
17 Post – 1097 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

actually just encouraging people to look inward and outward, find common themes between themselves and others, and use those findings to inform what they can do to help themselves and those around them.

That's actually what I am saying you do. Why would you call that "diagnosis"? Why not call it "pizza-stomping"? Why not call it winning a nobel prize? Words mean something. The fact that so many people cannot understand why this is frustrating is exactly why it is frustrating. I actually like the nobel prize comparison. That's not too far off from what's going on here lol.

What it leads to is communities of people who increasingly have little relation to people who are actually diagnosed with the condition. "hey i like pizza do i have adhd" "yeah man totally! i have adhd and i love pizza" "yeah it's totally a major symptom" and then when someone comes along saying "uhh that's not actually diagnostic of adhd" they get told to fuck off

these words mean something. these conditions mean something. the treatments mean something. we have boards and licenses and ethics surrounding all of this. if you want to go wild wild west at it, im sure you'll have a lot of fun and make great friends along the way, but all of this contributes to the undermining of our society's understanding of mental health

they probably meant me

There's no such thing as self-diagnosis. That's my point. What you said about coping mechanisms is exactly what I said in my response: that diagnosis informs treatment, so just try different behavioral applications that help you without worrying about the diagnosis.

Holy shit, I just realized that you're one of the mods. This is absolutely embarrassing. I can't believe you're spreading this garbage. STOP telling people to diagnose themselves! You're contributing to genuine harm of the TikTok Diagnosis era.

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All emotions are valid. Even ones arising from psychosis. That doesn't mean the experiences that create the emotions are based in reality. Stop with the wordplay. You aren't as smart as you think you are. What you described is NOT a diagnosis - not any more than the burn marks on my toast are Jesus. Calling it so does not make it so.

If you want to take this as "There's nothing wrong with you" then that's on you. Maybe we will revisit the phrase, "You're not as smart as you think you are" as evidenced by this interpretation. Funny how self-diagnosers are so willing to engage in wordplay but cannot see any other meaning here than "There's nothing wrong with you."

As far as the broken arm bit, WHY NOT REREAD WHAT I SAID ABOUT TREATMENT?! And let me reiterate for the self-diagnosers in the back, You aren't as smart as you think you are. See a fuckin doctor, get a ddx, try techniques that work for you, don't claim to have a diagnosis without one.

If this feels bad, GOOD, it should. This is hard news. But I won't lie to you to make you feel good and sell you products like OP.

Self-diagnosis is not valid. By definition. Not even a psychiatrist can diagnose themselves. What you're talking about is either 1) advocating for your own diagnosis or 2) self-treatment.

Both of these things are valid.

Advocate for yourself for a diagnosis from a health professional if it will unlock new treatment options. But also just look into how others with similar problems have successfully managed their problems. Consider how you could implement similar things. That's what's at the heart of therapy for ADHD anyway.

But diagnosis itself is only useful as a tool for describing symptoms and informing treatment. If a collection of symptoms speaks to your experience, then the only point in putting a diagnostic label on it is to say "Maybe these things that helped others with similar symptoms will also help you." But in order to do that effectively, there also needs to be a differential diagnosis to ascertain what it is not. This is why healthcare providers need to be involved in the process. Two different things can look very similar but have very different etiologies and different treatments.

Social media needs to quit putting so much emphasis on diagnosis and more emphasis on treatment. This post should be removed for medical misinfo, but I hope people at least read the comments to see why this person seems to be such a snakeoil influencer.

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Damn right I'm confrontational because this is literally medical misinfo being peddled by a grifter and you're eating it right out of her hand.

The differential is what matters. We go to a professional to figure out what it's NOT.

I think it's ego. People probably can't handle the fact that they aren't as smart as they think they are and don't want to admit that maybe they're wrong about their """diagnosis""". But that's just a generalization. Go to a doctor. Fuck OP.

I know Threads sucks, but where would it fall on this? Another Networking one?

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because it seems like nowdays everyone isolates and pretends their discord relationships are real, and then complains when an actual human being calls them. there's already no connection between people, no communal spaces, no in-person relationships. it's so hard to see anyone anymore. and now you all want to shit all over one way to connect more directly?

and how almost every commenter in this space has the same mentality. it's horrifying. are you all shut-ins? it reveals something dark about the kind of people that post on this site and really undermines other communities.

and seeing people moralizing mental disorders instead of taking responsibility for them. that does real harm to others. anxiety is manageable and treatable. retreating into these closed systems only exacerbates it, and encouraging others to do the same only exacerbates theirs.

oh no you might be uncomfortable!!! that's so sad. whoever calls you is totally responsible.

anxiety sucks but stop blaming others for it. it's not their fault you choose to avoid the phone. maybe seek help for learning how to do a very basic human function instead of blaming others for it? or encouraging others to become defunct in a basic human function?

i dont get it either. i hate the horror genre. i wish i could understand but i guess thats what makes humans interesting, how differently we can see things

is this a Lemmy post of an Instagram post of a Reddit post?

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Instead it was destroyed by two greedy fucks rushing the ending two seasons early so they could move on to their next cash grab flop!

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Edit: Obligatory RIP my inbox.

Can we leave this kinda stuff behind? It is NOT obligatory.

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Cool! Don't care! Fuck Tildes. And I'm a longtime RIF user and Tildes alpha user. (And it's still in alpha, years later...) It's a weird ass place over there. Not too keen on their "private club" theme centered around the "God of Tildes" either.

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All caffinated beverages should be required to disclose their caffeine content on the packaging.

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  1. img is irrelevant but way cooler

  2. you know why. all the leftists left reddit for lemmy because they actually stand up for shit. now it's just normies and chuds left.

  3. yall shame each other for using reddit so it continues to be normies and chuds.

  4. Nationality pages are always fascist

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"You deserve Trump because you blocked me on Lemmy!!"

More importantly, Ohio voted to protect reproductive rights!!! 👍

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"ambiguous" ballot initiative? how about Keep Your Sleazy Hands Out Our Wombs, is that more clear?

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Well I can't speak for anyone else, but me personally I never talk about it because I don't talk about mass shootings in general.

But occasionally I do think about that one. And Sandy Hook. And Aurora. And Uvalde. And Columbine.

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we called it, reddit goes fucking crypto bro

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Bush was an absolute monster, but Trump literally broke brains. America will never be the same.

you poop AFTER you shower???

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Have you considered joining "Enough Musk Spam", another such community devoted entirely to posting about the thing they dont like seeing posts about?

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Downvote everything from that fuckin rag. Don't post NYPost here. If there's a story, find a news source that doesn't itself have an outrageous history of propagandizing.

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it's one of the most important professions but okay tell me more about how mrs dunn was mean to you and you suck at fractions

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South Korea definitely thinks of America very differently. Tired of you ignorant DPRK stans dismissing them.

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Viral topless "meta"??? I haven't heard about any topless meta. What have I been missing? The article only references a single instance in which a streamer got banned, and that hardly makes a meta. What has the Twitch streamer community response been?

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racism is when Scots hate Brits

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Yeah, criticizing the Rolling Stones in 2024 is totally equivalent to criticizing Taylor Swift, yeah let's pivot right to that. Ignore the fact that she's arguably the most popular musician on earth right now, just played a major cultural event, and all recent events.... no, let's go back to a washed up classic rock band and meme on them instead. Yeah, that'll work.

Fucking Swifties dude.....

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I love this channel. He's like the robotics nerds in high school I never got to know. Taking shop and tech classes and engineering and stuff. The far side of the nerd island from the book nerds.

early??? you fucks are a decade late

I didn't really look at all the little letters but I like how line go up

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Very interesting sentiments, very agreeable, but if this were one of my patients I would be quick to redirect the conversation away from "society is wrong" into "You're realizing that you believe this is your path". Generalizations like that do us no good. If it's about YOU, then make it about YOU. If someone is dismissing YOU based on this stuff, talk about how that person's words affect YOU.

I bet $100 that this person recently had a conversation with someone where this kind of language was used. Or, maybe more likely, they saw some random irrelevant bullshit on the internet from a stranger and extrapolated messages about an entire culture from it. The culture is YOU TOO, buddy!

I wonder if this article is just an ad for those restaurants. "Eat here to mix with the elites!"

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Can we just bootleg magic cards and play the game? Or is MTG not fun enough on its own without the collecting part?

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Um actually 🤓 decimating it would be 47 million links 🤓 not 227 million

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Sex is unrealistic. It was created by Walt Disney in the 1930s to make Donald Duck seem interesting, but nobody actually does it.

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I'm tired of being part of the murder of the guilty on a systemic level. No crime is heinous enough for me to say "Yeah, government, go ahead and murder us".

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