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They / them

In the birth-place of fascism, they have elected a fascist. Fascists have historically supported Zionism, not Palestine. For me the fact that students in Italy protest for Palestine is loud enough to give me hope.

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I’m not really sure what that adds.

As mentioned above it adds context. Context to the claims of the main Israeli news outlet.

And please, do not talk as if this started last October, cause it's definitely not the case.

The AfD, polling second in nationwide surveys...

Since the AfD is the 2nd strongest power in Germany and in the parliament for quite some time now, I would say its about time to protest against it. I mean great they do, but I don't see any bottom-up sharp reflexes, given their recent history.

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Some context that would not be included in times of israel would be the following:

Israel rejects Hamas hostage release deal, lays out own Gaza truce terms

The proposal comes following Netanyahu's rejection of a Hamas offer that sought an end to the war in return for the release of the remaining hostages.

The Israeli government has offered a new proposal to Hamas that would see a two-month ceasefire in return for the release of Israeli hostages, after rebuffing a Hamas offer.

It is also unknown if any of the over 6,000 Palestinians that have been detained by the Israeli military since 7 October from the occupied West Bank will be included in the deal.

Some 250 hostages were taken during Hamas' attack on Israel on 7 October, with 130 being released during a one-week ceasefire in November.

Families of the Israeli hostages have ramped up calls for their release, with protests occurring outside Netanyahu's house and inside the Israeli Knesset on Sunday.

UN agencies have repeatedly called for a ceasefire for an increase in humanitarian aid into Gaza, as UNRWA reports that 570,000 people face catastrophic hunger in the enclave.

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Dodgy dude full of himself by all accounts apparently. Who knows what he and his buddies have been doing off camera.

[edit: relevant informative article Luis Rubiales: these seven tactics made his speech excusing his assault on Jenni Hermoso a textbook case in silencing women ]

In the same time Israel government gives financial incentives for new a settler-colonial migration wave, notably from Western countries only.

Israeli Government to Reward New Immigrants Who Settle in Country's North, South and West Bank - Haatertz - 15 Febr 2024

Against a backdrop of growing interest in immigration to Israel from Jewish people in France, Britain, America and Canada, Israel plans to give financial aid to new 'olim' in a bid to increase immigration from Western countries

Article by The times of Israel (2017):

Loathed by Jews, Germany’s far-right AfD loves the Jewish state

Candidates for nationalist Alternative for Germany, derided as anti-Semitic, overwhelmingly profess to hold pro-Israel positions, poll shows

But, like many far-right parties in Europe and elsewhere, the AfD presents itself as staunchly supportive of Israel.

According to a wide-ranging poll commissioned by a group promoting German-Israeli relations, most AfD politicians profess to care deeply about Israel’s security, support Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s demand that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state, reject unilaterally recognizing a Palestinian state, and generally support a stronger relationship between Jerusalem and Berlin.
Nearly 90% of the 35 AfD members who were surveyed totally or somewhat support Chancellor Angela Merkel’s dictum that “Israel’s security is Germany’s raison d’etre.” Two said they oppose the statement and two had no opinion.

A quarter of those polled had been to Israel.

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Born, unborn you name it.

Gaza 100 days on: Stop the War on Children

The killing of 10,000 children. Blasts leading to amputation—sometimes carried out without anaesthetics—and lifelong disabilities. Entire populations, including pregnant women and children, facing hunger, a quarter of them (576,600 people) at catastrophic levels, – that means at the risk of starvation and death. Warnings from the UN children’s agency that nearly 335,000 children under five in the Gaza are at “high risk of severe malnutrition and preventable death”. Thousands of children buried under the rubble and presumed dead.

The balance sheet of 100 days of war on Gaza is grim. It is a dark moment in history that we see on our television screens.

“If there is a hell on earth today, its name is northern Gaza,” in the words of one senior UN official.

Yes, zionism does have that effect to a society, cause it's settler colonialism.

Russia outlaws ‘international LGBT public movement’ as extremist - 30 Nov 2023 - The Guardian

Russia’s supreme court has outlawed what it called an “international LGBT public movement” as extremist, in a landmark ruling that representatives of gay and transgender people warn will lead to arrests and prosecutions of the already repressed LGBTQ+ community.

Human rights activists have said the vague wording of the ruling that targets the “international LGBT public movement” allows Russian authorities to persecute any individual or organisation it considers to be part of the “movement”.

“Even though there is no such thing as an international LGBT movement, it is clear that all legal activities of LGBT organisations will be impossible in Russia,” said Igor Kochetkov, the head of the rights group Russian LGBT Network.

Worms are fine. Rape is terrible at any age.

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The Guardian - Can we trust casualty figures from the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry?

In the past, the US state department’s annual human rights report indirectly relied on the same ministry’s casualty figures in quoting UN statistics drawn from Palestinian data.

Omar Shakir, the Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch, said he saw no evidence that the numbers were being manipulated.

“We have been monitoring human rights abuses in the Gaza Strip for three decades, including several rounds of hostilities. We’ve generally found the data that comes out of the ministry of health to be reliable,” he said.

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China is fkin scared all this ruckus will draw attention in the end to its own treatment of the Muslims in its own country. Nothing more. They don’t give a fk on Palestine or it’s Muslim inhabitants.

I think it could be more related to the fact that China is one of the 139 of the 193 United Nations (UN) member states have recognized the State of Palestine. Since 1988.

You have the impression only violent criminals get sentenced to go to prison?

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You wrote:

So they want to get him off the street as the violent criminal he is?

I asked:

You have the impression only criminals get sentenced to prison?

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Here is video that explains in about 12 minutes how the judicial system works in Israel:

Why Israel has so many Palestinian prisoners? - Vox - Dec 2023

Like Jewish Voice for Peace do? Ask for a ceasefire I mean. Or as they say:

URGENT: Demand a ceasefire now.
Millions of lives depend on it.

Also, hope you don't mind when they say:


Jewish Voice for Peace is the largest progressive Jewish anti-Zionist organization in the world.

We’re organizing a grassroots, multiracial, cross-class, intergenerational movement of U.S. Jews into solidarity with Palestinian freedom struggle.

If you’ve been looking for a political home for Jews on the left in this perilous moment; if you’ve been wanting a Jewish community with justice at the center; if you’ve been looking to turn your rage and grief into meaningful, strategic action:
Join us. You belong here.

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This article doesn't mention that -once more- this famine is due to british colonial biopolitics:

The colonial strategies and utilitarian principles by the British authorities exacerbated the Bengal famine. Utilizing Foucault’s concept of biopolitics, I point out how the British viewed Indian bodies discursively. To reaffirm their sense of superiority, they reduced their Indian subjects to animal-like beings’ incapable of controlling their own reproduction.

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This is the survey link.

Not too sure what this survey is actually measuring.

For instance:
the word Israel is mentioned 79 times
the word Hamas is mentioned 7 times
the word Palestine is mentioned 0 times

Also in another article with the same title:

While the question only surveyed a small sample of about 200 people, it lends credence to concerns about rising antisemitism, especially among young people in the U.S.

Another 30 percent of young people said they didn’t agree or disagree with the statement, while the remaining 47 percent disagreed. Only 7 percent of Americans overall believe the Holocaust is a myth, according to the poll.

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To my understanding forza nuova was gaining a tiny percentage in elections, bellow 0.30%. Meloni is the prime minister.

Archive link for those that don't want to visit this outlet.

It’s unclear how the liquidation order will affect Evergrande’s vast operations in the Chinese mainland. As a former British colony, Hong Kong operates under a legal system that is separate, though increasingly influence by, communist-ruled China’s.
In some cases, mainland courts have recognized bankruptcy rulings in Hong Kong but analysts say Evergrande’s is something of a test case.

Let's see how that goes?

The link you provided has the following for Times of Israel:

Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER
Factual Reporting: HIGH
Country: Israel
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rank: MODERATE FREEDOM
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic


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Just heartbreaking.

I'm not sure I understand what you say?

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Not the Onion material

I thought it would be important to include the following link:

Jewish Voice for Peace - Our Approach to Zionism

While it had many strains historically, the Zionism that took hold and stands today is a settler-colonial movement, establishing an apartheid state where Jews have more rights than others. Our own history teaches us how dangerous this can be.

Palestinian dispossession and occupation are by design. Zionism has meant profound trauma for generations, systematically separating Palestinians from their homes, land, and each other. Zionism, in practice, has resulted in massacres of Palestinian people, ancient villages and olive groves destroyed, families who live just a mile away from each other separated by checkpoints and walls, and children holding onto the keys of the homes from which their grandparents were forcibly exiled.

"seizing money" = temporarily frozen bank account until a legal dispute is settled

I didn't find this term in the text (ctrl+f). Why do you have it in quotes?

Apart from that nowadays if a bank freezes a person's account, it's really hard to live/survive in many places in this world and Germany is one of them. Unless you use crypto, and not everybody does.

"Germany" = a German bank

Banks often freeze accounts in order to follow governmental policies, often of protesters. Meaning, one way or another this move is backed by the government.

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Misleading title:

It looks like the numbers of polls from INSA in 2024 were 7 and the percentage number for AfD varied from 18 to 23.\_polling\_for\_the\_next\_German\_federal\_election#2024

Since the 18% was on the 11th-12th of January, why celebrate that after so many mass protests this number is at 21,5%?

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This place is really becoming part of the Palestinian propaganda machine.

Wow, I wasnt wrong.

Criticizing Israel for the Genocide it is currently doing is one thing. Relating this criticism to a Palestinian propaganda machine is another. Do you by any chance have any link -that is not related to zionist sources or wiki- to support your claim?

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BTW I applaud the French school system for its enforced secularization.

That's a tricky one nowadays.
No christian (to my knowledge) has ever had an issue to wear a cross, which every now and then comes out of the t-shirt but it makes muslim girls from conservative families stay home, since they are not allowed to wear a scarf at school.

Got it, thank you so much.

That's how the signed letter ends. It makes total sense to me.

We know there is no military solution to this crisis. We know that Israelis and Palestinians are here to stay — neither Jewish safety nor Palestinian liberation can be achieved if they are pitted against one another. We know that freedom for one people cannot be reached through the oppression and killing of another. We know that Israeli and Palestinian safety is deeply intertwined and that no one wins a forever war. The only way to lasting peace and security is through diplomatic means that move us towards an equal and just future for all.

We urge President Biden and Congress to work for a ceasefire, the release of the hostages, and a diplomatic solution that guarantees equality, justice, and a thriving future for all.

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That's what Haaretz wrote:

According to a police source, the investigation also indicates that an IDF combat helicopter that arrived to the scene and fired at terrorists there apparently also hit some festival participants.