3 Post – 196 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Still haven't heard better computer speakers than the standard Klipsch $100-150 stereo speakers with the sub that have been around for 25 years with minor aesthetic changes.

A cast iron skillet. If you use it regularly the seasoning will be so good that it's as functional as any PTFE nonstick pan, you can use metal cooking utensils on it instead of having to get plastic/silicone stuff (for PTFE), and it serves many purposes from stove top to oven. If you can find a "vintage" one at a yard sale from when they used to hand polish them smooth instead of pre-seasoning them with a rough texture, even better. When I bought a small Lodge one years ago, I used a grinder and sanding discs to polish off the factory textured seasoning and re-seasoned it myself, which worked a charm! If you go that route, I recommend doing it outside, because the amount of metal dust that it stirs up is impressive (and magnetic, so an absolute mess to clean up).

It's git push origin branch and then merge after submitting a pull request from branch to main after a successful lint check, build, deployment, and testing in a non-production environment, and PR approval. What kind of wild west operation allows pushing directly to main?

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It's so weird that this is the statement that makes some of his supporters question his sanity or ability to form and communicate coherent thoughts...I would say there's a trail of breadcrumbs of much more damning statements going back as far as you're willing to look, but it's more like a trail of roach-infested bakeries.

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When they announced this, it was the last straw for me with Amazon that caused me to finally cancel Prime, which I've paid for annually since it was first offered. Things I've been complacently shrugging off until now:

  • their delivery misses/delays have gotten consistently worse over the past year and a half

  • they screwed up my combined music library when they changed Amazon Music, which was working great before the change

  • Audible keeps pushing up-sale subscriptions I don't want, and is inconsistently working with Android Auto now (but was fine until about a year ago)

  • Prime Video ads and up-sale "channels"

  • book editions (especially textbook editions): they limit the ability to re-sell old editions of textbooks when newer editions are currently in print. Many classes specify old editions because that's what the curricula and syllabi have built around and the profs can take responsibility for validating the content. This is a serious issue with the number of errors that manage to get past editors for math and science texts, and they publish new editions for cash grabs when no actual new or useful information has been added.

They really don't have to do much to keep me complacent tbh - just stop breaking things that already work(ish). Find whatever the deliverable requirements were in like 2015 and just return to those.

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Rich people having to take a ferry to the mainland to get their weed = immediate effort from legislators.

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Laying people off instead of offering to move them to the now-more-important projects has to be one of the dumbest management moves that tech companies repeatedly do. These are people already trained on all the policies and procedures and tooling and "culture" specific to your company.

It's going to be more expensive to hire and train new people when the dumdums in upper management finally figure out the mistakes they made that got them to a point where they decided they need to cut jobs and projects, and the ramp-up time before you actually start seeing progress on those priorities is going to be seriously lengthened. Of course they won't acknowledge it was their fault in the first place, and again the heads roll on the wrong end of the corporate ladder.

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Just want to reiterate for those who haven't had the joy of seeing it the first time: is an insane website.

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F I R E F O X already

Her qualifications are being born into a wealthy political family and getting a BA in English from a religious school associated with the teachings of snake oil salesmen who hardcoded institutionalized racism and sexism into their religion. Not a specific or even a general study of political theory or history, constitutional law (or any other type), or journalism. Then working for a lobbyist media company, followed by nepotism and then shilling for Trump.

She's not yet contributed anything for the good of humanity. What is something they think she will "contribute?"

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Gaming has been following the shitty trends of video streaming companies for a while now. I bought RDR2 on the Steam sale to finally play through and immediately refunded it when I saw they force you to sign in with a Rockstar account. I don't want any offline games where I have to sign in.

I remember putting a cartridge into a console and powering on to an immediate start screen. There shouldn't be EULA or T&C prompts or inescapable splash screens on timers for any of these games. There shouldn't be standalone studio launcher applications that take up nearly a GiB of hard drive. Nobody wants them, nobody is impressed by them, and it takes away from the fun. It seems I'm done with all Blizzard, Origin, and Rockstar games for good now, where in the past I would've gladly shelled out $$$ for deluxe and ultimate editions like a chump.

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Teslas aren't particularly well-made, either. The very first one I rode in had a broken rear left seatbelt, which was just stuck in place and couldn't be pulled out. No one had ridden in that seat before it or tried using it, so it hadn't been noticed. The owner had to have the front passenger door seal replaced on receipt, which he noticed wasn't properly sealing because there was a lot of noise coming from that door while driving, as if the window was rolled down. If basic things like that make it through quality control, imagine what else does that isn't immediately noticeable.

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People who are offended by "cis" are offended because they already think about "trans" as a negative thing. If they just considered "trans" a neutral descriptor of someone instead of part of a lesser/greater hierarchy, they would see "cis" as a neutral descriptor as well, which it is.

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I don't see this phenomenon in my community. Hopefully enough other people do see it in theirs to overwhelm my experience.

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So she only needs to sue for a farly partial time of duress and psychological trauma and loss of income from being imprisoned for a crime she didn't commit.

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Christians always seem to advocate for public prayer, going fully against the explicit quote by Jesus in their holy book that specifically instructs them not to pray in public, or in groups. He says word for word how they are supposed to pray, twice...once in Matthew, once in Luke. In Matthew, he even tells them to go do it secretly in a quiet place like the innermost room of their home so no one else sees it.

These dominionists are such assholes.

Cumberland County Sheriff Kevin Joyce said in an earlier statement that an internal investigation had cleared his officers and that no one was determined to be intoxicated at the scene. He said any report of intoxicated officers should have been raised at the time, not six months afterwards.

There it is, the cops drunk driving an armored vehicle and nearly crashing into another emergency vehicle are cleared of all wrongdoing because they said they weren't intoxicated. 'K.

But why would they want to? When the Vatican stops pretending to have any special knowledge or authority on what is moral, is when anyone should give them any credit, especially given the almost exclusively immoral history of the Roman Catholic church.

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And RFK Jr. is considering him as a running mate. Hopefully anyone considering RFK Jr. as their choice will reconsider, but I feel like anyone who does is already lost to that conspiracy nonsense.

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You must go to some wild bars!

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I wouldn't say most people buy them, but Ulysses and Finnegans Wake. For me, they're unreadable. Or, I should say I actually read them during a time when I was reading classics that everyone seemed to claim were great, but I didn't know anyone who had actually read them. At the time I was doing it just to be able to say I did. A dumb reason.

I got nothing thoughtful out of either of them. There were some individual sentences and paragraphs that were fun to read just because of the alliteration and poetic flow, but they made no sense. A book written for others to read shouldn't need external commentaries or a knowledge of the author's life and mental state to understand.

Now if someone says they've read Joyce and not for a literature degree, I lose a bit of respect for them, as I did for myself, and as other people should for me. 0/10, not worth, would not buy again, would not read again

Just when you get used to only seeing bad news, some good news comes out!

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My sibling had to hide their orientation for years because our parents love their Abrahamic god more than their children's well-being, and also hid it from me out of fear that I would react in the same intolerant way. I wouldn't have, but understand why they thought I would.

I wish there had been a safe adult resource to talk to for them, like an openly tolerant and welcoming teacher or counselor who wouldn't breach their trust; it could've saved years of negative self-esteem thinking they weren't good enough to be loved for simply being themself. There sure as shit wasn't that resource in our home or church. If parents aren't trusted by their kids, it's because they have shown their kids they can't be trusted. That isn't a freak occurrence, it comes from years of demonstrating it through their words and actions.

It's also happening to practically every other animal, and some of them were more sensitive to the effects before people.

Because conservatives only believe in ethics for other people, not for them.

The evangelicals were outraged that Clinton did it, and equally outraged that he lied about it. They made a huge stink about how he had no decorum and was sullying the office. Of course, he was a Democrat who wanted to reduce the national deficit with the budget surplus, but they still hated him and wouldn't vote for him. Consistent with the most cherished doctrine of evangelicalism - hypocrisy - they had and still have no problem with Trump's inability to do anything honest, just like they had no problem with the other Republicans.

Zero rehabilitative potential, but they could basically do this now by putting a prisoner in restraints and sending them on a nutmeg trip. Guaranteed horror with a complete loss of time perception. If purgatory were real, it would be a nutmeg trip.

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The very first part about Goodall and tool use in animals is incorrect. Darwin wrote about primates making and using tools, and presumably many other naturalists have for other creatures. He also wrote about musicality and other "human" features in animals as examples of how small evolutionary changes build up over time. Goodall did a lot of interesting research and observation and made it accessible to an easily distracted public, there's no need to fudge her accomplishments to make a point.

Germans seem genuinely ashamed of the Nazi years. Conservatives seem genuinely ashamed of the Union years.

"We must cut government spending, except that we must increase it wherever it benefits me."

They paved paradise to put up a parking lot.

In that warped eschatology subculture, a common belief is that the antichrist will be raised in the church and come to power by deceiving the church into thinking he's a prophet or messianic figure. Basically any authoritarian they choose to follow is the perfect figure to fit their beliefs. With Trump, for instance, they can point to "Christian" actions like blind support for Israel as the representatives of the original "chosen people" or his role in anti-choice enforcement or any us-vs-them conflict action that makes them feel like they are the current chosen people. Then if he turns out to be just another bad person who deceived them, they'll mark it off as a fluke, immediately forget all the evil they helped him do, and look for the next antichrist candidate.

Evangelicalism is a very sinister belief system. They literally want the rapture/tribulation to come about as soon as possible, preferably in their lifetime. They don't actually care about any of the people they think are non-chosen. I would say the Calvinists/Reformed Protestants are even worse, because they believe the verses about some people being ordained before birth to be "elected" by God to be saved without any say of their own, and the vast majority of people are also predestined for eternal destruction (

And they all vote.

One of the dumbest social standards taught to kids that empowers bullies and bolsters peer pressure.

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I would go even harder and say the formal/semi-formal/business/casual folkways are outdated and I wish those expectations or requirements didn't exist. My work dress policy for the office doesn't allow sweatpants or yoga pants, but jeans and khakis are fine if you aren't "client-facing." Fine, but in jeans or khakis I will be adjusting far more often and imo that's less professional than just wearing more comfortable clothes.

Seems like he forgot to set his house in perfect order before criticizing the world.

Interestingly, the rate of domestic abuse among LEO is significantly higher than in the normal population. "Good cops" clean their own house so rarely that when they do, they can become a celebrity and have a book and movie written about them (Serpico).

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I used orange for inconsistencies between parallel accounts (like 4000 vs 40000 stalls in 2 Chr. 9 vs 1 Kings 4). I used a lot of orange flags.

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Someone will just have to start a religion where masking in public is one of the purity rites for the devout. Better yet, join their religion first and schism another denomination off it due to the doctrinal demand for the ritual mask of purity. Then, they'll have to acknowledge its "legitimacy."

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That sounds like a terrible way to go, and utterly horrifying for the people who had to witness it, and those who had to collect and clean up her remains.

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I just had to switch to New Teams last week because Classic teams just continued to have more and more call drops and connection problems. The New Teams doesn't even have an option to change the notification sound, and now I can't move the banner that appears in the top center of the screen when screen sharing that covers up tabs in browsers and the main preferences/search dialog in VS Code...also a Microsoft product. Apparently no one at Microsoft noticed that one of their most used products used in the most normal way blocks out important functionality from another one of them.