Republican faction seeks to keep courts from interpreting Ohio's new abortion rights amendment to – 305 points –
Republican faction seeks to keep courts from interpreting Ohio's new abortion rights amendment

Four Ohio Republican state lawmakers are seeking to strip judges of their power to interpret an abortion rights amendment after voters opted to enshrine those rights in the state’s constitution this week.

Republican state Reps. Jennifer Gross, Bill Dean, Melanie Miller and Beth Lear said in a news release Thursday that they’ll push to have the Legislature, not the courts, make any decisions about the amendment passed Tuesday.

“To prevent mischief by pro-abortion courts with Issue 1, Ohio legislators will consider removing jurisdiction from the judiciary over this ambiguous ballot initiative,” said the mix of fairly new and veteran lawmakers who are all vice-chairs of various House committees. “The Ohio legislature alone will consider what, if any, modifications to make to existing laws based on public hearings and input from legal experts on both sides.”

It’s the latest development in the struggle over abortion rights between the Republican-dominated Legislature and the majority of the voters, who passed the amendment by a margin of 57% to 43%.


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"ambiguous" ballot initiative? how about Keep Your Sleazy Hands Out Our Wombs, is that more clear?

These fuckers still think of women as objects to be owned rather than people. And they want everyone else to believe that too.

I think it's funny what a wedge-issue abortion has become.

I was raised thinking it was said and done, like Brown vs. Board of Education.

But apparently the religious right were successful in galvanizing this generation of idiots against each other over stupid shit that doesn't matter.

Weird how we've gone from racism and drug use to guns and abortion.

It’s pretty ambiguous. Needs the “or we will fucking shoot you” it is Ohio after all