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Maybe this invention revolutionised how we clean our butts, or maybe it was utterly trivial and 20 different ways of cutting paper rolls were patented that same year (note that present day rolls don't even use this method).

But that's irrelevant to the point that seems to be implied here that patents somehow contributed to it's success. They don't, an invention will be useful or not based on its own merits, not on the fact they're patented.

They exist to ensure whoever registered it makes a profit, which is why they're being exploited way past the point of making up for any good they were supposed to bring...

Suppose someone was on the fence here, and willing to hear you out instead of believing OP.

Because, as I said, while I agree with most of what you said, you're doing a big disservice to spreading your message.

I agree with most of what you're saying, but the way you're presenting it is almost confrontational.

True, self-diagnostic in a strict sense isn't a thing, but as you point out after, a collection of symptoms can speak to one's experience. Finding this insight, in my case, was an eye opening moment because so many things in my past and in my day to day suddenly started to make sense.

Coming to terms with this realization is especially useful for people who have strong negative views on mental health issues, and driving people to "self-diagnostic", as in recognizing that they may be neuro divergent, is a worthy effort.

It doesn't replace actual professional help and diagnosis, but it's a first step that needs to be encouraged.

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So the innovation that was patented is literally "cut it partway through".

Patents are inherently stupid and only serve to stifle progress. Change my mind or otherwise just downvote away, works as well.

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Data privacy AND not having to deal with more bullshit AI? Oh my, how will we ever cope with this... /s

I couldn't care less about crashes, that's an end-user problem. But do you expect me to go to sleep while that squiggly line in my IDE??

/s just in case

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We have a saying that goes something like "in war, any hole is a trench". Bro there is fighting for his life

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What? The bro ain't a fussy eater.

I don't get all of these labels, to be honest.

Creating a whole spectrum of labels seems like the wrong direction - if I'm attracted to someone, that's all there is to it. The rest don't matter, especially if it's about other people's relationships, then all the more so - that's their business, and as long as nobody is getting harmed, then we need to support them.

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They cannot.

EU safety rules specifically forbid sharp edges (kudos to the visionary who thought about including that one...).

Additionally, it's weight is absolutely ridiculous, to the point that you cannot drive it with a standard B licence (you need at least C1, which requires specific classes and written + driving exams).

Not to mention, many streets simply cannot accommodate a car so large, and there's zero parking space for such a monstrosity in most city centers...

Edit: actually I'm not sure if Iceland included these specific EU rules, so maybe they can actually sell it there?...

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Kate OMG you're in the news!!!

There's strong statistical evidence suggesting that millennials are, on average, older than gen z'ers. It not clear from the latest studies what could have caused this presumed age gap.

Those same studies also evidenced the startling fact that the tested individuals shared over 99.9% of their genome and could in fact belong to the same species, which is what prompted all the recent controversy after one of the lead researchers said in a televised interview that "they're all people".

Brother, this law is just deranged. Trapping people in a marriage is not OK.

Divorce includes agreements over custody, why not consider an expected child into that as well?

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Sounds like a great way of making all bureaucracy grind to a halt. How does he expect this will turn out, when even those who support him on this start have to spend a full day in line to renew their driver's license or file their taxes?

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I presume OP works at a decently sized company, and they have magical people like PMs and CSMs that turn customer tantrums into neat little cards that he can push down the kanban.

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You're a hypocrite and a liar.

Let me tell you why: Infant mortality (live births that died under 1 year of age) in the US rose by 3% in 2022, increasing for the first time in 20 years from 5.44 per 1000 live births in 2021 to 5.60. (data from the CDC)

Comparing with Europe, you let almost twice of your babies die.

I'm talking about real babies here, babies whose fathers have held them in their arms, changed their diapers, sang them lullabies... And you let them die.

Why is infant mortality in the US the highest of any industrialised nation?

Two reasons: because maternity care in the US is utterly appalling, and because you limit access to abortion. Read more.

You don't care about children. You care about controlling women. Land of the free allright...

Yeah... I'll scratch "find myself agreeing with goddamn Erdogan" from my The World Is Fucked bingo card

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Not being used to F at all, it seems to me that C has at least least some very notable landmarks - 0 frozen, 100 boiling. I have zero landmarks for F

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Can't this be solved in a way where we get tons of super bacon?

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This is such a bullshit moral for stories, and it's so overused that it boggles my brain. It's just an outright lie - accepting oneself will NOT magically solve all of one's problems, that's not how reality works.

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Google says that “regulatory requirements” have led to this decision, presumably referring to the EU’s Digital Markets Act or other recent legislation. The precise reason isn’t mentioned by Google.

What are those clock faces doing, Google?


Because they didn't come out saying they won't enable ads. They just quietly renamed the toggle to say something else, and that is shady AF. Why are you trying to spin it positively?

I'm convinced Trump's mind doesn't work like that, and that his memories are heavily slanted by how he perceived his role in the event. Others' roles or the factual details are arranged automatically by his brain to fill this role he sees himself playing.

No one surely ever challenged him on his constant nonsense, so he's had a lifetime of reinforcement over this behaviour.

As he's aging however the detachment between his perception and recollection of an event is growing much larger, and the result is these wild made-up tales...

I want to give the benefit of the doubt here and assume he knows his audience, so playing it this way ensures it gets killed.

Kind of a does the end justify the means sort of situation...

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So the largest threat to the United States is Gregory Abbot...

In an article about a disgusting POS abusing a minor, your concern is to shoot the messenger?

What are you, a pedo?

Why is it unreasonable?

This isnt demanding apple to retrofit usb-c to old phones. This is telling them to stop producing new phones with lightning, and instead use USB-C.

This is highly relevant for India as it's a price conscious market, and Apple sells a lot more older models than elsewhere, specifically Europe who passed a similar law but on new models only.

And if a student figured out how to add a fully functional usb-c port to an iPhone X, I'm sure apple can figure it out for an iPhone 14.

Opinions are more human because they're mostly posted by actual humans. Reddit and that clowfiesta previously known as twitter are clogged by astroturf.

If lemmy ever gets really big, no doubt we'll see the same here unfortunately.

Maybe related with AMDs next gen console GPU being delayed?

I really like the idea of mandatory profit distribution to workers.

Imagine a world where this (or even half) gets divided equally by all apple workers. So much money going back into the economy, and a much smaller incentive to maximize profits...

Which to Nintendo, wouldn't matter a bit.

The assholes managing these megacorps are in it for the buck. When they squeeze the final scraps of profit, they go do it somewhere else, having padded their bank accounts and their resume with tales of how they are able to extract maximum returns...

So you're saying the DMA wasn't created specifically to fuck over small content creators? TIL

Not saying you're wrong, but a source to go with that would be great.

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Hell nah. They cannot be the sole gatekeepers, alternative app stores that are outside of Apple's control need to exist.

So that's how much my data is worth to Meta?

As a mildly introverted person, this sounds like hell. I'd pay a tax to be left alone

I assume this is just going to continue escalating, and I'm really curious to see what the supreme court will respond to this when it inevitably reaches them. Will they allow their fellow judges to be bullied and harassed, discrediting themselves in the process, or finally squeeze this necrotic orange.


This isn't the reason, it doesn't matter if Hamas accuses them or not.

They're considered hostages because Hamas wants to release them in exchange for something.

Israel imprisons Palestinian as a punishment or to achieve specific goals that are not met by releasing them (like preventing political prisoners from engaging with society).

I don't think either term is morally superior to the other, but they do have some different connotations...

I'm resigned that manual transmissons are a thing of the past, but man, it's such a huge part of the enjoyment of driving for me.

Getting that perfect shift, especially if accelerating quicky or going up a steep hill is just so satisfying... Or the "minigame" of balancing the clutch and throttle from a full stop uphill without using the handbrake... And that feeling when you smoothly downshift going down a road and the revs pick up, while you ease up on the brake...

Yeah I really like driving.

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