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Joined 13 months ago


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"not making profits"

Just massive salaries and equity

You're unimaginative and dull... umm... bitch!

It's all one big layers system.

For sake of example let's take a GPU.

You have the hardware itself, which is rather static and non-changeable after it was manufactured.

Then the firmware is the software that runs inside the card itself in some dedicated chip with interface to control that hardware. It is programmable and replaceable.

Then the driver is the software that runs on the OS, and acts as an interface for other softwares that run on the same OS to talk to if they want to use the GPU. The driver would use the interface that the firmware exposes. Since each OS has a different way of writing hardware interfaces drivers are written for a specific OS.

Then you have software like DirectX or OpenGL that provide yet another standardized interface, only this time between different manufacturers like NVidia, AMD, Intel, etc to talk to supported GPU drivers.

Then you would have the software itself, like a game engine, video player, whatever.

Well they can start by not using their smartphone because that thing has a ton of Israeli tech.

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Their strength comes from having zero management and all projects are born and lead by the devs themselves. As close to communism as you could get in a capitalistic world. It does come with some problems but they're totally manageable - like having a strictly homogeneous workforce (which, one could argue, isn't a bad thing)

The usual reason would be "because coworkers"

I read the article, what's in it that's not all there in the title? The only thing I can think of is that they "claim" it's only going to be used for specific things. But we all know how that goes...

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Ironically, I was giving them as an example of something OK. My point just went over your head.

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Take a screenshot.

Choice should be sugar, just a lot less of it

Honest question, why is this a problem rather than a solution?

If these kids don't exist, and having those fake pictured make some people content, what's the harm?

Kinda reminds me of furries getting horny over wolf drawings, who cares?

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"what is good for the tribe is good for you" is the key take here. They're only nice to others when it benefits themselves.

Just a shitty fact of life.

Did it work for you? Because I get nothing

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I've been running 11 on my 10 y/o PC without TPM 2 for a while and it's been working with zero issues. It's all just a money grabbing scheme to get people to upgrade their hardware.

Hey I too like ginger tea with lemons!

Looks like yesterday's corn

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So his name was always Jim

Well depending on your standards it could still be argued

Totally agree. The thing is it's a thin line between identifying hate speech and disagreement. Some people (mods) confuse the two. Moderating well is a tough job.

Well the rest of us think you are

Never thought about it that way and didn't know they could do that.

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Of course you can

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It's slowly turning into the dead bird that drowned in one of the stools because it was too sick to get out

And yet no actual argument given

Anything you need to on board but not really useful in real life scenario

Only if the Jewish overlords say so, duh

Yeah all those Holocaust survivors who flooded the nearby villages to rape murder and kidnap random folks back to the ghetto oh wait that parallel actually makes no sense whatsoever.

Talk about lacking context

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I haven't figured out where's the menu key guys plz help a noob

Funny how you can't seem to find a counter argument to anything I said except LIES!!!!!1111

Somehow I noticed that no one here is giving any real arguments and just keeps going for personal attacks. Makes you wonder.

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I'm open for suggestions. What's your suggestion?

Hamas is an Iranian proxy...

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The irony is staggering. That's exactly what Hamas is trying to do, and would succeed if it weren't for the iron dome system.

I will not step down to your level.

The IDF had never raped or mutilated women and children. Show proof or STFU.

This "open air prison" is the making of Hamas.

When a group of people elect an organization whose main agenda is to anihilate its neighboring country, you don't just stand there and do nothing. You prevent them from gaining weapons and ammunition. The only way to do this is to control their borders.

And behold, they did exactly what they said they would on 7/10. The only surprise is that they succeeded.

Now some facts - Israeli Arabs, you know, the peaceful ones, have full right and full access to anything they want. That includes being in the Israeli army, with access to weapons and ammo. Big weapons, lots of ammo. They're also elected to Israeli government, just a year ago a Muslim party was in government. Why are they trusted to all this while the Palestinians aren't? Simple, they're not trying to murder people.

Something tells me you've never been in any real danger that you think problems like this get solved by doing nothing, and playing nice.

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"some minority people did crime" (and get punished for it). Settlers do not represent Israel, nor do they represent the army. Apples to oranges.

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Well, Israel isn't going into some random village to rape torture and mutilate women, children, and babies. Israel also treats prisoners with dignity and don't just forgets where they put them, starve them, and neglect to give them needed medicine. Israel also doesn't just fire randomly into heavily populated areas for the sole purpose of killing as many civilians as possible. So there's that.

The devil is in the details that you choose to ignore.

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What the allies did to the Nazis was worse too.