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I have worked in the gaming industry and let me tell you that in some game studios most of the people involved in making the games are not gamers themselves.

Lots of programmers and artists don't really care about the final game, they only care about their little part.

Game designers and UX designers are often clueless and lacking in gaming experience. Some of the mistakes they make could be avoided by asking literaly anyone who play games.

Investors and publishers often know very little to almost nothing about gameplay and technology and will rely purely on aesthetic and story.

You have entire games being made top to bottom where not a single employee gave a fuck, from the executives to the programmers. Those games are made by checking a serie of checkboses on a plan and shipped asap.

This is why you have some indie devs kicking big studio butts with sometime less than 1% the ressources.

Afaik even in other "similar" industry (e.g filmmaking) you expect the director, producers and distributors to have a decent level of knowledge of the challenges of making a movie. In the video game industry everyone seems a bit clueless, and risk is mitigated by hiring large teams, and by shipping lots of games quickly.

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That would explain why ChatGPT started regurgitating cookie-cutter garbage responses more often than usual a few months after launch. It really started feeling more like a chatbot lately, it almost felt talking to a human 6 months ago.

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Crazy that doubling down and attacking everyone worked for him for nearly 8 decades, that is all he knows, and the feedback loop proved him that the more brazen he is, the better the result.

Thing is, I think for the the first time and his life this is gonna backfire hard. He could have done all this criming, he was probably fine even after the coup, and he could have gone in the sunset with his millions and his shitty consequence-free life. But he just can't help it, he's been a fucking ass for 8 decades he can't just stop. He's obviously past the point of weighting different strategies or anything, he just attacks. Federal judge? Sure. Prosecutor? Sure. Mess and impede a federal investigation? Sure. The "off" switch stopped working a long time ago. He's no longer considering the feedback from his actions. He will attack the judges and keep digging his grave until he's physically removed from society, like an asylum patient.

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The best codebase I have ever seen and collaborated on was also boring as fuck.

  • Small, immutable modules.
  • Every new features was coded by extension (the 'o' in S.O.L.I.D)
  • All dependencies were resolved by injection.
  • All the application life cycle was managed by configurable scopes.
  • There was absolutely no boiler plate except for the initial injectors.
  • All of the tests were brain-dead and took very minimal effort to write. Tests served both as documentation and specification for modules.
  • "Refactoring" was as simple as changing a constructor or a configuration file.
  • All the input/output of the modules were configurable streams.

There is more to it, but basically, it was a very strict codebase, and it used a lot of opinionated libraries. Not an easy codebase to understand if you're a newbie, but it was absolutely brain dead to maintain and extend on.

Coding actually took very little time of our day, most of it consisted of researching the best tech or what to add next. I think the codebase was objectively strictly better than all other similar software I've seen and worked on. We joked A LOT when it came time to change something in the app pretending it would take weeks and many 8 pointers, then we'd casually make the change while joking about it.

It might sound mythical and bullshity, and it wasn't perfect, it should be said that dependency injection often come in the form of highly opinionated frameworks, but it really felt like what software development should be. It really felt like engineering, boring and predictable, every PO dreams.

That being said, I given up trying to convince people that having life-cycle logic are over the place and fetching dependencies left and right always lead to chaos. Unfortunately I cannot really tell you guys what the software was about because I am not allowed to, but there was a lot of moving parts (hence why we decided to go with this approach). I will also reiterate that it was boring as fuck. If anything, my hot take would be that most programmers are subconsciously lying to themselves, and prefer to code whatever it is they like, instead of what the codebase need, and using whatever tool they like, instead of the tools the project and the team need. Programming like and engineer is not "fun", programming like a cowboy and ignoring the tests is a whole lot of fun.

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It is almost always due to the anticheat programs.

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and by the parents. At this point teaching signs of manipulative behavior and logic 101 like recognizing fallacies would be considered liberal endoctrination by the cultists.

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Since smartphone became a thing it has always been my theory that millenials, and up to a point GenX, would be the only two generations to be forced into being tech-savy. Boomers and GenZ have been overwhelmingly tablet and phone users. Whoever still logging on a PC nowadays will have a vastly different experience than what it used to be.

It is a different world really. I am a huge geek and I have been in tech for a long time now, but I still get confused look at family gathering when I tell them I have no idea how to fix someone's Ipad or what app/settings/touch gesture to do whatever.

He faces 91 felony count. No offence directly to you but I see this comment a lot. This is plenty of "evidence" that he is about to pay, saying otherwise is basically denial at this point. Sure it could fail, anything can happen. But saying there is no evidence is pretending this is similar to being denounced by the media, or congress, or a civil lawsuit. This is the most concrete, evidency thing that could possibly be happening right now, in this timeline. He's being smited by the country judicial power.

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Finally an article that goes beyond the drama and misinformation. It is not just about the new fee, which realistically is nothing compared to what you would owe epic for the same level of success.

What sucks is the shadiness and the deceptive nature of it all. I am sure the executives felt really clever and thought it would almost fly under the radar After all, they managed to spin this as not-a-royalty after years of boasting that Unity wouldn't have any.

The new changes are essentially this :

You're forced into going with the pro or enterprise license past a certain revenue (which was sort of a thing already).

You're forced into serving Unity ads, or else you get charged a some royalties, which realistically should still be less than what UE charges.

You're forced retroactively into it, as they deleted the old TOS behind the scenes.

They're definitely not being upfront about their intentions, and due to their complete aversion to mentionning the word royalties, they managed to deceptively make up a lie that sounds worst than the actual truth. Even though this is a move targetted at multi-mullion dollars productions, actual students and hobbyist are now worried about being charged per user downloads, which is not happening.

It is sad to see, Unity went from being owned and operated by people who truely cared. I worked there for a number of years and most leaders and employees truely believed they were a force of good in this otherwise shitty world. It is crazy how much the company changed in just a number of years/months. It sucks, and whoever ended up in charge robbed both the employees and the users of something great.

John was a smooth talker, and even as the company was turning corporate and seemingly stepping on old values, he was very good at making sensible arguments and justifying the company transformation. I can't help but feel deceived now. Ultimately I left the company because I disagreed with so many decisions. Virtually my entire backlog was stuff I disagreed with and I just couldn't justify waking up in the morning. We're long past the "Users first" slogan which made Unity so popular with indies.

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In the US, bribery is legal for the ruling class, illegal for everyone else.

Insider trading is legal for the ruling class, illegal for everyone else.

Embezzlement is legal for the ruling class, illegal for everyone else.

It is very hard to not get very wealthy if you are part of the ruling class. Money will just legally flow into your pocket, as long as you're not loyal to the people.

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Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville is waging an unprecedented campaign to try to change Pentagon abortion policy by holding up hundreds of military nominations and promotions, forcing less experienced leaders into top jobs and raising concerns at the Pentagon about military readiness.

A piece of shit through and through. Another day another member of the GOP weaponizing congress by holding random unrelated shit hostage to get their ways. This shit to fuck with womans right to healthcare out of all things.

I made the mistake of mentionning social democracy once. This was followed by the most pedantic, insufferable and useless argument I have ever had on the internet. I had better discussions with wall. This was first and last time I was replying to those comments. It is easy to ignore anyway. Sometime you learn the hard way.

100%. Not to mention you don't lose your mind on shrooms, and the trip is over in a few hours. Even if you were to lose contact with reality on shrooms, you wouldn't have the capability to carry out anything. This feel like a weird deflect authored by someone who knows nothing about mushrooms.

Using weird anonymization techniques will also make you more unique. Disabling JS, running in a VM and having uncommon settings in general will make you very easy to follow around.

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There are tons of reasons my dude. You can still have platform-dependant technologies in your game even if the base engine itself supports linux.

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The pandemic made everything worse, but students struggled with math as long as I have been alive. As someone who loved science and math stuff outside school, but hated it with a passion in school, this text really put my thoughts into words as to why :

Lockhart's Lament: https://maa.org/sites/default/files/pdf/devlin/LockhartsLament.pdf

TLDR: It is taught wrong.

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Ah, good ol' "They let you do it" defense.

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and he never heard of what is an indictment and of most of the codefendant. It is just the most pathetic toddler-level lie. Did you eat the cake? Oh you don't know what is a cake? You've never even seen one?

I guess I am just and old grinch, but I feel like this is written to feel more epic and crazy than it really is, and to accuse the subway engineers of incompetence, rather than what seem to be a conscious architectural decision.

The subway system basically encodes how much money you have on your RFID card, and merely overwrites that value when you recharge it or use it. To me, this sounds like a cost-saving measure and a cheap way to have a fault-tolerant system. It is vulnerable to hackers tho, sort of by design. The alternative is to build a very complex and expensive centralized system with higher maintenance cost and points of failure. Both options work, but it is a tradeoff.

To me, the reason they didn't want word of this to get out is because the system is really good at doing what it is doing otherwise, and the small amount of fraud is probably costing them less than having to build a centralized system.

Kudos for students to even figure that out, but the feat in itself is almost equivalent to learning how to print counterfeit tickets to trick a clerk. It feels more crooked than technically impressive. Those responsibles for the system already knew of this "flaw". They just don't need the instructions how to make counterfeit cards out there.

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Crazy how those same people in favor of the ban would be cheering for it if it could turn gay children straight. I mean, they were in favor of parents sending their children to gay conversion therapy even though, which are basically torture camps, even though there is no basis for it in medical science.

Maybe that is why they hate the rest of the country so much, they think we're all hypocrite like them, just a different flavour.

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Sure, it is obvious now, but less than a year ago barely anyone suspected that we had LLM more advanced than the Google assistant and Siri, let alone one capable of earning a medical degree.

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We might as well been coworkers. Crazy just how sheepish all the big execs are. Productivity was supposedly up at the peak of the WFH policies, but now suddenly it is so important to go back even though there is not enough room for everyone.

I don't miss being crammed into a pretencious office being surrounded at arm length by 5 other people, some of which at loud as fuck and spend their days on zoom. I really won't do it anymore, I don't care if I starve.

45min commute which cost over a hundred per month and still require me to walk in shitty weather, already soaked in sweat half the months of the year, so I can walk in and plug my shitty laptop on a dock and ultimately still have 99% of my work done remotely and on zoom on my shitty webcam because half the office is home and three quarter of my colleagues live in a different country.

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About a hundred of his amendments made it in various bill proposal. A bunch of which became laws. You can't really blame him for the broken party system in which he's not even taking part. One man can't single handly fix congress

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I am convinced he wanted a full blown insurrection the first time around, and fully planned to enter the capitol as newly coronated emperor. He wanted armed protesters to hang around his rally, and he fully planned to go there. The reason he didn't is that once he got into his car the secret service over ruled his last-minute request (because he knew it would not be approved), and he got MAD. He tried to physically take control of the car, but yeah, apparently the president does not have the authority to put himself in harm's way.

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It's funny because the first group to denounce Trump as a maniac, and to basically accurately describe how fucked up he is was the GOP in 2016. They warned back then what would happen if Trump won, then he won and suddenly he was the best thing ever, and everyone disagreeing has been had by the deep state or something.

I might be giving him too much credibility because it's not like Trump is a fine strategist or anything, but at this point I think he knows he's fucked in court anyway. He already lost this battle so to speak, so I doubt he'll make any sort of effort to help his own case. He'll do what he does best and stir up shit as fast as possible, making the biggest circus imaginable with whatever he can, and insulting the judges and admitting to his crimes is definitely a signature wtf play of his. Another angle is that the case is lost, he knows, and Trump never admit defeat, he'll just double down and pretend it's not a crime because he did it on purpose.

We're all so bad at communicating and it is the bottleneck in most relationships, workplaces, and in politics.

We talk past each others when we argue. We're bad at definining the stuff we argue and talk about. We're bad at ignoring the pedantic stuff and focusing on the "spirit" of the argument.

At the workplace I feel the ability to share information to all the relevant parties without it being noisy has never been solved in big corporations. It is either a free-for-all situation where you're expected to read hundred of emails, answer anyone anytime, go in tons of meeting, OR to work in complete silos where you only talk to a supervisor once in a blue moon.

In friendships you have people who talk but don't listen and people who listen and don't talk. Oversharers, bullshiters, people who can't get to the point, people who gives 5 minutes of context and disordered information for every little things. Friends who mumble, or who don't finish half their sentences.

In relationships we let unresolved issues become taboos, and we let petty stuff buildup because we can't addresss it without anyone feeling attacked.

Communication is important, as you've already been told by a poster or an HR person, but I rarely see people actively try to better themselves in that area, nor the corporations I worked at. You won't have anything durable without it, or anything capable of scaling efficiently.

I am probably very bad at it too, for the simple reason that virtually all the people I know are ever good at best at a few aspects of it. I am self-conscious about communicating properly but I too probably suck at it and I have my blind spots just like everyone else. For this reason, this is the thing I hate about everyone, we can't communicate for shit and we don't even realize it most of the time.

Imo, defederation isn't the exile sentence everyone is making out to be. It is used like you said as a bandaid as a moderation tool, but really just about "anyone" can boot up an instance and have complete agency on which Instances are visible.

I'd be more concerned if all the big instances ganged up together to form a whitelist club, but this this is a more complex discussion, and there is no sign of it happenning.

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Yes, very much. Unity has an army of highly-paid developers, some of which are behemoths in the industry and built other highly-regarded technology. It could be done, I mean, I don't think Unity was particularly efficient spending its internal resources, but it is gonna take a while for other open-source engines like Godot to catch up.

$10 he personally call them out for inflating his weight, bad lighting, and etc.

It is all about having a thin veneer of reasoning, no matter how wrong, it always is. So now they can advance to the next wrong thing with this new justification in their toolbox.

I'll say it again, but you can have a look at basically any position held by modern conservatives, anything, and it always end up being very wrong, based on paper-thin arguments. This is how they ended up with their own alternative reality, one very wrong conclusion at a time, wrapped in a thin argument. Conservative don't care to look pas the conclusion, some are in it for themselves, but I think most are just morons.

He was actively taught to be like this by his father. Dude's mind was ruined early on he never had a chance to escape the brainwash.

Seems like the opposite to me. Like he was coerced to lie for his old boss due to the circumstances, especially from being dependant from the legal fund. The prosecutor gave him an out and a chance to break fealty from trump. He probably lied because he thought it was the only way out, and his testimony could be valuable after realizing it is not.

You have to realize that this is how criminal organizations work. The members end up being dependant on the leader and they're scared to tell the truth. It is doubly so when you're very own lawyer is being hired by the mob boss. What a messed up system.

Nothing is downloaded from Unity servers. This is an attempt at recouping money from developers making over 1M per year.

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It is very hard to have rational disccussion when people disagree on the basic observable facts, ignore the "rules" of debate, and are struggling with critical thinking. You can meet difficult people on all the political spectrum, but certain idealogy attract more difficult people, and certain stuff mainstream conservatives believe right now has absolutely no basis in reality.

Experts are supposed to break it down to them. But yeah, this is a flawed system but I fear the honnest take is that most humans know nothing about most things (even if we're tempted to believe otherwise), so you'd be running out of avalaible judges real quick.

It is actually easier to manipulate people if you're ignorant and over-confident. It is much easier because you don't have to lie and adapt your speech, you just do you.

I think this sentiment come from the long history of Microsoft repeatedly breaking and then failing to address antitrust requests. At this point people just assume bas faith.

I remember maybe a decade ago how it seemed a big deal anytime they used their OS monopoly to fuck with 3rd parties alternatives. But yeah, I don't think every popup and annoyance is a crime. There's a fine line they walk to still push their first-party garbage.

I made games primarily for Windows which we also compiled for Linux. It is mostly input/output stuff, aka hardware issues. That is, audio issues, input issues, storage issues, dependency issues. Modern game engine mostly handle the rest. It wasn't such a big deal to fix, but most gamedev lacked experience with Linux, and most projects are already over budget and late, so fixing Linux for an extra 2-5% of sales didn't make much sense at small scale. Proton kind off fixed all of this tho.

It is called social democracy and it is wild to me that what is one of the best approach to capitalism is basically the boogeyman in the US.

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