1 Post – 307 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Pops to low! Better ban IVF for people that want to have kids.

Lol you are right nothing, stopping carter legally. I just don't wanna see Jimmy do more work. Dude just seems too nice.

Lol 99 Is too young!

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Wtf happened between him and his mom?

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That profit margin!

Never ask that question. It's a flag.

Israel could always round up Palestinians into camps for thier safety preventing them from Leaving. Then provide them jobs.... and then kill whomever in gas chambers.

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Phase 1 complete when they got them all. Watch Isreal offer them jobs and they can't leave until they paid off some bs

Can't go to non-extradite country?

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Firecracker looks proud. Really brightens my night.

Great episode.

I was wondering what that blue thing was. I thought it was a weird personal tool....

I remember watching Clue and that's how they got one of the characters.

Glad to see justice even if it is decades later

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Love this movie. As a kid I didn't understand why it was a security risk. To think people want to go back.

The answer here is more abuse! Abuse until she is walking dead she'll of a person.


Anyone know how to prepare for 2008 part 2?

15 more...

I've worked with India teams in 5 companies. Always bad. we need to rehire Americans to manage/oversight or redo. Ends up costing more. The code and website teams complaints never end but c level Don't care.

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I'm super tempted to post the whole email chain it's wild. They claimed it was fraudulent becuase I shipped to my cosplay partner which i have done before. So I said ok ship to my billing address they straight up refused and Then pressed for more information which is already on the form that worked before. To which I said ok cancel the order and I'll just reorder and ship to me. Next response is you have been refunded, get a new supplier and they permabanned me.

Now at a greater scale!

I'm ok with them checking but they need to permabane me for asking to ship to my billing address instead of the alt address i was going to be in a week? Comeon.

Lol yeah but like with what capital? I expect stocks to crash with it. Do I just save in cds?

13 more...

Problem is cash is not inflation proof. Not sure if I should horde gold. I bet crypto will take a hit too.

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I've always been wary of Aliexpress but maybe for the next project if your are saying it's ok. I wanted the stuff asap. Didn't think of ebay I thought it was just bidding lol.

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Sparkfun seems to have most of the parts I needed. They just don't have the button selection Ada has, sigh. I really liked the mini buttons. Alternative sites for same buttons are 3 weeks and like 3x more. Ada was supposed to ship next day...

After spending literally 12 hrs looking at every supplier:

Sparkfun Polou digikey Etc

I'm think going with mouser. Some of the sparkfun stuff was cheaper for same part number on mouser than their website.
it was a pain to sort through everything. adafruit mini button are under accessories and not Pushbutton for example. God please no more issues. Emotionally cannot handle more delays.

Gotcha. appricate the details!

They say that but what didn't take a hit?

Obviously it was Made perfect! never amended it!

I'm thinking porcelain sheet for the streets.

Wow that haven't been on ebay for years. Wonder where the bids go now.

$13 in 1990 is 35$ today with inflation. They are working more for 50% less.

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Conservatives: all part of the plan

Meanwhile everyone else us wondering what the effect of all those unwanted children will have in the next 30 years for those families.

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One thing I never understood was stopping direct sales.

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GOP: Gentlemen Gentlemen this is a mental health issue which is we can't ban 2A rights.

Everyone: Ok then give us better mental health?

GOP: Nope that's commie talk. Just get Jesus. (Also shocked why people hate them)

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I see ads in TV that are pro Isreal now with Santa crying because of Hamas kidnapped people. I know it's what about ism but not really moral high ground here when IDF literally wipes whole familes.

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"SAN FRANCISCO – California’s once-thriving residential solar industry is in ruins after state officials slashed rooftop solar incentives, causing thousands of job losses, said clean energy advocates and solar industry representatives during a recent virtual briefing.

The incentives played a crucial role in outfitting solar panels on approximately 2 million homes, establishing the state as the leader in the clean energy revolution. But the California Public Utilities Commission, or CPUC, bowed to demands from Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric to roll back those incentives."

Of course the gas/electric company hates it.

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I've lived through a whole dark age and three supposed end of days with the stock market.

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From wiki "the argument that children who are born after their mothers are refused an abortion are much more likely to commit crimes or refuse to recognize authority when they reach adulthood. They further argue that the Decreței are exactly the same people who spearheaded the Romanian revolution where Ceaușescu's regime was violently overthrown in 1989"

This is kind of what I expected. Good to know there was data supporting it for my future discussions.

Ahh the old Let me move to country side and get upset by local things so I change everything. Then later move again when it was just like where I started.

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Had an argument with FIL where he argued his last child Is out of school so he votes against school taxes. I'm like you know that pays for the people you and your family will interact with. His response was "I want them as ignorant as me". Even as joke it's lacks wisdom. He just complained about doctors being uneducated an hour before.

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My coworker brought up that point at a party and omfg if I had camera out it would have been a viral meme.