
6 Post – 234 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

At night cool your house down by opening windows and using windows fans. I have a two story house. Heat rises so I'll place window fans blowing out in the upstairs windows and fans blowing in upstairs. In the morning close up the windows and close curtains and shades over the windows that receive direct sunlight. If you have a room that gets hotter than the others shut the door to that room or hang a curtain over the doorway. My hot water tank is in a first floor room so I isolate that room and leave the windows open. Have a ceiling fan? Make sure it's blowing in the right direction. Most have a switch so you can alternate direction it blows the air. Not always practical but soaking your feet in cool water will lower your body temperature. Much like coolant cools a combustible engine car your blood circulates through your body distributing heat. Personally I avoid using AC while driving as much as I can. It's my opinion that when we get used to such comforts we suffer without them. I do have a window unit but use it only on the hottest nights. One last thought. Some lights or appliances in your house may give off a lot of heat, feel around them to find which ones do and switch them off. You can't do anything about your refrigerator (gives off a lot) I had a plasma TV that felt like a space heater and also used a lot of electricity

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It's weird, I grew up watching shows with laugh tracks but now they make me cringe. I can watch reruns of those old shows no problem but if I see a new show and it has a laugh track I'm immediately put off.

Also worth noting the canned laughter began with radio programs. The Wikipedia page on laugh tracks has a well detailed explanation on the evolution of this under History In The United States on it's Laugh Tracks page

Never heard of Beenoulli's Principle before, thanks for sharing.

Ha! I knew you love me !

Everyone loves me

According to the FBI crime has been on a steady decline since the late eighties. The Freakonomics guys credited things like higher incarceration and legalized abortion. Another factor others came up with is the removal of lead from gasoline. It happened not only in the US but other countries also. Apparently airborne lead isn't so healthy for young developing brains and the drop in crime began when people born at the time of the ban were reaching their adult years

Imma gonna go flip off some cops and get rich

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I used to work with Croatians and Slovenians that spoke English fluently but switch to their language abruptly as I was standing there. I thought that rude of them

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Thanks. They were actually great people so I didn't take it too hard

200 bucks? You got off cheap. Did they give you an aspirin?

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Very few people have that opinion.

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The irony in all of this is that if he had just paid her out of his own pocket it wouldn't have been an issue. Like they say the cover up is worse than the crime or noncrime in this case. Also ironic is he didn't have to cover it up as the evangelicals don't seem to care he cheated on his wife with a porn star. A perfect example of why we don't need morality police telling us how to live

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Reddit will probably appreciate the extra traffic bots will create

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Lots of wanna be communists that are well intentioned but have little real world experience

OP's wife: welp I guess I can stop shaving this thing

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It's a child not a vanity plate

According to the article his sister has been hospitalized and both her and their mother have a hard time getting work because of being associated with Kyle Rittenhouse. BTW the mother did not drive him that's a fallacy

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If you have a mosquitoe problem first step is prevention. They breed in standing water and it doesn't have to be deep. Clogged gutters are a common culprit

Hey the Linux community is active so they show up on All. Same thing with video game communities, it's a reflection of the interests of those who populate Lemmy. I don't care for either but we gotta start someplace. IMO it's largely due to the concept of the fediverse and instances and not simply an app you sign up to. FWIW, I barely get it. Folks here seem to be a tech savvy bunch

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I think she would appreciate the $100 because you care about Stevie too. It's very touching and when you phrase it that way it's like you're helping the cat not her. Not patronizing at all

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Visitor counter

It all gets dumped in the ocean

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FYI: This took place in East Cleveland, a separate city from Cleveland. It's one of those city's that you hear about where even the cops tell you not to stop at red lights at night. Except here the cops will then pull you over and rob you.

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They also last longer. Cars used to turn into a pile of rust before they hit 100k miles

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It was a luxury. Now it's a necessity. If we don't have access it causes anxiety. If we have access we're being tracked

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Italian piss is the best piss. Change my mind

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Remember to debate with your brain not your heart. When you feel emotions taking hold relax and breathe.

Obviously the DeSantis thing is a lie. Ask them to show you you proof, they won't. I've flat out told friends that if they fall for a lie that's one thing. If they go around repeating it without seeing if it's true first then they are a tool of the person lying to them

The world has been ending my entire life LOL, it's a never ending shit show. Always has been, always will be. The only thing that's changed is we carry a device in our pockets enabling us to obsess over it 24/7 now. I'm not saying it's not worth paying attention to issues, just don't let it get to you. We are aware of everything at all times now but our ability to affect things stays the same for most of us and that fosters hopelessness.

Here's the thing... There's always shit hitting the fan, that doesn't change. What has changed is our perception. We see everything that happens everywhere all the time right in the palm of our hands. Our ability to have control over any of it hasn't changed much. I was born in the 60s when a president, presidential candidate and a civil rights leader were assassinated which is pretty intense and everyone is aware of it. There were other events that were "big deals" at the time that younger people today aren't aware of. It's a thing that strikes me as I get older. I guess that's how it goes, we all together stress over one thing or another. The first one I remember getting wrapped up in was the Swine Flu outbreak in the 70's. My 5th grade class got a new textbook with a picture right inside the cover of a kid getting an inoculation shot. The needle device looked more like an industrial staple gun than a traditional needle and I was scared shirtless of it. I waited for my turn to get that shot and it never came. The next news headline replaced Swine Flu and the whole thing blew over. My point is these things come and they go, it's nothing new. I'm not saying don't be concerned about the state of things just don't stress out too hard. It's not on your shoulders to save the world at least not yours alone. You do have an effect on things just not everything.

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They must love having to ask their parents for a new phone every couple of years because they can't install apps due to their phone being out of date

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Lost me at bussin'. What's he got against public transportation?

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Golf is a dying sport. Courses where I live have been closing, some have been turned into parks

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It's up to you to make your life interesting. Don't blame it on Bigfoot

Thanks Biden

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PayPal sent me an email telling me I couldn't use their service because I had a VPN. No big deal, I'll just start using my credit card. A few weeks later PayPal emails me to say we're all good and I can use them again

I'd bet money that only one of those four reviews is from someone who's actually seen the movie and we can all tell which one

LOL, misleading headline. Trump was the incumbent last presidential election and his deficit was twice as high.

This isn't politics, it's rubbish

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