1 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Male disposability at its finest.

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Let's stop all aid to Israel and go from there.

I'd rather kill the ruling class than some other working-class soldiers.

Wars would end overnight if soldiers killed their ruling class instead of each other.

to keep the exports dirt cheap.

To maximize profit for the business owners*

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Nice clickbait self-promotion.

Doesn't saying the same joke over and over again ever get old?

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Is there a way to restore scrollbars to their normal width?

Seems like a good move in a representative democracy.

So, I wonder, why are there 28 wounded, the majority of them children, in a hospital!, when a sniper is the weapon of choice???


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Yeah, I'm trying to highlight how dirt cheap exports doesn't necessarily mean dirt cheap products.

These guys get paid pennies, but shirts still cost dollars. Where does the rest go? Oh yeah.

Profits are up.

Direct voting is the future.

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Are you saying Israel is justified in killing civilians because some Hamas may be among them?

What exactly is an appropriate civilian:militant death ratio in your mind?

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Is it really an excuse to kill 10 times as many civilians, most of which are children?

Better than eating them, redistribute their wealth to those who need it and make the ruling class the working class.

I think it's funny what a wedge-issue abortion has become.

I was raised thinking it was said and done, like Brown vs. Board of Education.

But apparently the religious right were successful in galvanizing this generation of idiots against each other over stupid shit that doesn't matter.

Weird how we've gone from racism and drug use to guns and abortion.

Do you subscribe to anything you could get for free?

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"Good ideas stand up to scrutiny all on their own."

What about 9-5s? Does your rationale just fall apart there?

Do you think you may be parroting wrong information just because everyone else is?

Do you think it's more likely to be a monetary issue, such as funding transportation for all students at once vs. staggering them?

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they just wanna suck me

This is exactly how the legal system works.

People with too much money abuse it to push their agenda.

It's about being in the free software ecosystem, which is really a licensing issue.

Forcing people to contribute their modifications to software when they are editing free software ensures we're never dependent on the decisions of one entity. This is what the GNU General Public License (GPL) is all about.

If we don't like what someone did, we can take that part out and redistribute a better version that we can continue to modify. This might not matter to someone who doesn't program, but it should.

You don't have to be the one to get your hands dirty with code. Just being a user in the ecosystem opens you up to these benefits. Other people are going to take advantage of them, and you can just piggyback on their work.

I, personally, think it's always just a matter of time before businesses make products worse by charging more/giving less. Look at Adobe. Look at Microsoft. Look at Apple. All of them want to lock people into endless subscriptions because they're dependent on their ecosystem. What happens when Adobe decides they're not charging enough for photoshop? They charge more, and everyone just has to deal with it. Same goes for Office. Same goes for Apple, they just do it the old-fashioned way by charging for the latest versions and making you buy new hardware.

Zionism, by definition, is religious nationalism.

What happened?

"It's the voters who need to be controlled."

They all know what they're doing. They're not pretending to be the good guys in this grift behind closed doors.

In essence, people are punished for their stupidity.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

My rationale for what?

Your rationale for why kids need to be at school so early.

The initial comment said: "Because kids need to be at school while parents work"

OP mocked them by saying, sarcastically: "Right, so they get home at 3pm, makes perfect sense".

Then you replied to him in defense of the first rationale, by trying to say it lines up with morning shifts.

I then said, what about 9-5s, a common non-morning shift.

Probably Manjaro KDE.

Even Valve recommends it.

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So original

It's okay, I have my answer.

Your answer is "any death ratio is appropriate, but I know admitting it will make Israel look bad so I'm not going to say it."

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beyond an elementary school level

Math and literacy are both fundamental and essential tools for a self sufficient adult.

Lol, the ironing.

He’s pretending that Israel has no other options.

Might want to brush up on your reading comprehension if this is hard for you to understand.

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That's nice. Have fun on your campaign.


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No way Ukraine has killed 300,000 Russians.

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Really? The thing most people end up using the least in their lives beyond an elementary school level?

Math education is a crapshoot for most people. All it does is serve as a way to make them feel bad about themselves for not being interested in what people like you tell them to be interested in.

Thank god computers are putting math majors out to pasture.

No, I'd argue learning history and how to read is more important than anything else the school system provides. It's what follows most of us throughout our entire lives.

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