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Joined 1 years ago

They aren't sports fans. One of the things I do most often on Reddit is participate in various gamethreads in /r/nfl, /r/cfb, /r/hockey, /r/baseball, etc etc etc. There are gamethreads on Lemmy, mostly on the instance. I'm the only one I've seen post in them, except for bots.

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The Mali government taking control of the .ml tld probably has something to do with the fact that hundreds of thousands of US military emails have been accidentally sent to Mali by users who type .ml instead of .mil in the address field.

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Based on the title of this post, my first thought was "Hurt," and I was like "Who doesn't know that Johnny covered Trent Reznor?"

But then I read the article. Cool find, OP.

Okay so what are you getting from either of those that you can’t get from attending the same on Teams/Zoom etc.?

I don't get the "Bill, we can't hear you; you're on mute" twenty times per hour. Or the guy who doesn't realize he should be muted but isn't, and the chat is flooded with his background noise. I don't get to whisper snarky comments about the presenter to my coworker whom I'm sitting next to. I don't get to spontaneously engage people hanging around the coffee stand between sessions.

There are tangible differences between remote and in-person. As much of an introvert as I am, and as much as I love working remotely, I recognize that I do better collaborative work when I'm in-person. YMMV, but mine doesn't.

Who wants to use a site full of nothing but sexy john oliver?

Bout to say. Who wouldn't want to use a site full of nothing but sexy John Oliver?

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There is only one X, and he gon' give it to ya.

Kentucky woman sues state over abortion ban so she can terminate her pregnancy murder her child.

There, fixed that for you.

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