Kentucky woman sues state over abortion ban so she can terminate her pregnancy to – 537 points –

A Kentucky woman Friday filed an emergency class-action lawsuit, asking a Jefferson County judge to allow her to terminate her pregnancy. It’s the first lawsuit of its kind in Kentucky since the state banned nearly all abortions in 2022 and one of the only times nationwide since before Roe v. Wade in 1973 that an adult woman has asked a court to intervene on her behalf and allow her to get an abortion.


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Kentucky woman sues state over abortion ban so she can terminate her pregnancy murder her child.

There, fixed that for you.

Fetuses are not children. Or do you think my balls contain half children?

You're a hypocrite and a liar.

Let me tell you why: Infant mortality (live births that died under 1 year of age) in the US rose by 3% in 2022, increasing for the first time in 20 years from 5.44 per 1000 live births in 2021 to 5.60. (data from the CDC)

Comparing with Europe, you let almost twice of your babies die.

I'm talking about real babies here, babies whose fathers have held them in their arms, changed their diapers, sang them lullabies... And you let them die.

Why is infant mortality in the US the highest of any industrialised nation?

Two reasons: because maternity care in the US is utterly appalling, and because you limit access to abortion. Read more.

You don't care about children. You care about controlling women. Land of the free allright...

No, sparky, "terminate her pregnancy" was correct. No child is murdered by an abortion. Claiming otherwise requires profound ignorance of biology and what happens during pregnancy.

From the article, a nonviable child. So with no abortion it will die anyway probably in pain while also risking the mother's life.

Even The Bible says that life begins at first breath, so nope. Not murder.

Scientifically the fetus is a parasite right up until it isn't, and as long as it cannot live without its mother, it's not alive. You cannot murder that which was never alive.

So your argument is that tapeworms, vampire bats, mistletoe, and a significant percentage of mushrooms aren't alive?

There are excellent arguments for abortion access, so FFS please drop this one. It's counterproductive.

You're the kind of person who's kids are going to put them in a home, and you'll deserve it.

Maybe it's not the murder you should be making peace with but the idea of all the suffering caused by not having the abortion of a nonviable fetus. People ask What right do we have to end it? Wrong question. What right do we have to force such a thing upon another human? And all anyone is asking you to do is make peace with yourself so another does not suffer. See it as mercy.

So you want women to be forced to give birth to babies that will only survive a few hours or days and be in agonizing pain the entire time.


/s or serious?

Probably serious, but it's funny watching him use the same tactic I see in just about every thread.

"Headline should be what supports my agenda."

There. Fixed it for you.

hey fuck you too, you're the other person arguing against reproductive rights and that's all i know about you!

I was never arguing against reproductive rights.

then you fucked up, because you very clearly were. for someone so enthusiastic about judicial rulings, squibbling over definitions, acting neutral and claiming no opinion... it's funny how all your arguments happen to support fascist policy. Just an oopsie daisy?

and if you want to teach a lesson on tribalism, instead of just pretending to be in the fascist tribe you could try being more human than just a box of contrarian statements against human rights

You're too far gone.

Wow nice tribalist thinking. You don't know anything about me except a couple random comments and you think you can make that evaluation? You're evaluating an ideology not a person at this point - but keep pretending to call out tribalism while doing it yourself!

Good, let the squishy blob get flushed down a gas station toilet. Let another kid have a better chance.