Reuters journalist Issam Abdallah killed by Israeli tank, investigation finds to – 224 points –

An Israeli army tank killed Reuters journalist Issam Abdallah and injured six other journalists in Lebanon while they were filming cross-border shelling on Oct. 13, a Reuters investigation has found.

Edit: here’s another link in case it doesn’t work.


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Keep in mind, Israel is doing this for revenge. If this was for defense, then they would improve their defenses.

The suffering is the point.

Even if you look at "revenge" it doesn't make sense. This is like a psycho found a justification to commit massacres. The way videos shows IDF playing, dancing, laughing, and letting non military people bomb houses tells you this is not a revenge...

Exactly. Their behavior is just wanton violence and venting, there's no actual purpose. The attack by Hamas was tragic, and Israel has every right to go after them, but they don't have the right to drop bombs and shoot randomly in the general vicinity of where maybe Hamas could potentially be.

This isn't what an operation to root out and destroy terrorists like like. This also isn't what revenge looks like. This is killing oppressed people for no reason other than they can, apparently. Perhaps the IDF should spend more time defending Israel, as their name suggests, and not fuck around. They found out with the Hamas attack, and they're just going right back to fucking around.

Lol. Israel has the most sophisticated anti-missile defense system in the history of Earth. How much more defense do you think they need?

Maybe people on the ground who will stop terrorist attacks? It seriously looks like the only reason they have an army at all is to hurt Palestinians, and repelling actual attacks is something they strictly don't do.

More defense to stop attacks like what happened on Oct 7th?

Sometimes the defensive position is going on the offensive. You can't expect the army to just cower and wait to be hit, right?