
0 Post – 402 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Well, we knew he was a shitbag beforehand, so that's not really what's in question

That's for the kernel. Userspace often breaks userspace.

I love all dogs but I can still appreciate a good pitbull eating kids joke. He just looks so happy.


I am personally unaware of any serious reason to believe that Firefox’s numbers will improve soon.

Either the author doesn't know about the Manifest v2 deprecation or is saying it's "unserious" to believe this might improve Firefox's market share. Either way, goofy.

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I once had the flu so badly I couldn't get out of bed or yell for help. My parents put on "Flushed Away" (movie about some fuckin rats) on dvd and it looped at least 4 times before anyone came back to turn it off. One of my core traumas

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There was no family to go with him. Unaccompanied minors can fly under the supervision of airport staff, usually for a fee. Which must already be terrifying enough for the parents even if they didn't know "losing your kid" was an option.


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No but you have 8 boobs like a cat, enjoy

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Modern mobile OS' and apps are quite strictly sandboxed so, with reasonable vetting like Google Play Store and Apple Store, you can reasonably safely install random crap and uninstall it later. It's a different realm from running random binary executables.

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Sudden? No. It's always been very, very bad.

Docker desktop is a GUI frontend for docker

They're sacrificing the utility of the tool to make it part of their new AI-driven operating system as a service platform. The only thing notepad had going for it was its complete simplicity, reliability, and speed. Nobody wants notepad to try to rope you into this ecosystem, certainly not at the expense of those qualities.

Even with the recent updates, I'm over it. Notepad has crashed on me at least twice. Notepad. Crashed. There is no longer any reason to use it.

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Those are leeks sir

I'm very interested in PC's next console

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Of Mice and Men

It's great for jumping into something you're very unfamiliar with. Unfortunately, if you often find yourself very unfamiliar with day to day tasks, you're probably incompetent. (Or maybe a butterfly who gets paid to learn new things every day.)

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It's important to test edge cases.

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I notice it didn't come in a box. Didn't want the packaging to upstage the present. Smart.

Dunno what you mean. I've been using a Pixel since Pixel 1. The UI has only changed a bit at a time. I've used Messages (Google's SMS app) for as long as I can remember. It's only ever had one AI assistant, which is the "hey google" one, and it's always been okay.

I'm guessing some of the issues you're noticing are specific to some Android distributions from specific brands. Mainline Android is pretty stable.

Have you considered a career in middle management

This is just so people can't self host media, right? Why else would they obsessively cap upload speeds?

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Not sure I understand. How could there possibly be a solution? Isn't this an inherent problem with federation? You can't un-share information

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in math, if you have a real and you round it, it's always a real not an integer.

No, that's made up. Outside of very specific niche contexts the concept of a number having a single well-defined type isn't relevant in math like it is in programming. The number 1 is almost always considered both an integer and a real number.

If we follow your mind with abs(-1) of an integer it should return a unsigned and that makes no sense.

How does that not make sense? abs is always a nonnegative integer value, why couldn't it be an unsigned int?

I only use Windows for work

"Use Linux" isn't always an option

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I wanted to be the raccoon.

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Notepad.exe is like the one thing I can always count on to open and edit text and save and that's it. Looking forward to it crashing, hanging, and generally sucking.

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Chrome takes so much longer than the kernel somehow. There's also the occasional package that makes you build single-threaded because nobody has fixed some race condition in the build process.

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As a Linux user / human, obligatory fuck Microsoft. As a .NET dev, what they've done with C# is really great and it's a very pleasant language and ecosystem to work with.

I recommend Ungoogled Chromium if you have to pick a Chromium derivative. It's a solid browser with the spyware removed, rather than taped over and exchanged with Microsoft's own.

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The obvious solution is to inject an IWeekendDaysOfWeekProvider service in the inversion of control container. In your, uh, javascript web app.

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It is better to switch to Firefox. But chromium forks can generally do whatever they want, it's just a matter of maintenance burden. e.g. nothing is stopping a Chromium fork like Brave from running a manifest v2 compatible appstore, but it'll cost money to make, maintain, and operate, plus you have less discoverability as an app developer when using a smaller app store.

I'm a tolerant person, but come on, man. Between VSCode, JetBrains, (n)vim and emacs, and I can't think of a legitimate reason to use np++ for development over any of them.

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A 1-torus is a circle, you mean an annulus. You do NOT want to make this mistake at a topologist dinner party, trust me.

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Been using BTRFS for all disks and purposes for a few years, I would recommend it with the requirement that you research it first. There are things you should know, like how/when to disable CoW, how to manage snapshots, how to measure filesystem use, and what the risks/purposes of the various btrfs operations are. If you know enough to avoid doing something bad with it, it's very unlikely to break on you.

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I was quite surprised that they introduced a new scheduler and replaced CFS with it in the same step. I would have expected it to become available, then default, then replace CFS. But I guess this should be interpreted as indicating they have tested it extensively already, with very low chance of significant regressions.

The 30oz size has 390mg caffeine. The FDA says 400mg a day is not generally associated with harmful effects for adults without heart conditions etc. If the FDA says up to 400mg is fine, I don't think it's fair to call that the "danger threshold." That's like calling the speed limit the "danger threshold." It's set there for a reason, but you don't go from "no adverse effects" to "danger" as soon as you cross the line.

It's advertised as having the same amount of caffeine as their coffee. 30oz of coffee is a pretty significant amount. Not typically dangerous, but hardly something you can drink by accident.

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Obfuscation is meaningless. It's public info or it's not. In this case it's necessarily public

Can't wait to see the rest of this conversation in several more months

There's no way storage space is the issue. It would cost pennies per car and take up no additional space or power. The size of map/gps data would dwarf the OS by an order of magnitude or more.

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Meta drama communities.

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