Alien Surfer

3 Post – 167 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Each and every one of the creatures we descended from, stretching all the way back to the beginning of life on Earth, has survived by killing before being killed. We are the final product of a string of millions of killers.

Dutch East India Company - The original corporate raiders.


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Treat them how you would wish to be treated when you are old, forgetful, stubborn, deaf, and slower. Getting old can suck. It's angering. It hurts. They are humans with emotions. Don't forget that.

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Sounds like Poly Sci homework. How about you answer the questions and post them here.

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Shows left, center, and right viewpoints.

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They are appealing to the fallacy that hiding things means bad behavior.

Not true. There are plenty of good reasons to hide things. Social security numbers, income, bank account info, even personal preferences.

Privacy != bad


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I would LOVE the house slipper bit. I've suggested it so many times. Wife and kids just won't go for it. Wife says it's rude to ask a guest to take off their shoes. I disagree but she just can't see my point or view. If you want to enter my house, show respect and take off your shoes to keep my house clean.

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"I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it." - Mark Twain

Buy stuff people left at airports or from lost luggage. Good for kindle and such.

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Most annoying for me is calling for or defederating from instances which have diverse points of view. This is inclusivity hypocrisy. Ignore or block what you don't want to hear. Don't speak for me. You may have supporters that think the way you do, but there are multitudes who think differently. It's the antithesis of equity to silence different opinions, no matter how offensive they are to you and/or to those who think like you. Simply block them so you do not have to endure differing, offensive speech [even if you consider it "hate" speech]. What I hate, others may adore. So just block it.

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Nine to fourteen cans of cola a day is the limit. Eek, I've probably done that when I was a young programmer! Hope it doesn't catch up to me. :(

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It's evaporative cooling. Grew up with them. They're great. They aren't A/C. They don't worm when it too humid.

Great for dry desert geography.

Probably an addicted smoker parent with throat cancer to their child.

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In the SW USA in summer it can get 117F (47C) and let me tell you, my dude, 100% cotton is still hot as hell.

I don't know this for sure, but to me it seems like the whole suit and tie and jacket thing was a northern European tradition and eventually an eastern USA tradition where it's cold. That shit don't work in the desert, and those who continue to claim "professionalism" and maintain such stupid customs are fools, in my opinion.

I'm not middle eastern but those dudes have the correct answer to the desert. I really wish the thawb would catch on in the Sonoran Desert of the southwest USA.

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I think the majority are 40+.

Except for memes communities. They are 12.

Progressive metal

  • Sleep Token
  • Long Distance Calling
  • Audrey Fall
  • Brutus
  • Countless Skies
  • Before the Dawn
  • Dawn of Solace
  • Exquirla
  • Merrow
  • Primordial
  • Psychonaut
  • Rishloo
  • Soen
  • Somali Yacht Club
  • Tides from Nebula
  • Villagers of Ioanninan City
  • Wheel
  • Greta Van Fleet
  • Persefone
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"No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away..." - Terry Pratchet

It isn't like anything. One moment you are counting down, the very next moment you are waking up. Time does not pass for you. It's one instant (counting down) to the next (waking up.) It's very strange. Like you skipped through time. Like you magically moved forward in time instantaneously. You will never have memories from when you are under.

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En English (US): bah•low•nee

In Italian: Bo•low•nya

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All vegetation is now edible and extremely healthy.

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To add to others, wind also is generated when a rain "microburst" occurs.This happens frequently in the southwest U.S.

A microburst is when a very large amount of water is dropped out of the clouds. The gaining rain speed pushes the air below it out of the way. The air is pushed outward horizontal to the ground, which in essence is a massive wall of wind.

Often in the Sonoron desert a microburst causes the wind to push a lot of dirt from the ground surface to be blown out with the wind. When this happens it's called a haboob. The wall of thick dust and particles can be up to a mile high and as wide as a city.

Below is a link to an image of a haboob over Phoenix, Arizona.

Haboob over Phoenix AZ USA

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Sysop... reminds of the good ol' BBS days. What a great time that was.

“You wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

Mine died. $12,000 to replace. It's insane!!

47.5° (117.5 F) in Phoenix AZ USA summer.

-11.6° (11 F) in Flagstaff AZ USA winter.


This is entirely valid and unfortunate.

If I have enough PTO saved up, I'll take "mental health days". It's none of the employers business why you take it if they offer PTO accrual as a benefit. I just email my lead either the night before or in the morning saying "I'll be out today". Period. No more and no less. No excuses. No rational. I earned it; it's mine; I'm using it, that's it.

So I don't have to be so sick that I can't get out of bed. Or a fever. If I'm feeling under the weather and I have the time, I'll take it. I do that instead of taking a solid 2 week vacation at one time during the year.

No, this is real. An iPhone to kids is like a social status symbol and potential family wealth indicator. Of course it's absolute bull, but just as adults are, kids are horribly manipulated by marketing and advertising too. Kids have glommed onto phones for conspicuous consumption whereas adults glom onto cars and houses for said signals.

Of course not all adults or kids do this, but a great deal do. That's where the stupid bumper sticker comes from that says, "He who has the most toys at the end wins!" Very ugly stuff, in my opinion. And if there is a devil, that's where it lives mostly.

Some perspective would always be nice, or a distance legend. Like, could you see a human from that distance? A football stadium? A banana?

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Oh okay. I didn't realize that. Wow.

More time to read novels before bed.

Coffee. Only certain brands, though. Some have a bite like alcohol, which I don't like at all.

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Smokers who support the war on drugs.

"Molten wounds still glow where the two nuclear bombs detonated. And I wonder, in my last moments, if the planet does not mind that we wound her surface or pillage her bounty, because she knows we silly warm things are not even a breath in her cosmic life. We have grown and spread, and will rage and die. And when all that remains of us is our steel monuments and plastic idols, her winds will whisper, her sands will shift, and she will spin on and on, forgetting about the bold, hairless apes who thought they deserved immortality."

-- Pierce Brown, Morning Star Novel (P. 166)

Last time I heard about it, it was exactly like you mention. I find the articles very misleading.

Yup. I had this dream on May 8, 1994:


Reports are continuing to come in... they are confirming that the United States of America has just been taken over and is now under South African rule. "Control Panel Warfare" is what they are calling it. Rumors that the President has attempted suicide are circulating around the globe. "It's all done through computers," someone said. They have taken over with computers.

Everything will change. There will be no more homeless. Effective immediately this is now a police state. We were all in a room when my mom came in and announced this information. I think we were in a conference room at the hospital where she works. As she announced this terrifying news, the tone in the room went from joking to a stomach-turning sour in a matter of seconds. The look on my dads face... he was horrified. No one could believe their ears!

I thought an announcement this shocking would only come from the news that nuclear war has just broken out and we only had a few more moments to live. The news that the U.S. had just been taken over was incredibly shocking, yet at the same time I thought to myself that it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. So I guess I was horrified and not surprised all at the same time.


Left, center, and right. Shows all sides.

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The question I have, are sales of these products down? Do these implementations work to reduce unhealthy consumption? Are hospitals and medical offices seeing less revenue? If they don't actually work, what will?

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