2 Post – 1244 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Bernie should have won.

Fuck everyone who voted for Hillary in the primary to guarantee a trump presidency.

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I think there's something fundamentally wrong with British culture. How do they keep electing such garbage politicians? It's like every decision they make looks awful to everyone but Brits only realize it after the fact.

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Successful grift is successful!

Congrats, dipshits of LA and Vegas! Can't wait to see what dumb crap you waste your money on next!

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Israel is worse than Russia, at least going by the numbers.

Israel has killed more civilians in 2 months than Russia has killed in 2 years.

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Sorry Ukraine, Israel gets priority even they though don't need it.

Yeah, imagine if all the taxpayer money he got to build a useless tunnel in Vegas was spent on something, you know, useful.

What's sad is, we will never see musk supporters come out and admit they were wrong. They are all gung-ho before the money changes hands, then when the grift happens and we have nothing to show for it, they all ~disappear~.

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Israel has more influence over American foreign policy than American citizens.

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Profiting from the cause, nice.

Be careful. Even if the cause is just, there is never going to be a shortage of shitbags willing to exploit it for their own gain.

From the 1 child policy to this?

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The solution is to break the social contract on both sides.

Governments need to learn they answer to the people, not the wealthy.

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I'm gonna start banning Zionists from my business.

Just like how we ban Nazis.

Gonna have a big, fat sign outside that says "No Nazis, No Zionists."

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I mean, you're delusional if you think women never make comments like this.

Also probably sexist.

Y’all are fragile little beasties.

Definitely sexist.

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American here, I support this call.

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Immigration is one of the best solutions to fix rural America.

So of course rural Americans are going to be against it.

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Downvoted for medium article.

I shouldn't have to make an account to view news.

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This is an issue for parents, not governments.

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Why do people keep calling revenge "defense"?

Israel had a chance to defend itself. It failed horribly. Now it gets to massacre civilians?

What the fuck?

Clearly AI.

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Eh, I think cookies should just be opt-in unless they're absolutely necessary for the site to function.

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The greatest support Trump could ever receive in 2024 are democrats running Biden.

But yeah, if Biden loses it will be the fault of progressives who didn't fall in line, not the establishment for running awful candidates.

History continues to repeat itself. It's always Progressive's fault, never Democrats. Even when checks notes, Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump. Nobody blamed the moderates for nominating her. They all blamed the Progressives for not 'falling in line.'

Were... were the moderates not going to fall in line behind Bernie? Hmm. Hopefully you can start to see what a crapshoot this all is and how you're doing your part perpetuating it.

I'll vote for democrats when they run candidates that represent me and the moderates can just 'fall in line' because they're so afraid of republicans.

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Holy shit. Who wants products with this much control given to someone else?

I seriously have no respect for anyone who buys apple or teslas.

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"terrorism can never be a response to terrorism."

Great words, but israel is proving them false.

Probably with a very tribalistic "the world is against us" mentality.

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We could've done this the entire time.

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Eh. The older I get, the more I realize that sex is not a good indicator of character.

Sexists will disagree, though.

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Do you think it would be appropriate to say "it's always women who do x" and then call any women who disagree "fragile little beasties"?

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Kilo = 1000

Byte = Byte

Kilobyte = 1000 bytes

Kibibyte = 1024 bytes

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Keep in mind, Israel is doing this for revenge. If this was for defense, then they would improve their defenses.

The suffering is the point.

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I keep saying this, companies want a lifeline to your wallets.

But nobody wants to listen.

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How do you be gay and catholic?

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their own people

This might come as a shock to you, but those are people just like you.

They're still worth saving even if they aren't from your country.

You'll understand when you're older, maybe.

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Those poor people.

Zionists are the new Nazis.

Treat Zionism like you would treat Nazism.

Treat Zionists like you would treat Nazis.

Israel has killed more civilians in 2 months than Russia has killed in 2 years, just to put things into perspective.

The older I get, the more I realize holidays are scams.

Don't fall prey.

I wonder what insiders are getting kickbacks for this.

Each feature added to a car raises the price by more than it costs to add.

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Imagine all the work we wouldn't have to re-do if we had just done it right the first time.

Stallman was right, as usual.

Because apple forced an album onto user's phones just because they were paid to do it.

Seriously, apple does a spectacular job at user privacy and security, probably second to none.

Is this satire?

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Jeez, you're just an awful person all around.

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Get out of texas as quickly as you can.