Trump Sounds Alarm For Americans Paying Off Porn Stars: ‘IF THIS CAN HAPPEN TO ME, IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE!’ to Not The – 854 points –
Trump Sounds Alarm For Americans Paying Off Porn Stars: ‘IF THIS CAN HAPPEN TO ME, IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE!’

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The irony in all of this is that if he had just paid her out of his own pocket it wouldn't have been an issue. Like they say the cover up is worse than the crime or noncrime in this case. Also ironic is he didn't have to cover it up as the evangelicals don't seem to care he cheated on his wife with a porn star. A perfect example of why we don't need morality police telling us how to live

Reminds me of a certain Mr. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Nobody gave a fuck that he did it; they were upset he hid it.

The evangelicals were outraged that Clinton did it, and equally outraged that he lied about it. They made a huge stink about how he had no decorum and was sullying the office. Of course, he was a Democrat who wanted to reduce the national deficit with the budget surplus, but they still hated him and wouldn't vote for him. Consistent with the most cherished doctrine of evangelicalism - hypocrisy - they had and still have no problem with Trump's inability to do anything honest, just like they had no problem with the other Republicans.

He was elected to lead not to read. Oh wait that was the other shithead.