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Again people lose sight of the fact that regardless of hamas actions, that doesn't justify the killing of thousands of kids and families that are taking shelter in the hospital.

If anything, the medical staff and families are also hostages and they shouldn't be killed either.

People kept arguing about the tunnel and the hospital ignoring the genocidal killing of Palestinians.

Tunnels or Hamas using the biggest and maybe only hospital Doesn't justify the bombing of the hospital while people still getting treated from other bombing..

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"Meanwhile, NVIDIA continued matching donations to U.S. and Israeli groups that are building on West Bank settlements recognized by the UN as illegal under international law, as well as providing material support to the IDF and volunteer settler militias. Motherboard viewed live pages for these organizations on NVIDIA’s charity portal. "

This is fucked up even on the ground of increasing cost of living. While employees struggle to cover expenses, companies donate money for illegal housing on Palestinians lands in the west bank.

These companies that works on "settlement" do not need to be charitable organization in the first place. This is beyond fucked up...

It is a pattern, he had done the same thing before.

From Wikipedia:

"In November 2011, Kutcher received heavy criticism for his tweet in response to the Jerry Sandusky child sexual abuse scandal, calling the firing of Penn State football coach Joe Paterno "in poor taste". Kutcher subsequently turned over management of his Twitter account to his team at the Katalyst Media company."


The more I read his past I find more disturbing statement that shows red flags.

"Bixler and others have cited additional ways in which Kutcher showed questionable behavior in the past, specifically pointing to a 2003 video of the actor speaking on his MTV show “Punk’d” about actress Hilary Duff. In the video, Kutcher says Duff, who was a minor at the time, is “one of the girls that we’re all waiting for to turn 18. Along with the Olsen twins.”"

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They will deny it. They already making sure to get rid of all journalists and refuse visa for new one.

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Someone crash into a border: "Terrorist attack" "There were bomb in the car"

Someone shoots three people with Palestinians symbol: "Collage student got shot" "We don't have all the details"

They had killed Americans Christian Journalist. The media that was crying wolf about khasogi and international uproar became very silent.

"A letter from 24 Senate Democrats pressed the Biden administration to probe the killing. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) lobbied against the letter. Previously, Senators Jon Ossoff and Mitt Romney issued a bipartisan demand for a full and transparent investigation. It followed an earlier letter in May signed by 57 House Democrats demanding an independent investigation into the killing."

Land of the free controlled by lobbiests..

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Again, what is the difference between this and Taliban?

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Do people get refund if the game have a bug or a glitch that slow them down?

But the company pleaded guilty...

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Reminder that defunding UNRAW is an attempt to make people forget about ICJ ruling.

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Complained the countries that have housing crisis.

I rather a place were growing population get to live comfortably over an empty space for rich people to kick a ball around.

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Bush: Iraq and Afghanistan.. Obama: Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Libya Joe: Palestine

Then USA media be like: Why there are terrorists in the Middle East and why they attack the Uniyed States..

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The target audience is kids.

12 allegedly worked with Hamas means stop all funding.

25000 children and women dead and alleged genocide rulled at the ICJ, I sleep.

At least now we know who is the fucked up.

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History Channel: is this how aliens build the pyermids.

Food is a human right..

A 12-year-old girl has died in an apparent strike at a Gaza hospital weeks after she said in an interview that she only wanted "the war to end."

A tank shell struck a children's ward at the Nasser Hospital Complex in Khan Younis on Sunday night, killing Dounia, a 12-year-old who had lost her leg in an airstrike that killed her mother, father, brother and sister.

Dounia recently told Defense for Children International she hoped someone would take her abroad so she could receive a prosthetic leg.

Dounia said in the organization's video that she wanted to be a doctor when she grew up so she could treat other children such as herself.

"I only want one thing: for the war to end," she said.

Dounia's interview was filmed between Nov. 24 and Dec. 1, during the recent temporary cease-fire amid the Israel-Hamas war.

Many people have sought shelter at the Nasser Hospital Complex, and there are now fears the facility may be subject to more attacks. The Hamas-run Gaza Ministry of Health said the targeting of the complex could bring down the health system in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

The IDF has said it is only targeting Hamas and other militants in Gaza and alleges that Hamas deliberately shelters behind civilians, which the group denies.

Doctors Without Borders and the World Health Organization have said hospitals in central and southern Gaza are at a "breaking point" and struggling to care for the influx of patients. Nasser Hospital, where many patients with trauma and burn injuries go, is facing a never-ending flow of patients and is "now at breaking point," Doctors Without Borders, or Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), said earlier this month.

Kevin accuser status:

"She was hit by a car in March and died in the hospital shortly after. No driver was charged for the incident. "

"In September, another accuser died, although his name is unknown. The man, who was a massage therapist, was suing Spacey under the name of "John Doe" for sexual assault. Shortly before the trial began, he died. A source informed Variety that he passed away from cancer. Because of the massage therapist's death, his case against Spacey was dismissed."

"On Christmas Day of 2019, Ari died of an apparent suicide. No further details have been disclosed as of yet."

So I don't think Kevin Spacey is a good example of "innocent man"

Also some people need to read more about the "rumors" that "support" these allegations as they are "open secrets" in Hollywood. For any accusations, a little bit of research can provide very amazingly details about these cases from early 2000 in blogs and gossip Hollywood magazine.

  • Lets attack the church because there is a missile launchers in there.
  • Two women running out.
  • IDF shoot them.
  • IDF "it is justified"
  • USA "this is not a war crime"
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I remember when at the beginning people warn of genocide and some kept saying idf ask people to evacuate south but they didn't leave.

We know through history they will keep moving the goal post as they go through the genocide plan.

Remember l folks, there is no aid, no clean water, no hospitals, no journalist, and no medical aid. If not bomb, disease, hunger and living condition will kill people.

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Even if you look at "revenge" it doesn't make sense. This is like a psycho found a justification to commit massacres. The way videos shows IDF playing, dancing, laughing, and letting non military people bomb houses tells you this is not a revenge...

What funny is both issue are extremely linked.

Earlier this year, Isreal sign an agreement with Lebanon to help explore the area for gas and oil.

Isreal anounced a new middle East to supply eroupe with gas.

Iareal on October 19 or around ot awarded 12 companies the ability to explore gas and oil in the region.

The only thing that was stopping them is Hamas.

The expected value goes over 400 billion in the last few years, as expressed in a report by the UN about the gas field there.

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While we debate if education should be free or not lets gave Isreal billions of dollars in aid to continue their dreams for the great kingdom of Isreal.

How he can say something like: "Biden said right now Israel “has most of the world supporting it,” "

Wtf is the UN veto for then?

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You see how american media coverage of the current genocide and imagine if there is no internet where press in gaza can send images and live footages. It is super easy to skew reality with the same news over and over again.

Just notice how every speach in the media start with "October 7" to justify the genocide. Ignoring the fact that 2million people has been inside a wall with no right to travel or access to water for many years now...

War criminal help othe criminals to do genocide without looking like a genocide.

A surge of Israeli settler violence and land seizures is preventing Palestinian families from accessing their olive trees. Those who try risk being killed. By Hana Elias November 15, 2023

No videos no crimes

What worse is, I was thinking of watching the movie, but knowing it's Apple, and knowing all the control they try to push on the content, then maybe is not worth it.

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1400 to 700 civilians.

Now lets invistigate why they are trying to hide how many the IDF killed of those 700.

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The current government is what was a recognized terrorist organization by the US and the UK.

Here is a link about the Irgun.

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The main question is did they finish it or started a new one.

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Considering they killed their own hostages waving a white flag I do agree with you.

The only technical issue is that if someone wearing "press" killing them should consider targting journalist.

It is clearly an attempt to recover from low approval rate among tax payer who don't want to see their tax money going to destroy kids with no accountability. Especially, those who work inside the white house.

The current government of Israel is a party that used to be the Irgun, a famous terrorist organization ( US and UK called it that after the bombed their hotels) yet, they ignore that and send them billions of dollars with ( no accountability )

This money goes directly to settler and other militants in the west bank to destroy villiages, homes, and olive trees, along with terrorizing and killing families.

Saying something is cheap for politician, doing it is another issue.

As a president, he doesn't even need to write an op, he is the damn president he can do these things...

Blocking food and aid is a war crime and you government pertends nothing is going on..

Aprthid government is that you?

I like how they believe in these systems working yet the couldn't handle the fact that many jobs can be done remotely..

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I am questioning the word "weird" and "sexuality"

Sexual exploitation of dogs and killing them is not weird sexuality, its a psychopathic behavior. It's clearly someone who want to do it to kids but cannot so they did it to animals..

Why people in the west care about this territorial conflict.

It is clearly a strategic conflict for USA and allies to keep China at distance and reduce their ability to move further.

But for people to keep talking about it like it is a ( good vs evil ) feels like propganda by USA military or something.

If we imagine a world where china without Nuclear weapons, so Nato can stop them anytime, I dont think the USA media will care about them.

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Fuck you then because your government most likely os doing some shady shit.

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