
2 Post – 522 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

A reminder: Google added support for and then subsequently dropped JPEGXL support in Chrome. Fuck Google.

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Thinks that water destroys magnets.

No no, you see: water is 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen. Hydrogen is a key component of nukes, and nukes destroy magnets. Trump was telling us in code, because the baby-eating Dems are looking for an excuse to have him replaced with a body double so he can't give obvious messages.

—Some Qonspircy Theorist

^I^ ^hope^ ^the^ ^satire^ ^is^ ^obvious^

Cardiovascular disease is a bitch, eh?

It seems pretty obvious to me at this point that the DNC would rather lose than have an actual progressive win.

It's not in their interests to let a progressive win. Just like their counterpart, the DNC takes a shit ton of bribery donations from corporations lobbyists. Bringing in a progressive who would reform the system or push back against pro-corporate policies is biting the hands that feed them.

How has nobody mentioned Sonic Colors yet?

The system is set up in a way that the only viable options are between two evils, unfortunately. Under a FPTP system where the only good options are minority parties that won't win a single seat in their districts, you're left with the choice of voting for the lesser evil, or voting for your morals but increasing the risk of the greater evil winning.

It's a no-win situation.

I'm mad that Biden and the Democratic leadership seems to have put their own interests above the interest of the party people.

The interests of the party is the interests of the rich :)

With powered hubs and balanced tree topology, you can split a single root controller into 4^5^ endpoints. Your motherboard being able to support that many devices and the shared bandwidth might be a problem, but it's theoretically possible to survive off of a single USB port.

The Democrat party is just as corrupt and bought out by corporations as the Republicans are, but at least they aren't trying to get the country to circle the drain as quickly.

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You have to pass new laws to match the digital world.

They did—it's called the DMCA, and it's working exactly as they intended it to.

Op: Name and shame, please.

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If only the system wasn't designed to squash third parties. Blue gives very little fucks either, it seems.

Ah, but you see, that's where the national security and economic prosperity conditions come in. Can't be having alternative teachings encouraging terrorism and communism, you know?

In turn compromise the health and futures of their kids and themselves.

For-profit healthcare: 🤑

Next month:

This court finds that, without any question of interpretation, church and state, including publicly-funded education institutions, must be separated. We also find that, with the evidence considered, the teaching of the Bible does not violate the separation of church and state. Teaching of religious texts may, for educational purposes, be added to school curriculum when said curriculum does not mandate teachings containing subjects contrary to the interests of national security and economic prosperity.

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I mean, if you consider bigotry to be a mental health disorder, sure.

What the fuck does it take to get bail denied in Texas?

Threatening a cop as a minority will do it. Outside of that, probably nothing.

Only slightly related, but here's the compiler flag to disable an arbitrary 2GB limit on x86 programs.

Finding the reason for its existence from a credible source isn't as easy, however. If you're fine with an explanation from StackOverflow, you can infer that it's there because some programs treat pointers as signed integers and die horribly when anything above 7FFFFFFF gets returned by the allocator.

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I believe that's called "rules for the LGBT, but not for me."

If you have 11 people and a Nazi at a dinner party, you have 12 Nazis.

It's yachts all the way down.

I'm not saying the system is rigged, but what's a few million extra bribery lobbying dollars out of your corporate budget when it means that you can secure your goal of reduced government oversight? It's not like you have to do this for any other political candidate than the Republican and Democratic nominees either, since you know news outlets will make sure to not platform and illigitimize any independent party that's a threat to their own financial interests.

At this point, it's an unsolvable problem.

The only way to begin preventing lobbying interests from overtaking voter interests would be to have anti-lobbying politicians, and enough of them to actually get something done without being blocked by both the Democrats and Republicans. That would only happen after multiple decades of anti-lobbying presidents being elected, and that itself will never happen because the RNC and DNC are both paid off by corporate interests, so they'll never nominate a candidate that goes against their masters. And, on top of that, it's highly unlikely that a third-party candidate will ever succeed when they're both illigitimized by the media and put in an extreme disadvantage by the electoral college.

I think, in hindsight, I was very wrong about this.

If months of pussyfooting around dropping support for the Israeli government in spite of public outcry and Democrat voters' desires hasn't done anything, maybe we're not actually something that Biden cares about. I don't think Israel holds that much value in military intelligence that it's worth risking both tarnishing the United States' global reputation and being hated by his own voter base over.

Either he's expecting to win, just by virtue of his opposition being worse, and doing what he wants because of it (which you pointed out), or he's doing what his party was paid to do by lobbyists. It doesn't make sense for someone who is supposed to be representing his voters to go through so much effort to avoid listening to them unless there are greater interests at play. Either way, something is very fucked up about this election cycle, and it's going to have some nasty consequences for the future.

You think that's bad? They have four of these "promo" dialogs to push users to the Reddit spyware app.

  1. Unreviewed community (the one you're seeing).
  2. NSFW content.
  3. Trending content (yes, you read that right).
  4. Special events (like r/place).

Fuck Spez.

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The New York Times reports that "a subsidiary of Life Corporation called Voice Broadcasting Corp., which identifies Mr. Monk as its founder on its website, has received numerous payments from the Republican Party’s state committee in Delaware, most recently in 2022, as well as payments from congressional candidates in both parties."

That's nice. The robocalls were sponsored by politicians. Can we please throw them in prison to rot for corruption now? No? Is that hoping for too much?

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2024 is going to be the year of the Linux Desktop enshittification. When anything you love goes public, you won't be loving it for much longer.

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Nintendo went after them for using (not distributing) prod.keys to decrypt game titles and system firmware under 17 U.S.C. 1201 (2), which sidesteps having to challenge the legality of emulation directly. I guess Yuzu doesn't have the funds to fight them in court on that.

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DisplayPort: We have

  • Higher maximum resolution.
  • Better support for higher refresh rates.
  • Multi-stream transport so you can use a single display cable for multiple monitors.

HDMI: Oh yeah? Well, we have

  • Royalties.
  • Specifications hidden behind contracts.
  • An emphasis on implementing DRM technology that makes it hard to use a capture card.

Fuck HDMI.

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I know a lot of people idolize him, and that's probably not healthy, but he just gets it. Provide value and convenience for consumers, and consumers will stick around. Be an inconvenience while squeezing consumers for money, and we'll leave with a parrot on our shoulders and a one-finger salute.

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Nintendo's angle is more along the lines of:

  • We gave our friend Switchy the keys to a lockbox.
  • You tricked Switchy into giving you our keys.
  • We didn't authorize you to use those keys.
  • Using our keys without our permission is circumventing our DRM.
  • Yuzu is a tool that enables you to use our keys.
  • It's illegal to distribute tools to circumvent DRM.

It's a massive reach, but it's a plausible argument—or even a good one if the judge is a technologically illiterate luddite. Beyond that, Nintendo is the kind of litigant that will drag out a lawsuit until the other party is forced to settle.

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Wow, I stand corrected. When this first happened, I said nobody domestic could actually be stupid enough to break multiple federal and state laws doing this, but here we are.

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"But, it stopped little Aimbot Andrew from successfully using the xProAimb0t2024 program he spent his monthly allowance on! Never mind the rest; it's working as intended. Closed as WONTFIX."

– Anticheat developers

Can't wait to see Rossmann's video on this one. Especially the part about how their idea of a recall is to tell people to throw away their device and buy a new one.

Edit-- https://youtu.be/Q_Mk-5XkSmY

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Letting people senselessly get injured or die seems to be a common theme in Elon's ventures, so I'm not all that surprised about this.

Children being thrown off bridges? No, no. He clearly fell. This story is clearly just capitalist propaganda. Great communist countries like China and Russia don't have murder. Everything atrocious is merely done for self-defence.


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This was referring to a different event at a different venue. While it seems likely that they made the same mistake, it's best we wait for more info before jumping to conclusions.

Similar symptoms, which include sunburn and waking up to severe, burning eye pain, were reported in 2017 by partygoers who attended a Hypebeast event at The Landmark commercial complex also in Hong Kong, with the event’s DJ later discovering lighting used mainly for disinfection purposes had been installed at the venue. The Landmark venue did not feature on the ApeFest event plan, and the two incidents appear unrelated.

Developers. UE5 is chalking up to be the defacto standard for modern titles that don't have budgets large enough to make their own engine.

EGS, on the other hand, is still an abysmal failure beyond the lure of free (and increasingly shittier) games and a yearly 25% off discount coupon that people fall for.

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Epic has spent the last few years campaigning to sway public opinion of Steam. Their whole campaign relies on making Steam seem like a monopolistic cesspool of shovelware and garbage, and they need to present themselves as having the moral high ground to do that. Never mind that NFTs are more predatory than at-your-own-discretion purchasable pornography.

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