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Joined 11 months ago

Sure. I can't wait to finally make the switch (Nvidia).

Didn't swiftpad or whatever its called send every key pressed to Microsoft?

Not a China shill. China is horrible. Microsoft less so as they don't commit genocide in slow motion. But still, I think this sort of thing is more common than we think.


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Ooh a lot of people here seem very pro-nuclear-power. That's cool!

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Damn. I'm much more of a craft beer person, but this is sad. Is just marking it down not an option?

Edit: Oh, never mind. They want to stop prices collapsing. Yeah, sounds like France. Forever bailing out their farmers 🙄

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Ew. This sounds like massive public investment in space for massive private profits in space.

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Its full of evangelical Christians. That and Anglo-Saxon culture even minus the evangelical Christians is very squeamish around sex. Just look at the different attitude towards talking to kids about sex that you find in the UK and on the Continent, even the Germanic countries tend to be a lot more open about this stuff than the UK.

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I hate that these articles are always couched in excusatory language like, "While motivated by a legitimate concern..."

These people are not your friends, they're your enemies. Don't accept their frame in the argument.

If true ew. I actually just recently learned that Windows 11 requires a Microsoft account (you can disable it by going into the registry) but it officially actually requires it. Fuck them.

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Only in the US is it they expensive.

Otherwise infuriating and time-consuming... Perhaps everywhere. But really, rabies is not! something to mess around with. Even with the smallest chance.

I really hope the EU requires manufacturers to allow a bootloader unlock. Apple would shit themselves.

40C is not 118F

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What sort of irks me is what a mixed bag EU regulation is. Some is good (GDPR), not denying that. Some is annoying (you're going to be accepting cookies 100 times a day until you're dead thanks to them), and Whatsapp runs on all devices, so while interoperability nice, even as a free-software, Linux person I don't really care.

However, if you have to deal with friends or family in the US and you don't have an iPhone though, god help you. They don't care about this.

I guess my complaint is that EU regulation may seem legally elegant, but I think it is sometimes quite blind to the real situation on the ground.

It looks good on the books but we still, say, don't have a standard ARM boot process for smartphones that would help users not be dependent on whatever shitty ROM the OEM wants them to have. That would be life changing, but it will never even be talked about.

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No, it is not. It is brutal in many ways. But that it is not. Neither is socialomswor communism.

Pyramid schemes are zero-sum. I steal and gain, you lose. Capitalism and even communism are not zero-sum games. They are net-positive. They involve people making goods and services for others.

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Yeah but the majority of bots out there are going after easy prey. Honestly, if you use public key authentication with ssh you should be fine, even if it is on port 22. But it does of course clog up access logs.

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An amazing story! I doubt I ever have kids, but if I do I'll do something like this. God knows what sort of dumbed down tech crap they'll be fed in school.

I kind of wish he'd just raise money for or contribute to existing FOSS Adobe alternatives that are still feature-lacking.

Oh yeah. I absolutely hate this new trend.

No longer using Ubuntu at all because they force snaps down your throat. While I do like snaps on the server environment, (I think a lot of the haters out there don't see how nice they are on servers), I prefer to use Debian and then to just install snapd on my terms.

Honestly I don't care who or what he personally donated to. But the ad model is the problem for me.

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You should look at what prisoners get to eat in France. Here in Spain prisoners wear their own clothes, only guards wear uniforms.

I believe the idea of prison should be that you are punished by you're freedom of movement being taken away. Not by being forced to eat inedible food or food that goes against your moral code.

I use OpenBoard (it's available on fDroid. Maybe the play store too).

I don't know if it's the best but I like it. If you type in multiple languages you do need to hit a "language switcher" key on the keyboard to switch to the autocorrect for that language. A very minor complaint. Otherwise it's great.

And it will learn swear words. No more ducking ducks.

Yes after a decade of living in Europe I can only say, "fucking finally!"

Yes from everything I hear American prisons are all around horrible (by first world standards). This doesn't seem surprising.

You're there to be punished by your freedom of movement being taken away. Not by being forced to eat inedible food.

Abandon Chrome and Chromium en masse and this will go away. But normies suck.

Yeah in the presentation of it was clearly idiotic. I often wonder how seriously these silicon valley people actually take themselves privately.

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I love how you're an asshole for no apparent reason. We both like this place and are on the same team, even if we disagree about some things.

But, in all seriousness, I really have the feeling that you are approaching this from the standpoint of a lawyer or someone on the marketing team of a large corporation. Of course a service like, or any of the larger instances, should consult with a lawyer at some point if they haven't already. But this is not a mega-corporation, and I don't think many people in Lemmy apart from you have any intention of running it like one.

Of course these services cost money to run and protect. No one is saying it's free. To give a similar example, some of the largest Invidious instances blow though several terabytes a day. So they are very much dependent on donations. We should all try and chip in if we are able.

No clue if this will work for you or not, but there are a few things you might try.

  1. Increase the TTL for packets on your computer from 64->65 or from 128->129. It makes it harder for them to tell that the traffic isn't coming to the phone.
  2. If you can live with USB tethering and also do #1, I have had zero problems. And got much better speeds than with any hotspot.
  3. If the OS is blocking this then... yeah sorry... join the Free World and get a custom ROM.

Uff... Yeah. Pretty horrible. Mexico is a shit show that can't get them under control. But it is a sovereign state. Unacceptable.

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I really only use for "oh damn, I known there's a great one-liner to do that in Python" sort of thing. It's usually right and of it isn't it'll be immediacy obvious and you can move on with your day. For anything more complex the gas lighting and subtle errors make it unusable.

I'm more sympathetic to letting people choose to abort fetuses with clear genetic or physical problems.The world isn't made a better place by more people with down syndrome. Very early genetic testing is helpful here.

However, not letting these people who do exist, and to some extent will probably always exist, live full enriched lives to the extent that they are able is rather horrible.

I've managed to do it for my personal email and find it very rewarding. Sadly, I could never use it for my business. It's just too risky and there may always be a few delivery problems here and there.

VPS hosting, BTW, not home.

It should try to grow larger than in currently is, but not try to be a top website.

Trying to do the latter will involve clashing with online legal regulations, politicians, and compliance to a much greater extent than is required now. Furthermore, it will be inundated with "normie" culture if it strives to be as popular. If you make it accessible to the lower common denominator, you get the lowest common denominator.

No! Really, what a shock!!

I think China's worse. In many cases much worse, in some cases only a bit worse. But I do not excuse America.

Look at Xinjang. The Uyghurs are facing cultural eradication. Look at African Americans. Their situation is still bad and not ok! But it is the lesser evil when you compare what the US does to their minorities compared to what China does to theirs

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There is also a bit of a design arms race going on here.

My business has a bloated site with animations, Google fonts, graphic design, etc., etc. Why? Because normie customers expect it and if I don't have it they'll go to a competitor that had a more "designed" website.

If most websites looked as if they were built in the year 2000 we wouldn't lose much functionality and we'd spend much less resources on this stuff...

I think part of the problem is that laws in the developed world essentially make in extremely expensive to run one of these services if you have a lot of users per month.

Te heart of the issue is that at some point it becomes more useful for mega-corporations to have a cozy relationship with the government than with you. It used to be that if a service found that there was child porn on their service, the law simply required them to remove it and report it to the police. Very reasonable.

The thing is though, if that is all the compliance one needs to follow, then the creation of new firms and services is quite easy. Mega-corporations don't like this. They want to slow the creation of new services and firms because this slows the appearance of new competition. Hence they become pro-regulation, and, I'd argue, attempt to shift the entire culture towards paranoia and a demand for more regulation.

Perhaps the only defense is to stay small. Obviously don't allow any abusive or illegal content. But stay small so that you can skirt by without having to deal with compliance with the big-boy regulations.

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Stupid. No it isn't. Establishing legal precedent or, in countries that don't work on precedent, a preponderance of legal cases, prohibiting this practice is what is needed.

I'd use a mainstream distro. I came to Linux in 2017, used Ubuntu for 4 years until I got tired of them forcing snaps down my throat, and then went to Arch. I have never distro-hopped, but I also have never had any huge issues with the mainstream distros.

The main distros really are well maintained and do tend to "just work". Dare I say, especially Ubuntu.