Support for far-right AfD eases after Germany-wide protests - polls to World – 281 points –
Support for far-right AfD eases after Germany-wide protests - polls

BERLIN (Reuters) - Support for the Alternative for Germany (AfD) dropped slightly in two polls published on Tuesday after 10 days of nationwide protests against the far-right party, although it remained firmly in second place.

Support for the AfD dropped 2 percentage points to 20% in a Forsa poll, the lowest level in four months. The party remained behind the opposition conservatives on 31% but still well ahead of all the three parties in Chancellor Olaf Scholz's centre-left coalition, who together were polling 32%.

The AfD dropped 1.5 percentage points on the week to 21.5% in the poll by the German Institute for New Social Answers (INSA), behind the conservatives on 30.5% and the ruling coalition on 31%.

"The demonstrations against the AfD are supported by 37% of Germans and they are showing an impact," INSA chief Hermann Binkert said.


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Misleading title:

It looks like the numbers of polls from INSA in 2024 were 7 and the percentage number for AfD varied from 18 to 23.\_polling\_for\_the\_next\_German\_federal\_election#2024

Since the 18% was on the 11th-12th of January, why celebrate that after so many mass protests this number is at 21,5%?

That particular poll seems to be an outlier with BSW getting 14% and most other parties scoring lower than on other recent polls.

The fact that it's the lowest one doesn't make it an outlier. It's just the first numeric value in a range going from 18 to 23.

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