge you otherwise to access the game directories of any game running through proton. There's a whole emulated filestructure that you have to understand before modding the game on Steam Deck.

Power user stuff is outside the scope of gaming for most people.

You joke, but it has been shown that it's not the profits that accelerate EVs, it's the management that decides to accelerate EVs. Think about that when you see these union shops struggle against the non-union and highly profitable Tesla.

UAW and these legacy automakers don't deserve a happy ending when they're both self-interested at the end of the day.

And the clue is in urgent repair. It is incompetence that lead to increased cost, and fines should pay for the consequences of the incompetence, not raising taxes.

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If they were to put all that money into actual use they would basically break the economy and a lot of it would evaporate.

This proves that there isn't a hoard after all, and it's all just wishful thinking that they could sell those imaginary shares all at once to get that money.

You don't even provide facts and then you say you have data based facts.

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I will play devil's advocate and argue that it's just more convenient the same way a urinal is convenient. Not sitting down saves time. That's all.

Those ideas originate mostly from those within reach of the IDF. They know what to do.

LOL and nuclear power is known to be extremely cheap per kwh when it gets up and running. It doesn't take exorbitant electricity prices to recoup the cost of building the facility in reasonable time.

The real trouble comes from political activism that serves to drum up outrage and popular dissatisfaction with nuclear power, which is what actually makes nuclear power unprofitable because of government overreach.

And besides, nuclear is a multinational effort, just like defence. You don't need that industry in your borders, you just need a bigger ally with more resources and scale to build that industry for you. And some part of nuclear power is for military purposes anyway, so you know the countries with the requisite industries already.

Besides, all technology needs investment. Solar power sucked initially and had to ramp. If you don't give a chance for nuclear power to get good, then you just made a self-fulfilling prophecy. A naysayer that would make you.

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You're acting as if the Israeli's gracefully gave Palestinians a home in Gaza. The conditions in Gaza are abysmal purely due to Israel's actions.

It's Hamas. Blame the right culprit who has put at risk the lives of so many Palestinians.

Sounds like dogma to me.

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So I'm saying "idiotic shit" while you're "actually educated on the topic at hand".

It's clear that you don't have anything constructive to say when you appeal to popular opinion like that.

Nuclear works, and it works well enough that operators retire reactors because of age, not because of mishap or cost.

It's not either/or, it's in conjunction with, and it just so happens that renewable-only isn't sufficient and has failed to scale enough to combat climate change.

Well, this whole thing would have ended much sooner if it weren't for the Arab League. They used the Palestinian people against the Israelis even as they kept losing.

The Palestinians are probably not that bad of a people, but it doesn't help that they keep making armed struggles for a lost cause when they can just make peace on their loss.

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If the Palestinians were actually interested in stopping their oppression, they would stop trying to fight an insurgency against the Israelis. As it is, they are a security threat, and for good reason.

I don't see why Israel should give quarter to Hamas now, nor should they entertain the idea that Palestinians are being sincere in co-existing with Israelis.

It would be so much easier if Israel just considered them as the enemy, and throw them out of the territory of Israel as they wished. It's only right for a bunch of sore losers. Let them resist from outside the territory of Israel proper, and seek help and refuge from their Arab "allies".

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99.9% were to suddenly decide they trusted Israel would treat them fairly if only they stopped fighting, that would not stop the remaining 0.1%.

What matters is that they must unequivocally reject Hamas, and work with Israel to eradicate these factions as best they can so that Israel can trust their populace to not harbor terrorists. Only then can the Israeli leadership end the restrictions placed upon the Palestine territories that seek to prevent the inflow of arms and rocket artillery to Hamas.

It is not an illogical act that Israel has done to secure the safety and security of their people.

... nor should they entertain the idea that Palestinians are being sincere in co-existing with Israelis.

With the recent artillery attack by Hezbollah, I don't think there is much question as to where the Palestinian people stand with regards to the Hamas attack on Israel.

Israel has created a population where sufficient numbers of people feel they have nothing to live for. There is no realistic scenario here where the insurgency ever stops unless Israel commits total genocide or seeks a negotiated settlement including giving substantial concessions irrespective of whether or not they think they can trust any of the parties.

Israel does not owe the Palestinians a good outcome. If they keep testing Israel, there is no limit to what Israel can do short of mass-killing genocide. Displacement is the best outcome in an Israeli victory.

Palestinian people as a whole have zero power to end this because it'd require the total agreement of each and every one of five million individuals.

False. It takes the will and the courage to out the terrorists amongst them to the Israelis so that the terrorists will be hindered and slowly wiped from prominence.

Israel on the other hand has the power to end this, because on their end it only requires the agreement of the state to dial back the oppression enough that support for groups like Hamas loses support, and then negotiate an end to it.

Or perhaps Hamas will benefit from the reprieve in state suppression, and use the opportunity to import more arms, equipment, and training from Arab countries and bide their time.

As it is what you're suggesting here would be a severe violation of international law, a crime against humanity, a violation of a number of UN decrees, and would violate Israeli law as well

Which is why I said it would be so much easier if it could be done. It regretfully can't be done which is why there's so much conflict up till this day. The keyword is "if".

And besides, the Israeli goodwill is running out. I wonder if they might just throw caution to the wind and just do it, given how right wing their government is getting. It would be just, and there will be popcorn in the aftermath and subsequent war for sure.

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Started it yes, but when it was time to hand the reins over, they fell so fast we had whiplash.

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