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I personally think that's the only likely scenario where there'd be war on American soil.

I really don't think the average Lemmy user has TikTok.

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He'll be dead.

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The auto strike has a 75% approval rating. That's way bigger than most things in US politics. Not supporting the auto strike is a losing issue.

I mean, I use LibreOffice, but for people not that tech savvy it sucks they won't have a basic rich text tool included with Windows.

I get where this comes from (look up why USA and Canada celebrate Labor Day rather than International Worker's Day) but it's just symbolism, a frivolous issue. Pushing frivolous issues reinforces one of the negative perceptions of the American left common among both centrist Americans and international leftists. People want healthcare, vacation days, material improvements. Not a debate over when a national holiday is.

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My recollection was that the game was already down to just iOS or Android by the time this came out. Windows Phone still existed, but it was already being ignored by popular apps like Snapchat.

Plus the people who even knew about this (tech people) didn't like the "everything is a web app" idea when Chrome OS did it, much less a smartphone.

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Do I need more context? This just sounds like a BDSM relationship to me.

Not against it on principle, but there's no way I'd get it knowing about the way the corporations that have the resources to make it happen operate.

I'm agitated that people got the impression "AI" referred specifically to human-level intelligence.

Like, before the LLM boom it was uncontroversial to refer to the bots in video games as "AI." Now it gets comments like this.

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The only reason I'm not an advocate for this is because this would mean abandoning LGBT people, minorities, and women in red states.

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My theory is they're attempting to keep real estate values high.

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This sounds like the kind of thing Ferrari does, that people accept because if you own a Ferrari you're kinda part of an exclusive club of rich assholes. Teslas are expensive but they're not "exclusive club" expensive, they're more like BMWs.

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"Do or do not, there is no try"

The rallying cry of the kind of person who thinks every hobby has to become a side hustle.

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Fediverse skews older than traditional social media from what I've seen.

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"No reasonable person believes that a Twitter clone just for conservatives is a viable business any more" is what the Parler team said.

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I get what you're talking about, but maybe it's being a decently-educated American with a black mom talking, but "enslaved" is not the right word for this.

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For how relatively well known it is (it's probably like the next most well known piece of FOSS after Linux and Blender) I can't believe how bad a piece of software GIMP is.

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Meta, Fox Corporation/News Corp, X

I am so sick of reading proposals like this from probably-white non-US Westerners who have probably never actually had to engage with the idea that racism exists. This might get some fascist groups off the internet, sure, but it would also likely push oppressed minority groups who do not necessarily have access to quality education out. That's the history of minimum IQ requirements for voting, mind you.

Put this proposal in front of a Proud Boy and they'll likely be in favor of it, because they believe whites are the only people smart enough to pass it. They'll stop being in favor once it goes into effect and they're included along with groups they hate in the "not allowed online" crowd, but the groups they hate, some of whom's situations may be made direly worse by the lack of unrestricted internet access, will most likely be pushed out too.

Stop gendering fashion.

I have mixed opinions. Would I rather elect someone else? Yes. But also, lack of faith in their current leader doesn't usually mean good things for incumbent parties.

No, GameMaker Studio. That engine had it's own controversy over moving to a subscription model, but nothing as egregious as Unity.

I'll vote for a non-Zionist candidate in the primaries with no real expectation of them winning. But I will vote blue no matter who for national and state politics, and Working Families Party for local if any run.

Is "Genocide Joe" an accurate nickname? Yeah. But fuck that, it's not like Trump will be any less zionist and third parties/independents don't work in FPTP. I'm mixed race, I'm bisexual, I'm worried about worst case scenarios with a second Trump presidency (which is basically "what Trump is saying out loud" at this point,) and I am willing to vote in enlightened self-interest.

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Unfortunately there are only a few cities where this is a reasonable ask in the United States, and none I know of are in Texas. Most are in colder parts of the country.

The Texas state government's path forward here is to do what they can to pedestrianize and densify their cities, but that's a long term project.

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This was maybe true 7 years ago or so. But I can't name a single meme that has come out of 4chan since Soyjaks went out of fashion (and I honestly think Soyjaks directly killed 4chan's relevance to wider internet culture.)

It's going to be mined somewhere. Acting like American land is too sacred to be mined for lithium while mining has equally bad if not worse effects on other places is basically NIMBYism for resource extraction. And while BANANAs might be effective in urban development, I don't think too many people and especially not developed worlders want the effects of that if the philosophy is applied to mining lithium.

Firefox I think is actually the best browser totally independent of technological ethics issues. Started using it because I was on 2GB RAM at the time and Chrome was much more RAM-intensive (apparently this is reversed now,) and I've never looked back.


"Because God said so" sounds like a terrible rationale for morality to me. For that reason I do not think the existence of God is relevant to my life.

My idea of what the average sex worker client is like isn't positive, but I wouldn't hold it against someone I already know to be upstanding if I found out they had used one's services.

Disgust at eating bugs isn't political, but it's cultural. It's far from universal.

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Not that (I think most Lemmy users probably do have YouTube and I KNOW a lot have Tumblr,) I just don't think TikTok's content appeals to the average Lemmy user.

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I think a better question is "what do the nudes you like look like?"

Like, if you're a straight male you're never going to be turned on by your own nudes but I know for the majority of straight men they aren't looking at just closeups of vaginas or boobs. Translate that to the male body.

I'm amazed Christie can be as popular as he is even.

He was really well-liked in his first term as NJ governor, but the shit he did in the last year or two is stuff so stupid and assholish we all assumed it meant he felt that he was never going to be in politics again.

I'm not sure I'd call this "cheaping out" but unless you can't even afford that or you have a specific reason you need a more expensive one, you should buy mid-range ($200 - $400) phones. The early '10s are over and mid-range is more than adequate for the average phone user. Plus quite a few mid-ranges still have expandable storage and/or headphone jacks.

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Is AI actually involved in any way or is it just being used as a buzzword? I just see animated advertisements. Like, to me these seem like just mascots.

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All of the sixth gen ones. Dreamcast, PS2, OG Xbox, GameCube.

Also SNES and 3DS.

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If you're in a country that shares a border with Russia, or are Canadian or British and understand the end goal of this, you've been sick of it for a while.

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It's probably inevitable, but...circlejerk subs are a scourge.

But letting them "ruin every single PTO and School Board meeting" means "letting them ruin every child's education."

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