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Joined 12 months ago

Biden should dissolve the supreme court and re-appoint the 9 most activist judges possible.

They made this bed, make them sleep in it.

Those pellets are the only reason I go there...

Well, those, and the chicks in the spring. I just wanna snuggle them all!

The joker isn't the disease in Gotham, he's the symptom. In a world where the effort of an individual results in proportional gains, where people have a home, family, and attachments to their community, there is no joker. The populace is innoculated against his desire to tear it all down, because they have a stake in "it all". The few that are vulnerable to his views, are getting the support and care they need from trained staff, and the people around them are keeping the joker away. Batman isn't in Gotham because of the Joker; the Joker can exist in Gotham because of Batman, a billionaire who spent his efforts and resource on violence, instead of outreach.

Plus, giving OSHA some teeth, and forcing corporations to compensate fairly for workplace accidents, and regulations requiring the inspection and certification of toxic chemical plants would have stopped the joker, and countless other tragedies, at a fraction of the cost.

Read books, play videogames, go outside and beat each other with sticks...

They can't see you, the same way you can't see a 2D object.

Stop, you're scaring me.

Hah, no ones deluded enough to think trump wants to serve America or even that he gives a flying f*ck about what’s good for it.

Oh my sweet summer child...

They believe that Trump is simultaneously the reincarnation of JFK jr, and JFK jr is going to come back from the dead and be his VP. Scientist need to invent about 200 more dimensions in order to describe the space their mental gymnastics flips and cartwheels through.

2 major problems with that. Good luck getting him to agree to a debate with fact checking. Even when he is blatantly lying, he's just going to accuse the fact checkers of bias, and force his supporters to distance themselves from reality more than they are already.

The best defence is to ignore it, and focus on the issues that people care about. The best thing Biden can do is present a strong coherent front, and pretend like trump isn't even there at all.

Ironman 2

Fun fact. The guy that made this was the "forensic expert" that claimed he could detect bamboo fibers in ballots in Georgia and Arizona. The GOP tried to put him in charge of their investigation.

Gotta have one from 30 years ago. My dad's secondhand Maytag dryer survived 4 moves, and 35 years. We had it serviced twice in that time. First time was at 30 years. It stopped running because it filled up with pocket change. Some of the coins were polished almost completely flat. Second time, the heat quit working. Bought a new dryer after that. It's going strong, but it's got a long way to go just to be half as good.

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I usually buy Asus for computers, and I go for a mid-range business model with dedicated graphics. They're cheaper than the gaming counterparts, still have good specs, and they are much more reliable and easy to work on.

Had a secondhand Alienware, circa 2017, and that thing looked nice, but it was heavy, bulky, and you had to remove the back cover, drives, battery, WiFi antenna, and a bezel just to swap the CMOS battery. But that's everything Dell IMHO.

It's probably a bit of both here. We didn't have the "disposable" lifestyle 50 years ago that we have now, and a stronger push for efficiency and features has had trade-offs in complexity and reliability.

Example: My current dryer (and my dad's new dryer) both have a lot more plastic in them. The motors are smaller, and quieter, while making the same power (or more). They are loaded with temp, humidity, weight and wobble sensors, and my dryer has 4 dials, 5 different temperatures, and 2 different modes. The old one, had a dial to control the heat, and a timer.

As for disposable, I think older generations had an expectancy that you would buy an appliance once or twice in your life. I've got a 1000 dollar poket shit-posting device that I'm going to get rid of because it is pushing 4 years old. We just accept that these devices are uneconomical to repair, and we toss them out. I think the only things American's bother to fix anymore are cars, and that's going away because every year, they get harder and more expensive to repair.

All scriptures, equal space for each scripture, same font (not necessarily same size) same colors.

Also need to leave some space for new religions/scriptures. It's only fair.

I love hearing other languages in the US. It reminds me of the lofty ideals that were taught to me as a child. The Great Melting Pot, Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses, E Pluribus Unum and all that.

I hate that there is a significant portion of the population here that violently believes that English is the only language here.

IT, more specifically user support.

Let's talk passwords. You should have a different password for every site and service, over 16 character long, without any words, or common misspellings, using capital, lowercase, number and special characters throughout. MyPassword1! is terrible. Q#$bnks)lPoVzz7e? is better. Good luck remembering them all, also change them all every 30 days, so here are my secrets.

1: write your password down somewhere, and obfuscate it. If an attacker has physical access to your desk, your password probably isn't going to help much. 2: We honestly don't expect you to follow those passwords rules. I suggest breaking your passwords down into 3 security zones. First zone, bullshit accounts. Go ahead and share this one. Use it for everything that does not have access to your money or PII (Personally Identifiable Information). Second zone, secure accounts, use this password for your money and PII accounts, only use it on trusted sites.Third, reset accounts. Any account that can reset and unlock your other accounts should have a very strong and unique password, and 2FA.

Big industry secret, your passwords can get scraped pretty easily today, 2FA is the barest level of actual security you can get. Set it up. I know it's a pain, but it's really all we've got right now.

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Courts should find insurance companies liable for billing mistakes that you have to spend your time and resources to correct. Compensation should be 100 dollars a minute.

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Shitty sites that store PWs in plain text, or they get compromised and the password is figured out from the hash. Probably the most common way right now is phishing, and with AI/LLM it's pretty easy to do spearphishing attacks on a large scale. The target enters their password on a seemingly legit site, but it's actually an attacker's site that logs the PW. There are lots of ways to get a password, and password-only authentication is considered pretty weak, even with a "strong" password.

Personally, I'd prefer a monthly fine for unfilled housing, that is based on the rate you are charging for it. Landlord wants to jack your rent up 20%? If you leave, they pay a fine, based on that amount until they fill the unit. The fines go to subsidizing housing costs, so there is a self-balancing system. Right now, with property values increasing at insane rates, owners don't really need to rent to break even, which leaves them free to price gouge their tenants. There is little pressure pushing rates back down, and there is all the freedom in the world to jack them up as high as you want.

As long as your phone is secure, and the manager only stores data locally, I'd say yes. I would still encourage you to have any "reset capable" accounts secured with a strong password and 2FA that is not in your PW manager.

As with all things IT, there is a tradeoff between comfort/usability and security.

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Screw that, turn off the oxygen if it isn't their turn.

Yep. Biggest disappointment about the 2008 crisis was that all the people who caused it were able to go back to work and start doing it all over again

I say, if you crash the global economy, you ought to be relegated to fast food service for the rest of your life.

Kickback congress for 1% of those fees.

Ghoul in the streets, feral in the sheets.

Left the market a few years ago. Sorry bud. I wanted to get the Wing, but grabbed a OnePlus 9 Pro instead. No regrets.

All spiders (and tarantulas) are venomous.

Whether or not the venom is medically significant to humans... That varies by species.

Section 3.

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Sounds like she should be removed from Congress.

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I say let them leave, make PR the 50th state, and then immediately invade Texas and turn it into a territory of the US.

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Thats a big statement from a guy who skipped Independence Day to fuck off in Russia with Putin.

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Muller's report was like... Yo, this guy did some things that definitely could be considered crimes. As an investigator, I referred them to the DoJ, as bringing a case against the president was not part of my mandate.

That then Bill Barr was like... Eh, he's white and rich and he's forwarding a christofacist agenda, so I don't think we need to charge him with anything.

Physics Toolbox Suite.

Most phones today contain a powerful array of sensors, and almost all of them are locked from easy access by the user. Physics Toolbox has functions that allow you to get the raw data from almost every sensor in your phone. It's the only "tool" app that I can honestly say I've used as a tool. It has a sound intensity functions which I have used to determine if hearing protections is needed, and I've used that feature to diag a bad mic pickup due to an ambient white noise machine. It can give you the signal loss for a WiFi connection, very handy for troubleshooitng wireless access points.

Other features, magnetic field detection, tone generator, color matcher, g-force and rotation output, raw GPS view and more. All of these are available on the free version, but I actually use this app so much that I sent the 2 or 5 bucks to the dev mainly just to support them. The paid version also lets you export the sensor logs to a .csv file so you can view that data on a computer.

It really turns your phone from a glorified Lemmy portal into the cool future tool it was meant to be.

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Yes, they have a lot of guns. On the other hand, we've had to tell them, at least twice in my lifetime, not to drink bleach to cure diseases.

They won't last a week.

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Someone in Texas should propose a law that makes rape punishable by life in prison, minimum, and failure to pay child support punishable by chemical castration (it's reversible). Watch these fuckers go to the mat defending a rapist's right to get off without major consequences.

"There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. It would be a pity to damage yours"

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Sometimes the gal can be racist. My friends tried to hook me up with a cute lady who had an amazing accent. Turns out, she was south-african and very quickly let me know that ending apartheid was a mistake because "some people just can't prepare for modern life".

Noped right the fuck out of setting up that date.

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It's a reflection of humanity. What we want is J-Lo with unrealistic spinal mobility, and a wedgie so high it covers her belly button.

Call his fucking bluff.

In jail, no phone, no internet, no interviews. The only way he'd get to talk to the public is though his lawyer, who is accountable to tell the truth when discussing details of the case.

I'd switch, but I've been on the Capy system my whole life, and it's just much more intuitive for me. Everyone knows how long a Capybara is. How fucking long a meter is? Beats the fuck out of me, maybe a half cap?

Humans rarely bite as a defensive option. Animals bite when they are scared, humans tend to throw punches.

Rabies doesn't make you bite, it makes you scared, confused and uncomfortable and aggressive, so you fight.

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Well fuck, Republicans are right, the Department of Education is a waste of money.