France passes law protecting cocks' right to crow in the countryside to Not The – 367 points –
France passes law protecting cocks' right to crow in the countryside

The new ‘countryside sounds and smells law’ aims to give more protection to existing farms from newly arrived residents in the area.


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Ahh the old Let me move to country side and get upset by local things so I change everything. Then later move again when it was just like where I started.

Don't worry, people do that in cities too. People move into "trendy" neighborhoods, ruin them by campaigning to change them, and then move to the next trendy place.

Self entitlement and stupidity have no bounds.

People should be forbidden from complaining about things that predated them moving into an area.

Go to any popular national park where they cram development right up to the entrance. "What a lovely place, let's build the fuck out of it."

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