Marjorie Taylor Greene Says States Should 'Consider Seceding From the Union'

Flying to politics – 504 points –
Marjorie Taylor Greene Says States Should 'Consider Seceding From the Union'

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The only reason I'm not an advocate for this is because this would mean abandoning LGBT people, minorities, and women in red states.

I live in Texas, and I'd favor this heavily only if the US allowed us non-crazies out first, gave us refugee status and then some financial support to those of us who need it to get started again in a sane state. Getting a new job + place to live is hard.

Then all the hateful assholes can go live in Bigotriopia all they want without us pesky compassionate types.

Bye Texas! Bye Florida! Bye Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi! I'm sure y'all'll get a few years to live in your Happy Hatred before the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean swallows y'all up!

I feel pretty certain they'd detain women, they are trying to force procreation atm.

No lie, that's actually my biggest fear. I'd have never moved to Texas if Uncle Sam didn't make me, and I have no idea how long the military will keep me stationed here.

It's one of those things that I have to tamp down on my anxiety brain, otherwise I can truly envision a genuine Handmaid's tale or Mad Max scenario, where women are just constantly impregnated.

Do I think it's likely? No. But anxiety doesn't gaf about likelihood 😭

I'm not technically past child rearing age, but I'm in my mid-30s so I'm pretty goddamned close to it. I did change my residence to Texas last year, specifically to vote in the elections, and I was a Deputy Registrar so I did voter drives to register others to vote...but we saw how well that worked out last fall.

I'm fighting while I'm stuck here, but the second that the military moves me, I'm out. Changing my state of residence. Removing all ties to Texas. Etc.

When Abbott was voted in again, I had to try very hard to not be like ""Whelp. Fuck you Texas. You get what you voted for."

Fist bump to a fellow election volunteer! Ahhhgreed, being given visuals of the worst case scenario on the tv fuels "what ifs" anxiety brain! I wish us all luck and spirit

Only problems are kids and that I fear that they'd do their best to keep some people from leaving.

There'll always be new kids, many who will be minorities (particularly, even the biggotedest biggot can have an LGBT kid). We can't do a lot to protect them if they're in different countries. Though it's admittedly questionable if we're able to protect them that much today. There certainly are a lot of blatantly fascist laws being struck down by courts, at the very least.

And where women are concerned, I worry that if enough people left, these Y'allqaeda would eventually panic and try to restrict them. I mean, controlling women is one of their favourite pastimes and they love to view women as nothing more than baby factories. I wouldn't put it past them to at least try to prevent people from leaving. There's also things like how they clearly turn their heads away from migrant workers (while at the same time being unbelievably racist towards them). They seem to recognize that their economy depends on underpaid, exploited workers and I fear what they'd do when they recognize that.

I thank you sincerely as a woman in a red state with some blue dots. I'm past raising kids and have a good job, I truly feel I am of more use here for the time being. I'm the only one makng sure several people know that there are differing view points from theirs. With all the cognative dissonance I can stand and a kind delivery, they get a chance to understand what "all these crazy libruls" are on about. I have an Aunt and cousins that live in mtg district, but they've been beyond my scope since Obama. I've decided on my qualifiers for when I'd leave but I have people here that would need me and that I want to be here for. I guess we'll all just see right? Cheers

I’ve never understood this argument. If the Republicans take the presidency in 2024 and there’s no significant response, all of those people will experience the same “abandonment”, only they’ll have nowhere to go.

Why people are favoring secession of states over literal election results? Do you think Texas and Florida or Idaho or whatever is filled with republicans? Have you ever looked up the popular vote on these states?

I would rent a bus and start picking people up. I know it's not that simple, but I'm sure we could figure it out

My solution: LGBTQIA+ and vulnerable persons Evacuation scheme. They get you on a bus the fuck out of there to somwhere like California or New York or Massachusetts.