
3 Post – 227 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Since no one is explaining and I have only ever heard of Rabbit on Lemmy (again with no context, probably a US thing), here is a Kagi quick answer:

what is rabbit and r1?

Based on the available information, the Rabbit R1 is a new AI-powered device developed by a tech startup called Rabbit Inc. and designed by Teenage Engineering. The key details about the Rabbit R1 are:

  • It is a standalone handheld gadget about half the size of an iPhone, with a 2.88-inch touchscreen and a rotating camera for taking photos and videos. 【1】【2】
  • The Rabbit R1 is powered by an AI assistant and is intended to help users interact with various apps and services on their smartphone, essentially acting as a remote control. 【3】【4】
  • It connects to the internet via 4G LTE and Wi-Fi, allowing it to provide real-time information and assistance. 【5】
  • The Rabbit R1 currently supports integration with apps like Uber, Spotify, Midjourney, and DoorDash, allowing users to control these services through the device. 【6】
  • Reviews of the Rabbit R1 have been mixed, with some criticizing its unreliable performance, inaccurate answers, and short battery life. 【7】【2】

In summary, the Rabbit R1 is an AI-powered handheld device that aims to provide a more convenient way for users to interact with various apps and services on their smartphones. However, it seems the device still has some issues that need to be addressed.

  1. The Rabbit R1 is an AI-powered gadget that can use your apps for you
  2. Rabbit R1 review: an unfinished, unhelpful AI gadget - The Verge
  3. What are the main functions of the Rabbit R1? Its everyday use?
  4. What exactly is the Rabbit R1 AI device that confused many people?
  5. Rabbit R1 hands-on review: Something is iffy about this | Mashable
  6. Rabbit R1 Explained: What This Tiny AI Gadget Actually Does - CNET
  7. Rabbit R1 review: Avoid this AI gadget - Tom's Guide

Why is this posted in Technology? I want to read about cool tech, not some stupid guy's sex life.

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An interesting precedent that offers a hint of what Tesla could be up against occurred in 1995 when Toys’R’Us entered the Swedish market and initially refused to sign a collective agreement with the retail union, Handelsanställdas Förbund. The company eventually conceded after three months of labor strife, including a number of solidarity strikes when other unions blocked all deliveries, garbage collection, postal service, bank payments, and other vital parts the firm’s operations. The conflict was even supported by unions in many other countries, who encouraged their members to boycott Toys’R’Us products.

Go Sweden's unions!

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Can't both be wrong?

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I picked up a package from the post office. They had a sign saying "ring the bell once for service, two or more for a weather report". I image this has a similar back story.

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I had to look this up and here is the wiki link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_Park#Cannonball_Loop. That waterslide is bonkers.

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https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords confirms that is has been hacked 11 times.

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The game also requires a renderer (browser) to play.

I think what they did is impressive but the claim about the size feels like taking source code and saying "look how small on disk it is"

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Reddit going under?

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While uBlock Origin does the trick and has for a every long time, I just installed FreeTube and I am quite happy with it. It is also much better at keeping track at what I have watched, and I can even mark videos as watch (which I cannot over at YouTube).

It's tiring to see everyone taking sides. Just admit that both sides are wrong: Hamas are using civilians as cover, Israel is just killing everyone to get at Hamas. The people suffer. :-(

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uBlock works on Firefox mobile, filters can be set.

I remember reading something similar, with someone responding that they were always two people for these tasks. One doing the job and one guarding the circuit, making sure this does not happen.

I see more and more crazy stuff happening in the US. Will there be any actual change or are we just going to see more crazy?

The designer of this layout look at the display, saw that the volume slider was going left/right and placed the buttons accordingly (probably what happened).

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That's a wall of text without any line breaks. Can you give me a tldr or at least an easier-to-read version?

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Isn't that the discussion though? Take the time and money spent on this to fight someone more deserving.

Set all mails addressed to your domain but to the wrong email to be sent to your primary email. Then sign the petition with "@yourname.com".

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Why even use credit at all? What is wrong with debit?

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I have a set it up so that any email sent to unknown users on my domain gets redirected to email. If you send an email to bad_address@example.com and my real email is uranibaba@example.com, I will still receive the email.

Now this is great because I will just use name_of_service@example.com and still get the email. If the email is leaked, I will know where it came from.

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/s or serious?

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Donald Trump's attorney wants the public to know her good looks are more important than her intelligence, because she can "fake being smart."

What a horrible world we live in, if someone feels the need to live like that.

If the UK government trust the US more than China, I would call it a good move for the UK government. And the article did not say anything about the workers, only that the factory was sold to another company. Should be the same people working there, which would be UK citizens (or I guess people with work visa, since you cannot work there otherwise AFAIK).

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Either he called 911 reporting events that did not happen or he reported others' 911 calls as false.

I hate googling things and just being lead back to reddit

This is so far my biggest problem med Lemmy and federation in general, all content is not in one place. It was nice just searching for problem x reddit and you found a solution 9/10 times (because you had everything in one place).

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It is so good that when I use Google on someone else's computer, I'm surprised at how bad Google has become.

The problem is that a child is the responsibility of the parents, and the parents alone. Could you have said no if you wanted to? You should have been able to, every time.

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Imagine changing gear without feeling which gear you have/changed to.

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Give me GOG Galaxy and Path of Exile on Linux and I would install it now. Last time I wanted to switch, I installed everything I needed, went to download GOG and remembered why I switch back last time. :(

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Perhaps because a court hasn't ruled on it, they won't word it that explicitly?

My best guess is that the new paper could be charged with defamation if the court ruled that the police didn't kill him and they claimed he did.

But I'm not a lawyer and have no idea about the law regarding journalism nor its ethics.

You can't ask IT to disable it for you?

This sound like the best thing to do. Just ignore him and move on, try not to waste any more energy on him. If put in the same room as him, don't interact with him. If he starts talking with you, try explaining that you do not want to talk with him and just keep ignoring. Never give a bully a reaction.

Are you saying that people should die instead of of being treated, when a treatment is possible, just because they cannot afford it?

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That's a shit job.

What was that ad?

Create a github repo, put eveey company in the readme

Is it possible to use wasd instead of hjkl? I'm not old enough for that.

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Older devices too? I still have a Kindle Voyage.