
3 Post – 109 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I wonder if there is a correlation between drop height and importance of the persons he's killing.

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The both-sides-narrative only helps the far-right.

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Repairing your bike is easy and checking the important parts every couple of months makes riding it a lot better.

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A lot of suspicious "wholesome" posts on all, too. Seems like an astroterf to make the whole thing more digestible.

No u

I'm not sure but I think they might have some airports in Africa.

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Which is the only legitimate use case, but I bet >99% of straws produced aren't used for that.

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Idk but you putting the title in quotes is kinda shady.

Why were they fired?

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Europe are already shitting their pants because of a couple of thousand migrant, so guess what will happen when it gets into the 100.000s.

I'm expecting full dystopia.

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Choked me, but no one believes a 9-year old anyways so nothing happened.

That's not true. You might be thinking about the German network enforcement act. Every little ecommerce website, even when it's a one-man operation, has to follow GDPR guidelines when they aim at people in the EU.

Still statistically worse for women than many countries.

Getting beat up by a group of Nazis. When they started kicking my head I thought I was going to die.

You're definitely not getting young.

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Well yeah, I got that. But did they interpret that as mockery or did I miss something?

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But these aren't golden retrievers

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Two possibilities:

  1. Apathy - people stop voting for parties that can be a counterweight to the far right.

  2. Abbreviated analysis/Feelings over facts - people are more likely to fall for politicians presenting themselves as underdogs who are going to revolutionise the political landscape, which is a strategy fascists like to use. "Drain the swamp" is a perfect example for that, and if I remember correctly, there were a lot of potential Sanders supporters who voted for Trump. I know both are more or less opposites, but both provided a canvas for people's feelings that "politicians are all the same" and that fundamental change needs to happen. The latter is true, but with proper analysis shouldn't lead to voting for the far right.

QAnon was made up by Trumps entourage to deflect the accusations against him.

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"The aurora over the Rocky Mountains in the United States was so bright that the glow woke gold miners, who began preparing breakfast because they thought it was morning."

Lol, this must've been hella confusing.

Yes because we have nothing else and never will.

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Or food

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The sides are missing ads and also the text needs to be interrupted with ads after every paragraph.

Also the ad that is blocking the text but has a tiny close button that is difficult to hit on mobile is missing.

At the end there should be previews of further articles which are, you guessed it, ads.

This is the first time I hear about "stone".

It's 6.35 kg for anyone too lazy to look it up.

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I think Putin just waited for some Wagner bosses to be on the same plane. Prigozhin has been successful in Niger and felt safe to fly with Utkin. The leftovers of Wagner will now be integrated into the Russian military.

I disagree. Smoked food is delicious.

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Unpopular opinion: for a beginner, ChatGPT gives way better answers than stackoverflow users. The advantage of ChatGPT is that I can command it to dumb it down. Stackoverflow users are used to answer in a language that resembles the language in documentations. They are dry, abstract, lack good examples to the point that the "foobar" shit triggers an immediate defensive reaction in my brain and are phrased for people who already understood a concept but need to refresh their knowledge. Their core problem, as is tradition in any IT field, is that they lack the empathy to understand the viewpoint of someone who understands less of something than they do. It's like asking someone to teach you reading and getting a poem with the advice to just read it as an answer.

I can circumvent that via ChatGPT by asking it to ELI5. Also, I get an answer instantly, am not discouraged to ask further questions and not advised to read a link where a solution is offered in an equally difficult language.

People are saying that using ChatGPT doesn't give accurate information and fails to convey important concepts, but I feel it's actually the other way around. Since there is ChatGPT, I'm making way more progress than before.

I understand that users don't want AI answers, but I also don't get why anyone would want that on this platform. You can just, you know, use AI directly.

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Great, so we already have two data points now!

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I think it's problematic when used in political contexts. Complex societal problems, like racism etc., are reduced to a feeling, thereby ignoring all the wider implications, histories and contexts while also reducing it to a mere individual problem.

Spreading bullshit is frowned upon everywhere, the platform doesn't matter.

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It's not even the high and mighty, they don't really care who works to build their shit. They are even happy about cheap labour that comes with migration. It's the average Joe that doesn't see the problem, projects everything on migration and is unable to think rational.

Seeing the massive right wing shift in my country (germany) just because the government proposed to shift to 65% renewable home heating in the next 20 years and slightly above average migration numbers that allegedly bring communities close to collapse if you believe the media, I'm losing all hope of anything ever changing to the better. People will never accept any measures that truly address the root of our problems, because they could mean a slight inconvenience for a short moment and limit the freedoms and possibilities that are taken for granted, but are really just a consequence of the technical development in the last decades. Humans where okay with not having a car or fly around the world for thousands of years, but now for some reason it's life-defining. People are egocentric, dumb and can't see past their own little world to understand that there are collective problems that only can be solved collectively. I know how condescending that sounds, but I really don't know how to see all that differently.

We are absolutely, 100% fucked. I've been saying for about 10 years now, that the earliest time for actual change, for collectively deciding what's right for humanity and the planet, socialism or whatever you want to call it, will come after the next wave of fascism and every day it becomes more obvious that this assessment was correct.

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Weird, I thought we were living in a literal 1984 dictatorship. Did they forget to tell Putin?

Ok dad

Could be declared a medical product.

HODL lol

Open in external browser.

I think the point is that people perceived your first post as a statement coming from a right wing conspiracy nut. With this post it's clear that you mean that there is a political bias in favour of the defendant.

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By the sound mine make I would have thought free jazz.

You rip off small pieces, roll it in paper and light it.