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Joined 12 months ago

Today you learned that the majority of people don't live in the middle of nowhere?

Of course they don't, by definition, if a bunch of people lived there, it wouldn't be the middle of nowhere.

You know, I ignored my interest in programming for many years, instead opting for a trade, specifically aviation maintenance. I went to school for 2 years for it, passed tests, got licensed, got otj, got taxi quals, engine run certified, and a whole host of stuff.

I also broke my body doing it for $18, after years and years and years, I finally made $25 an hour, whoopie.

I worked around hazardous chemicals, dangerous equipment, high voltage electricity. I stood on concrete floors all day busting my knuckles.

I fell off a ladder and smashed my face on a keel beam, requiring I get stitches. I saw other people get much more hurt than that.

I did all of this with the constant pressure that if I fuck my job up, people are going die, and I will go to jail.

I went back to school, got a job as a software engineer at a midsize company that never is in the news and you have never heard of, and get to sit at home and make 3 times the salary. There are 10 other companies in the same block as mine that have 3-400 hundred person engineering teams, there are lots of jobs for developers outside of the silicon valley bubble, we mostly just hang out and do our thing.

Until trades start paying more, it's just not worth it. I'm sure someone will come in and say that they are a plumber and make $1000 an hour or something, but I can say, there were 500 people in the facility I worked at with the same qualifications as me making the same $18.

I don't see how it matters anyway, do deaf people deserve to die because they have diminished hearing?

Also when people in the trades work extra hard and extra fast, it's usually at the expense of their bodies, equipment, safety, and other factors. Just because one dude is sprinting back and forth between the parts window and the shop floor doesn't mean he should be. Management doesn't care though, and they say 'see how Jim finished 3 work orders today? You all need to do that'

Jim gets mad because he is destroying his body to work faster, and others aren't, everyone else is mad because now the managers think Jim's behavior should be standard.

All the 'fast' mechanics I worked with were always doing dumb shit, like standing too far up on ladders because a taller one wasn't available, loosening harnesses to get into tighter spots instead of working with a teammate, or carrying two way to heavy items instead of making two trips. Yes all this stuff gets jobs done quicker but at what cost.

So the union tells Jim to slow down, because he isn't getting paid more for breaking his back, and his behavior will just shift to the new normal, meaning he will have to work even harder to be an 'overachiver'. Jim construes this as compensating for lazy employees, get propagandized by the xompany and dismantles the union.

Six months later Jim falls off a ladder and can no longer work in that field. Meanwhile everyone else is still held to Jim's 'good work ethic' standard. More injuries, more injuries, more mistakes, employees start to see problems with the company, they form a union, the cycle continues.

That was my experience in aviation at least.

10 million yen is only 60k usd, that's a big bonus but not nearly as staggering as your comment implies.

Ironic that the website itself is http.

About 350k people, or a suburb of a single big city.

I can download ten subtitles just trying to find one good one for a single TV show episode

Imo if they want to be so strict with downloading subtitles, they should raise the quality standards for the subtitles that are submitted.

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Don't be hostile.

Except knowledge.

It's foolish of you to assume that most people want to build a computer.

And before people respond with 'its just Legos'

There is so much more to it for someone with little to no knowledge.

Bios and firmware updates that require certain CPUs coupled with certain motherboards.

CPU sockets and inter compatibility.

The different specs of any given component and the value they provide to someone looking for specific workflows

Sizing of components and cases

Knowing where to find parts and what prices are acceptable.

Etc, etc ,etc.

Pick something that you know nothing about, let's say cars just as an example.

Now imagine, let's, say want to buy a car but it doesn't come with wheels, you don't get a list of 4 wheels to choose from, You get, lug patterns, sizing, and type, offset, wheel diameter, wheel width, bead lockers or no bead lockers, 1 piece, 2 piece or 3 piece, etc.

Now you have to spend all this time researching just about wheels, and then how they fit with the car you chose specifically earlier in the process, it would be frustrating and incredibly difficult for people who just want a car.

Go on any thread or forum and ask 'what GPU should I get' which is already making assumptions about someones understanding and knowledge (that they even know what a GPU is), and you will get 20 conflicting answers and need to write a paragraph in responses to narrow it down enough.

Present someone with no knowledge this: 'DDR3-2666 CL9' vs 'DDR3-2000 CL7'. How do you really expect someone who just wants to play a video game to just implicitly know what those numbers mean, how they relate to each other etc.

Building a computer is an immensely difficult task for someone who doesn't know much or anything about it, and believe it or not, the reality is not everyone wants to learn, places like lemmy and other tech focused echo chambers seem to forget that.

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This is just objectively false.

It seems like YOU don't know how the internet works.

Logging of information is an active task, it doesn't just come with the internet as a concept. Your ISP doesn't know what you posted on Reddit and reddit doesn't know who you are behind your natted ip.

Reddit might have logs and your ISP might have other logs, and they may be able to work together with other organizations to deduce information, but that is not a given.

It is entirely possible for a website to not log ANY information about it's users. I have an occasionally online website like this, I don't even know the amount of bandwidth being used unless I actively monitor the connection. Additionally, a proper tls connection means your ISP doesn't know what data you send to a website, so if the website doesn't take logs and the ISP can't sniff traffic, how can you prove what was done?

Fundamentally, the internet is just a connection between a bunch of computers, there are no intrinsic properties of the internet that leave a trail of evidence. The computer you are connecting to may choose to log your connection and activity, but it isn't required for the internet to function.

Your statement is a conflation of what can happen and what does happen.

I could open sockets between two computers and send encrypted bytes directly between them with keys shared beforehand in person if I wanted, the only thing that can be proved is that the connection was established (and when). This method is still using the internet. Short of cracking the encryption (which would be world wide news) the contents of that communication would be not be able to be ascertained by an eavesdropping third party without express consent from a member of the conversation.

Tl:Dr, a website with tls, no logging, and no DNS, would have very limited information abailable to 3rd parties (effectively limited to ISPs only being able to deduce when and how often you access the site) and 3rd parties would not have the ability to prove any specific activity occured on the page. The internet, as a concept (interconnection, IP, tcp), is not even aware of the idea of 'proving' something, any effort done to contrary is performed on a layer of abstraction above these protocols.

People communicate in untraceable ways on the internet every single day.

13 more...

A job I used to work at a long time had an enlightening moment for me when I had put my 2 weeks in.

There were two camps of people: those that were happy for me - "wow, awesome, tell me about the new place" And those that were cynical - "you will end up back here anyway"

I found that the people who behaved cynically truly do end up filtering back in and the people willing to see that other options exist and can even be better end up moving on.

I don't love somewhere where people dress up as Scooby Doo villains to break into houses, I live in a place where people go house to house at 1 am and try door handles on cars and garages. A motion light and a camera does more to stop those people than anything else.

If someone wants to stage an organized heist, then yea, my camera isn't doing shit, but neither are my door locks, or a bolted down safe. At that point it is just an insurance game.

Is your conversation with a mechanic meant to be the summary and description of a rigorous scientific discovery?

This isn't 'everyday parlance' this is the result of a study.

Manual labor has been being automated since the industrial revolution.

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Markdown accomplishes 90% of non technical writing needs imo.

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They influence the people watching them.

Anyone who says "a real artist wouldn't ..." Needs to spend some more time at the gallery.

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Bad advice!

There is plenty of malware that targets Linux due to its prevalence in mission critical architecture! Also, someone who is recently returning to desktops and likely new to Linux as a whole will be more likely to blindly run windows executables with a compatibility layer like wine, which can still infect the system.


If you are using Linux, I recommend clamAV.

Edit: to add, recommending Linux to someone as the end all be all to an unrelated question is just needless proselytizing and generally unhelpful.

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And cell service isn't telecommunications because they offer caller ID and voicemail.

What stupid logic.

I think 'producing something tangible' is hardly a fair metric.

A therapist doesn't produce something tangible, but many of them provide value to their clients.

A guitar teacher (or any teacher for that matter) doesn't produce something tangible either, but they again provide value.

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For most small companies that break big, they want to use the new resource to make more stuff, because most of these types of companies are in creative industries. Then when those things aren't also breakout successes, they get saddled with extra staff and costs and spend up in the machine.

I think the most primary thing of all is that, most people don't have the means to run Ethernet cables to places that typical cameras are installed (doorbells and garage floodlights)

It's a catch 22 though. Ok one hand, every single person in my neighborhood has multiple cameras on their property now and even when I lived in an apartment complex, everyone had a camera at their doorbell, but they all are usually ring or some other subscription based, phone home type.

Do WiFi cameras present a new attack vector, yea for sure. Is having a WiFi camera that could be disabled better than not having a camera at all (what was the reality 5 years ago), hard to say.

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Well, it would be faster if I didn't need to drive 4 hours for a 7/11, but I get ya.

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Kanban was actually developed by an engineer at Toyota to be used to help organize and plan tasks on the assembly line. It's not strictly a development tool.

Yes reddit might have logs, in fact it's incredibly likely that they have detailed logs about their users. however, it isn't an intrinsic aspect of a website to have logs.

I am not claiming that they don't have logs, I am simply refuting what you said, which is that everything on internet can be proven, which is an objectively false statement.

A windows or apple computer are not prerequisites to use the internet and there are no logging requisites for computers at all.

Again, logging is an active task, something being 'on the internet' does not mean that logging is happening implicitly.

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I think it's funny that you used slang that has just been adopted into common language in your post, like low key and vibe.

Slang is normal, and language evolves over time, new words and phrases being created is fine and some of them stick and others don't.

This is a real thing, they are called operators and it is their job to oversee the cell, start and stop jobs, resolve bottlenecks, identify upstream problems and gracefully handle them, and emergency stop the system when needed.

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There has been a fud, fear mongering, excuse providing 'looming recession' every single time things are going kind of ok.

Vlans babe!!

Congrats, you came to the same conclusion as the text in the image.

It's ok if you don't understand. Since you are a computer scientist, it should be trivial for you to open up a socket connection between two computers and send some pgp encrypted bytes over the wire. It's a pretty good way to see an example of what I mean. Though you probably learned about the osi model pretty early on in uni and are aware of how tcp/IP works.

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Yea, it's a hell of a lot smaller than the rocket that put there.

A smartphone is just a gateway to a VM with unlimited storage and processing power.

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Potassium nitrate and sulfur.

Gunpowder is the easiest part. The casing will be the hardest as you need pretty tight tolerances, but anyone who cares could have 50 trash cans full of cases in a week for a lifetime of reloading.

And if you don't have cases for reloading, you can always use a case less design, then it's just a matter of sourcing the projectile.

Of course there is always black powder, ball and cap, etc.

My work gives me a $100 monthly stipend to cover internet and incidental costs for my home office. It's not a whole lot but it's a nice touch on top of my salary + cost savings of working from home.

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A radio station is a small selection of music curated by an individual and meant for the masses.

Modern music streaming has dynamically curated music from a nearly infinite source, it's really not the same.

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Or happened to be in the same place as someone who is looking up this type of thing (for example coworkers, or patrons of a park you visit often.)

In reality, the other data that can be gathered is more useful and easier to work with than trying to parse audio and video all the time.

Maybe stem cells?

A bot can be very easily made to be effectively unstoppable in an fps, just look at hacking players.

Just as a chess bot can be made dumb as a box of rocks.

They just serve different purposes, for example in counter strike, bots are nerfed in purpose in order to discourage kicking other players to replace them with a bot that would do better.

Chess bots are also the target of computer science researchers, very few if any, serious academics are focusing their time developing a bot for a game that is either a flash in the pan as far as popularity, or actively discouraged by the arbiters of the game.