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Joined 1 years ago

I live 4 blocks from an old folks' home and have no idea what you're talking about.


if you continue to try { thisBullshit(); } you are going to catch (theseHands)

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I remember thinking that women gave birth to girls and men gave birth to boys, and being really worried because I (as a guy) didn't want to give birth.

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Seems like a weird and random assortment of items. Why was Google Hangouts mentioned, but not Gmail? What about Discord, Slack, etc? Or smart TVs? Almost felt more like guerrilla advertising for a few niche products.

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Saw this a while ago and it solves that "paradox" nicely.

The Paradox of Tolerance disappears if you look at tolerance, NOT as a moral standard, but as a social contract. If someone does not abide by the terms of the contract, they are not covered by it. In other words, the intolerant aren't deserving of your tolerance.

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Hardware controls are meaningless if an attacker gets you to click on a dodgy link in a phishing email or you fall for a social engineering scam when "Microsoft" calls you because your computer has a virus.

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You seem to be taking about something other than enshittification, which has a specific meaning and isn't just places not respecting privacy or whatever. Per Cory Doctorow (who invented the term) via Wikipedia:

Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die. I call this enshittification, and it is a seemingly inevitable consequence arising from the combination of the ease of changing how a platform allocates value, combined with the nature of a "two sided market", where a platform sits between buyers and sellers, hold each hostage to the other, raking off an ever-larger share of the value that passes between them.

If enshittification is what you're assist interested in reducing, check out Cory's book, The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation.

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I mean, the domestic businesses are the ones who own Congress and are using it to get rid of a competitor.

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FYI, what you're talking about is the Dark Web; the Deep Web is different. "Deep Web" refers to places on the regular Internet that are not indexed by Google and the other major search engines; you don't need Tor to get to them.

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Exactly: a large chunk of the time, videos seem to simply be a way to stretch the content that could be a bullet list into a not-easily-parseable mess of content sandwiched into "Hey lovely people.... Don't forget to SMASH that like and subscribe button!"

Sometimes videos are done well, but an annoying number of them are just attempts to monetize fluid content with a lot of padding; they're like the recipe blogs of the video world.

The thing is, truth decay has been going on for a while now. 2016 was of course the year of "alternative facts," but even before then anyone with sufficient money and/or clout could redefine truth to some degree.

What we're going to see with ChatGPT and deepfakes is really just a democratization of truth decay: what was once the province of only a few will now be open to us all.

Terminator 2. The ad campaign and trailers revealed what had the potential to be an amazing reversal of expectations well ahead of time. I actually got to see it with a friend who was out of touch enough to not have seen any spoilers; I wish I'd had his experience.

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Sure, Mr. Gore.

It's so frustrating when people think left means BLM and LGBTQIA+ and vaccination. Those things are all great and I support them, but that's not what makes me left: left is about Unions and social safety nets and community welfare and workers seizing the means of production.

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That's Canada

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Darknet Diaries is always fascinating: it's all about cybercrime. Sometimes the episodes are breakdowns of particular hacker groups or specific notable hacks; other times, they're interviews with people in the industry: both cybersecurity professionals and criminals.

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It's where we store our excess Freedom

I know time got weird with the pandemic, but that was not actually before 1990, believe it or not.

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My largely uninformed opinion has always been that it's about monetization: you don't make the kind of money off ads on a blog that you can off a popular YouTube site. That, of course, is all Google's decision. Presumably advertisers are willing to pay a lot more for video ad placement than for banner ads or something.

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If you're pulling on a rope really hard, don't wrap it around your hand to get a better grip. If it starts to pull away from you, you won't be able to let go, and if someone runs up to help and starts hauling on the end, your hand is going to be in a world of pain.

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The inside.

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Boo, paywall. Anyone have a list of the affected airlines?

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The tl;dr from the article (which is actually worth a read):

The very short version: Unix PIDs do start at 0! PID 0 just isn’t shown to userspace through traditional APIs. PID 0 starts the kernel, then retires to a quiet life of helping a bit with process scheduling and power management. Also the entire web is mostly wrong about PID 0, because of one sentence on Wikipedia from 16 years ago.

"To know which questions are unanswerable, and to not answer them: this is the skill that is most needful in times of stress and darkness."

  • Ursula K. LeGuin, The Left Hand of Darkness
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KeePass doesn't store your stuff in the cloud; it's all local storage. You can sync your encrypted KeePass DB in a number of different ways; personally, I go for SyncThing, but you can use Box or whatever.

There should have been only one.

Used to, until the tinnitus kicked in.

This confused me, too. I generally see"Lemming" used as the equivalent of "Redditor": someone who uses Lemmy.

The issue is that they're using it but no longer being explicit about that use.

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The Battlestar Galactica reboot should have ended after Season 2; 3 was meh and 4 was terrible.

Well, this was when I was like 6 or so; I can't fault the school system.

In fact, I myself could only tell them apart by their clothes. They had very different styles.

This makes it sound like you only tried one particular set of twins--unless there were multiple sets, and in each set the two had very different styles? I'm no statistician, but a single set doesn't seem statistically significant.

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Clearly, people who classify themselves as "poor as dirt" should not be allowed to spend money on anything they consider fun.

Oh. That's not clear at all; I don't even remember seeing a reference to a tool.

Definitely; OP's linked article doesn't have any quotes that refer to copyright, while this one of yours adds a lot of context that was otherwise missing. There's a world of difference between allowing retention of IP addresses and creating a cleaning house for IPs suspected of distributing works.

I see this claim all the time, and it bugs me every time. Obfuscation is a perfectly reasonable part of a defense in depth solution. That's why you configure your error messages on production systems to give very generic error messages instead of the dev-centric messages with stack traces on lower environments, for example.

The problem comes when obscurity is your only defense. It's not a full remediation on its own, but it has a part in defense in depth.

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I keep taking about wanting to use markdown files for contacts and policies at work, stored in reports repos for change tracking. The problem is always "the legal team isn't going to use Git". What I'd love to see is a front end for Git that allows direct markdown editing and emulates the Track Changes feature in Word.

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Starting right now, how can I preserve my personal conscious existence until I'm ready to no longer exist?

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