
5 Post – 91 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I got accused of rape my junior year of high school by a girl I had never met. She picked me out of the yearbook and made up a crazy story. This dragged on for months, countless meetings with police/principals with no evidence other than her word. Her mother even came into my work yelling and screaming at me, her brother was trying to find me to kick my ass. Turns out the whole time her boyfriend was sexually abusing her. She admits to randomly picking me and making up the whole thing. Pretty fucked up situation to put a random kid in high school through.

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Everyone in the comment section is just talking about how much 10K is to them and completely ignoring OPs question lol smh

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I love the artists vision of post modern symbolism to depict aggressive colonialism... o wait this is from a dam football game. The world repeats itself.

I dont use brave, but is this how most people choose what browser to use? Weather or not the dev supports gays?

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I know a lot of communities are trying to get more popular by using bots to post relevant content. And generally they do a great job, its like an aggregator inside an aggregator. woa dude. Post engagement might be a better metric, but this graph is visually more impressive.

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EU is killing it right now. Charging port regulation and now removable batteries in everything. If companies are forced to produce different models for the EU maybe just maybe it will be cost effective to just make all their phones with removable batteries. One can hope, cause you know the US wont pass that type of consumer protection regulation.

OP post the QR code, I would love to know what restaurant this is, so I can stay clear away.

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YoutubeTV is trash for what they offer. They boast about all these sports channels, but it boils down to a bunch of college stations playing old games and no local sports or NHL or MLB. They're holding on to football so tight, that they're making completely different channel entries to advertise the NFL.

If I pay more can I get some ads for drugs, money, and weapons?

The doxxing article was a pretty good read. Im a little weary of anyone coming from VICE though.

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I think there are 2 groups coming from reddit. 1- Users wanting a more niche community (think early reddit) 2- Users trying to turn Lemmy into present day Reddit. Theres a good amount of communities that are carbon copies of reddit subs. Personally I think that reddit has morphed into something toxic (Ive had a reddit account for 15 years). While its good to have growth, nobody wants to use a site that is so popular that Aunt Betty is chiming in with her love jesus memes.

littering and

All of these services are trying to justify the price hikes for their poor decision to make their own streaming platform instead of adding to established ones. We went from cable (+100 channels), to paying for every channel's stream. Its illogical but if consumers are stupid enough not realize it, then more power to them. You know its a problem when theres apps to make sure you canceled subscriptions to apps.

Its free-to-play but you need to buy the housing/eating/sleeping/jobs/relationships DLC.


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bad as in good? ty

I feel your frustration with "unable to get in touch with the instance administrator". I'm waiting for a response from @ruud and @MichelleG from 9 days ago regarding abusive members.

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Is this karma farming post?

Professor: And Josh what is your thesis about?

Josh: Urrmmmm ahh umm What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining?

Professor: Josh youre studying statistics.

Josh: Yeah, naw Im going to graph it.

Sir, how dare you insult Lithuania like that.

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I wouldnt be surprised if his patreon gets hacked or at least a cease and desist.

Theres no political debate happening here lol. Just a lot of circular tugging.

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When the craze first started I remember seeing paper straws in plastic. Someone was close but didnt quite get it.

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Welcome to the rich and powerful, where everything is made up and laws dont matter.

Same here, I learned to do it with both side. Also try curling all of your toes except your big toe and vise versa (kinda like a thumbs up with your foot). Its one of those things everyone can do, but most dont because their body is pre-wired not to. Its just mind over.. well your body. Im convinced popping your pecs is also one of those mental things. Its helps to have muscles but I think everyone can do it.

Quantum entanglement and string theory, but only when im super stoned.

Both are completely acceptable.

UPS drivers currently make an average of about $95,000 a year with an additional $50,000 in benefits. - That is news to me.

Anyone know why some of the titles on lemmy are showing the code for & (amp) in the titles? Is it a format input thats messing up and displaying the HTML?

Hey mods! can you at least make it so the L4SBOT isnt posting Musk articles, this community already has plenty

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Me, me, me haha. If you have the money to live nicely for awhile, spend time finding out what jobs youre really passionate about and go for those. Even if your under qualified it cant hurt to apply. Sometimes they can offer entry jobs to get were you want to be. If you already know what you want to do, spend some time updating/improving your resume and see if you can get a a few companies to fight over you. There's a lot of power being able to walk away from the negotiation table if you're qualified and its just not the right time.

Let’s play a game. Alright? On the count of three, name your favorite dinosaur. Don’t even think about it, just name it. Ready? One, two, three…

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Not. At. All.

What a hot take

Thank you for this!

I dont mind reading or learning more about politics, but c/politics is just an leftist circle jerk echocamber. There have been a growing amount of users noticing this as well and eventually someone will make an unbaised community for US politics. C/politics is just a infestation of all the crazies that left r/politics.

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Mods are on a different level of power tripping here on lemmy.world. Just today my comment "rent free" got deleted by a mod (in technology) because "it might offend someone and that might lead to an argument." That was seriously the reason I got from the mod L4S for deleting my comment.

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You ARE tripping balls mmaannnn

I knew it brb

Ebay is like a free market in itself. If someone post a product and it sells for an extravagant amount then other sellers will increase their prices... because capitalism and all that.

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