Trump tells rally immigrants are ‘poisoning the blood of our country’ to – 762 points –
Trump tells rally immigrants are ‘poisoning the blood of our country’

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Immigration is one of the best solutions to fix rural America.

So of course rural Americans are going to be against it.

What do you mean by this? Just asking, I'm from rural America and now live in a large city.

Plenty of space and opportunities for revitalization. All they need are people living there.

I am 100% in favor of expanding immigration with the stipulation that additional immigrants must live in rural areas.

additional immigrants must live in rural areas.

So they can get lynched?

Downvoted for this and the parent comment is upvoted for literally wanting immigrants to be segregated. Wtf is wrong with people here..

From the wiki article: A ghetto is a part of a city in which members of a minority group live, especially as a result of political, social, legal, religious, environmental or economic pressure.

This is what the parent comment wants, they want immigrants to be legally bound to certain areas within the country. They want immigrants bound to ghettos.

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Immigration is the the only solution for all of America. The next few generations are going to be smaller than those that preceded them. Unless you’d like to see massive deflation and the economy reduced by a third or more (you don’t) immigrants are the only workable solution. Japan is staring this problem down right now and has chosen xenophobic and racist policies; it is headed for catastrophe and the world will get to watch in the next two decades what refusing large-scale immigration does to a nation with a strong economy and shrinking population.

Ireland too iirc, as it became an Alex Jones talking point for a while that someone in Ireland said they needed 4 million immigrants to prevent similar issues. The person was just using that as a measure, and iirc it's quite a while in the past so not sure if it's the same today.

Why do you think it needs "fixing" anyway? Rural America is great already.

It's not as bad as what people who use the term 'flyover states' think.

It can still be greatly improved, and immigration is the way to do it.

Just drive through rural America and you'll see dead town after dead town. Mainstreets with less than 50% of their buildings occupied is the norm.

It doesn't have to be this way. On average, each additional person contributing to an economy bolsters it rather than detracts from it.

I don't see unoccupied buildings as a problem to fix. There's not a necessity for every economy to "boom" - only an economy required to sustain the residents is needed.

It sounds like you people suggesting these "improvements" don't understand or appreciate the beauty of life close to nature in low-population rural areas. I don't want more people to populate my area.

That's cool. A lot of people disagree with you, which is why it's so cheap to live outside of major cities.

High supply, low demand. I don't think Rural America needs to become like Urban America or even Suburban. But to deny that it isn't decrepit and desolate is just ignoring reality.

That's just your opinion. I love having my own house and land, with no dumbass people making noise and stench all around me. I would not trade it to live in any city in the world.

What your perspective calls "decrepit and desolate" can also be seen as open and natural. Freedom in its purest sense.

No, it's not "just my own opinion." I literally opened up with "a lot of people disagree with you, which is why it’s so cheap to live outside of major cities."

It's just your own opinion. Lol. Try not to project onto me.

These places can be open and natural while still being revitalized. That's just how much land there is.

Well all of your opinions are wrong then.

Yes, and so is everyone else who disagrees with yours.

Now you're starting to get it. Everyone should learn from me and follow my example. Except don't move here and crowd my spot.

I've gotten it long ago, but props for standing up for what you believe in.

Perhaps we're on the same wavelength.

Stagnant economies, brain drain, lack of opportunity, drinking water contaminated with farm runoff and/or lead, crumbling infrastructure, and lack of funding for education and other government services.

That's a generalization that only applies to some individual parts of rural America, and quite a lot of the rest of rural America is doing excellently with fine infrastructure, clean air and water.

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