Marjorie Taylor Greene Says States Should 'Consider Seceding From the Union'

Flying to politics – 504 points –
Marjorie Taylor Greene Says States Should 'Consider Seceding From the Union'

Wouldn't encouraging cession mean MTG is now encouraging active rebellion against the United States? And wouldn't that make her ineligible to hold office under the 14th amendment?

Let's get that lawsuit roll'in.

You would think, but this is the second time she's suggested secession (admittedly she wasn't as blatant the first time) and nothing was done. I doubt anything will be done this time either. It wasn't even a major headline.

People are talking more and more about whether the 14th amendment bars Trump from running for president. If that ends up happening I think it'll end up being applied to other insurrectionist politicians.

Voicing an opinion, especially a political one, is pretty heavily protected. I think there would need to be some other crime being committed (e.g. actually taking up arms).

Good question No, if she only advocates for amending the constitution. Yes, if she tells people to take up arns

Secession isn't always rebellious. See Czechoslovakia's peaceful split as an example.

The Union should have scorched earth the South when it had the chance. Tear up their train tracks, block the harbors, nationalize all the farm lands, dissolve the rebel states borders into Federal Territories, hang all rebel political leaders and put all military officers above Lt. in front of the firing squad. Instead, you let them live and fester, even naming military bases, ships and tanks after them.

If we had done to the south after the civil war what the world did to Germany after world war 2, I firmly believe we would be in a much better place.

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Let's do a quick thought experiment and say there was an actual legal framework for states to leave the union. How do Republicans think that would go? Under no circumstances would any major city in the south go along with leaving. Republicans states are far more purple than elections would suggest due to voter suppression, election fraud, and gerrymandering. So in reality the confederate areas would just be poor rural areas. Add in the fact that the US holds the keys to all the military equipment and weapons, the confederate areas would turn into a lawless hell scape over night. And without nuclear weapons and no international agreements for defense, I'm sure Mexico and Cuba would love to reclaim some of their lost territory.

I can go on. But the main reason these idiots keep bringing this up is to suggest violence into getting their way. It's not even a viable option to even consider for them. The situation I made is a best case scenario for them to. If they tried to violently leave the union it would be couple million good old boys in trucks up against jets and tanks.

I feel like logistically it would make Brexit look like the Velvet Revolution breakup of Czechoslovakia. Clusterfuck doesn't even begin to describe it. We are sort of stuck with each other like a crabby old married couple that hates each other but they just don't really have any options so they stick together barely speaking except saying fuck you to each other when they pass in the hallway.

Would love to see the Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator between a couple million good old boys in trucks vs like 50 jets and 50 tanks.

All them good ol boys riding Walmart mobility scooters due to spending all their points into Diabeetus.

I just wanna see them fly when the Trebuchet rock hits em.

You wouldn't even need the tanks. The power of long range jets is unimaginable.

Would love to see your face when you consider the US military, which hasn't won a real war in nearly 80 years, trying to occupy an area 10 times the size of Afghanistan. Please just ignore the 100 million gun-toting good old boys in trucks. I am sure they have no idea what guerilla warfare is and won't protect their homes at all. Also, I'm sure none of that military will defect to protect their families.

Those 50 jets and 50 tanks will definitely end the conflict in the first hour.

Um what? Sorry but you are wrong on so many levels it's concerning.

The Afghanistan forces we fought weren't just a military force scratched together from random people off the street. They were at the time battle hardened men in their 30s and 40s, who's leadership was trained and initially train by US advisors to fight off the USSR. They were a strong force fighting in home territory. (the same goes for the VietCong, and Once North Korea was supported by Standing army of China. The Korean War was lost.) so in reality the "good old boys" don't have that advantage.

Secondly, those wars were lost in part due to Logistics. Fighting a war on the other side of the world is vastly different than one in your own back yard. Our opponents knew they just needed to wait us out. That would not happen in the south.

Next, the politics behind this wars was odious from the beginning. The vast majority of Americans didn't support the wars over seas. A war against the south would be very popular in the north and mostly popular in urban areas in the south. Remember, the south wouldn't be trying to leave to create another American Democracy. It would be for a Christian Nationalist Oligarchy. Their goal would be to reinstate slavery, women suffrage, and the genocide of LGBTQ+ people.

And finally, the military is politically "conservative" but in the economic way and not in the I think my small town with two black people is getting too ethnic way. There would be some military people that would defect, but far fewer than it would take to weaken the US military. Individuals with strong racist beliefs wash out very quickly and definitely are not in leadership! There's a reason the military makes sure units are made up of people from all walks of life. Bigotry of any kind doesn't make an effective fighting force.

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Also remember that most red states are welfare states that need federal funding to just exist and on their own they would be broke and unable to provide basic needs like water and electricity .

Most of those states would collapse at the next hurricane that hits them. Florida had to declare a natural disaster just from 1 hurricane. Hurricane Katrina would leave Louisiana a third world country if not for federal government funds.

It's also like they can't even conceive the notion that most of the left and even a good few liberals are armed and train regularly and also live out in podunk.

Based on international law the states would maintain their current borders, that means the urban areas would come along for the ride (IF under an actual referendum the majority was to vote in favor of separation vs the non democratic exercise that is US elections)

The movement would probably see the creation of a new Union instead of just having a bunch of small new countries, so it would be rich enough to equip itself and create an army (and those voting in favor would probably jump on the occasion to defend their new country).

Separation doesn't happen overnight, you go and fetch support from other countries so you're not left without any allies or international recognition if the vote is in favor (France was ready to recognize Quebec if any of the two referendums had been in favor of independence).

You didn't create a "best case scenario", you just created a scenario that fits your opinion on the subject.

Disclaimer: Am not from the USA, would gladly see it getting split in multiple countries just like I would gladly see Canada split in multiple countries as I think in both cases it would stop some parts of the country from slowing down progress in other parts. Ex.: If Mississippi and its citizens want to live in a third world country so much then so be it, let the rest of the US move forward.

Sorry, but wrong on many points. If the conservative states were ever going to leave the Union it would have to be a quick transition as a longer process ensures that it won't happen.

One: The US as a whole is far more homogeneous than European democracies. It's not like in Europe where you can drive a few hours and find a whole different language and culture. Those asking for a separation are a extreme minority even within their states. Even with them being in power, the moment they actually move towards separation they literally will be murdered in a few days.

Two: during the slow negotiation for separation, red states would be responsible for their debts. States like Mississippi and Kentucky would have to back out of the separation because they'd become Haiti (economically) once the separation was complete.

Three: even if they peacefully negotiated with blue states, violence would break out in urban areas because red states wouldn't be leaving to create their own American style for of democracy. It would be a Christan Nationalist oligarchy. They want this separation to reinstate slavery, women's suffrage, and genicide of all LGBTQ+ individuals. This one is inevitable regardless how the separation goes. But a slow separation just gives those urban areas time to prepare for war.

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And then blue states can stop funding red states and the red states will crumble even further.

Nine of the ten states that get the most federal fucking dollars and pay the least... can you guess? Go on, guess. That’s right, motherfucker, they're red states. And eight of the ten states that receive the least and pay the most? It’s too easy, asshole, they’re blue states. It’s not your money, assholes, it’s fucking our money.

We really need to do this. Leave them to their own devices and let them reap the results of their politics instead of shielding them.

The 14th amendment prohibits her from serving in congress. Period. Unequivocally. Are we going to start enforcing laws or not?

The first amendment lets her state a political opinion though.

I didn't say she can't state an opinion. I said she can't serve in congress.

And I'm saying there's no legal reason why not.

People are against you here because they’re rightfully angry and want you to be wrong but you’re right. You can SAY whatever political opinion you want and nothing will happen so long as you’re not telling people to do something and they do it, that’s inciting.

If she acts upon these statements then she’s in trouble but just saying “I think we should secede” is protected under free speech. If she says “I think we should take up arms against democrat tyrants” and some nut jobs start killing those they perceive to be democrats, then she’s in trouble because she told them to do commit a crime and is therefore an accomplice of said crime.

I might be in the minority, but I say let 'em go: provided they take a proportional amount of the US debt with them, and give back all the military assets that the rest of the country bought. They can re-staff all those military bases they named after Confederates on their own dime, while paying back debt and funding their own Social Security.

I bet once they actually get presented the budget for their ideas, all of a sudden they decide they like the Blue states (and their tax base) a lot more than they used to.

I fully agree, fuck em. What do they contribute, cotton? I'm willing to pay higher prices for imported goods to get rid of those racist pricks once and for all.

We'd have to move Kennedy Space Center to Guam or something. There's a good, nonpolitical reason it's in Florida.

It's so that crashes only hit Florida, right?

No. Favorable orbital mechanics given Florida's location, plus failed rockets and staging can fall into the Atlantic instead of over land. Hawai'i would be another option but the natives would protest the fuck out of it and only some of them care about money more than their ideology.

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I don't know about the debt thing, but I've had a fantasy for a while that some place like Florida decides to secede, and that attracts all the conservative chuds, white supremacists, and christo-fascists, who all rush to move down there to have their "revolution." Then we just wall Florida off the way they wanted to do with Mexico. The conservatives can have the ultra-capitalist nightmare they've always wanted to build, and the rest of us can get on with life and finally have socialized healthcare and properly funded schools.

Maybe we keep the coasts for launching things like boats and so on. Let them have the very worst parts of the state that are already full "Florida man" anyway and a small sliver of the coast and tell all the cons to move on down to their conservative paradise. We normal Americans will keep everything of value and of military strategic importance and they can have their Jesusland.

Bullshit. Those bases belong to us. They can build their own.

Tough shit if they don't like a Yankee military base in their state.

No, they can keep the bases, we would take all the equipment, ammo, and tech. Let whoever decides to stay behind defend the base with their own personal ammo stash.

I wonder how far the first US military convoy out of a seceding state would make it from the base they were cleaning out before Y'all Qaeda decided to capturing the equipment and ammo.

We can call that "Operation Fort Sumter Redux"!

I’m surprised I had to scroll this far to find this top level comment I thought I was going to have to make myself. Fuck them. Let them secede. Good luck lol they’ll need it.

Proportional in terms of population?

That would be the fairest way to do it, of course, but there would be some poetic justice in making it proportional to the seceding state's electoral vote weight.

I like this one the best, looking at you Wyoming

I think there's some states that should take that deal. North Dakota has a $22b strategic reserve and would only owe ~$75b as a share of it's national debt. It could turn itself into a cold, shale oil, Dubai.

Perhaps they could come up with some sort of 3/5ths compromise.

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Oh, wow. Texas, Missouri, Alabama, etc. become not our problem anymore? Gimme a petition to sign!

Nooo, I don't want to be trapped here.

Everyday I wish that Illinois will adopt St Louis. So tired of this shit state but I'm stuck here taking care of parents and grandparents.

We'll trade for east st Louis in a heartbeat.

Hey, tell your governor to just buy the corridor along 70 from StL through Columbia, and including KC. He could rescue us all!

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Section 3.

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Sounds like she should be removed from Congress.

God I hate to support this ghoul, but it does say "engaged in" or "given aid to". She's given support for an insurrection, and if one happened I imagine she'd be impeachable due to both statements, but until then she'd be covered under the 1st amendment

She’s given support for an insurrection, and if one happened

...capitol building?

She should definitely be held accountable for that, yeah. But not this. This is actual freedom of speech

|But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Never saw that part before. Does that mean that a person supporting insurrection causes the government to have a disability, that someone supporting insurrection is disabled and can be removed with a 2/3rds vote, or they are automatically barred execpt if 2/3rd vote to remove the restriction?

Not sure if you are being facetious, but it means that you can't be part of the government unless 2/3rds of each house of Congress votes to allow you to participate in the federal government again.

Interestingly, it doesn't say that you get your elected position back, just that you can hold office again.

So in this case, MTG would be removed, her seat would be filled by whatever process Georgia has for replacing a Congressional Rep. If (and it's a big if since a good chunk of her own party dislikes her) she gets a 2/3rds vote from the House and the Senate, then she would be able to run for office again. I think. It would probably be a constitutional crisis that would get kicked to the SC either way.

America’s power is that we are one nation with access to two oceans and friendly neighbors. Our greatest threat is from within.

Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide.

--Abraham Lincoln

She and similar politicians spreading such messages should be stripped out of US citizenship

Let's do a quick thought experiment and say there was an actual legal framework for states to leave the union. How do Republicans think that would go? Under no circumstances would any major city in the south go along with leaving. Republicans states are far more purple than elections would suggest due to voter suppression, election fraud, and gerrymandering. So in reality the confederate areas would just be poor rural areas. Add in the fact that the US holds the keys to all the military equipment and weapons, the confederate areas would turn into a lawless hell scape over night. And without nuclear weapons and no international agreements for defense, I'm sure Mexico and Cuba would love to reclaim some of their lost territory.

I can go on. But the main reason these idiots keep bringing this up is to suggest violence into getting their way. It's not even a viable option to even consider for them. The situation I made is a best case scenario for them to. If they tried to violently leave the union it would be couple million good old boys in trucks up against jets and tanks.

Breaking News: MTG says controversial shit to stay in the news cycle.

Sure, but at what point do we say "this is treason" and do something about it?

We look at the definition of treason in the Constitution, conclude that unless we can prove she’s acting on behalf of a foreign power, it isn’t treason, call it sedition, which it clearly IS, and go from there.

Clearly eh?

"Sedition usually involves actually conspiring to disrupt the legal operation of the government and is beyond expression of an opinion or protesting government policy."

I love when liberals just want to throw out the first amendment...

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She's a Republican, so I'm guessing we'll normalize it forever.

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Let's do a quick thought experiment and say there was an actual legal framework for states to leave the union. How do Republicans think that would go? Under no circumstances would any major city in the south go along with leaving. Republicans states are far more purple than elections would suggest due to voter suppression, election fraud, and gerrymandering. So in reality the confederate areas would just be poor rural areas. Add in the fact that the US holds the keys to all the military equipment and weapons, the confederate areas would turn into a lawless hell scape over night. And without nuclear weapons and no international agreements for defense, I'm sure Mexico and Cuba would love to reclaim some of their lost territory.

I can go on. But the main reason these idiots keep bringing this up is to suggest violence into getting their way. It's not even a viable option to even consider for them. The situation I made is a best case scenario for them to. If they tried to violently leave the union it would be couple million good old boys in trucks up against jets and tanks.

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The only reason I'm not an advocate for this is because this would mean abandoning LGBT people, minorities, and women in red states.

I live in Texas, and I'd favor this heavily only if the US allowed us non-crazies out first, gave us refugee status and then some financial support to those of us who need it to get started again in a sane state. Getting a new job + place to live is hard.

Then all the hateful assholes can go live in Bigotriopia all they want without us pesky compassionate types.

Bye Texas! Bye Florida! Bye Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi! I'm sure y'all'll get a few years to live in your Happy Hatred before the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean swallows y'all up!

I feel pretty certain they'd detain women, they are trying to force procreation atm.

No lie, that's actually my biggest fear. I'd have never moved to Texas if Uncle Sam didn't make me, and I have no idea how long the military will keep me stationed here.

It's one of those things that I have to tamp down on my anxiety brain, otherwise I can truly envision a genuine Handmaid's tale or Mad Max scenario, where women are just constantly impregnated.

Do I think it's likely? No. But anxiety doesn't gaf about likelihood 😭

I'm not technically past child rearing age, but I'm in my mid-30s so I'm pretty goddamned close to it. I did change my residence to Texas last year, specifically to vote in the elections, and I was a Deputy Registrar so I did voter drives to register others to vote...but we saw how well that worked out last fall.

I'm fighting while I'm stuck here, but the second that the military moves me, I'm out. Changing my state of residence. Removing all ties to Texas. Etc.

When Abbott was voted in again, I had to try very hard to not be like ""Whelp. Fuck you Texas. You get what you voted for."

Fist bump to a fellow election volunteer! Ahhhgreed, being given visuals of the worst case scenario on the tv fuels "what ifs" anxiety brain! I wish us all luck and spirit

Only problems are kids and that I fear that they'd do their best to keep some people from leaving.

There'll always be new kids, many who will be minorities (particularly, even the biggotedest biggot can have an LGBT kid). We can't do a lot to protect them if they're in different countries. Though it's admittedly questionable if we're able to protect them that much today. There certainly are a lot of blatantly fascist laws being struck down by courts, at the very least.

And where women are concerned, I worry that if enough people left, these Y'allqaeda would eventually panic and try to restrict them. I mean, controlling women is one of their favourite pastimes and they love to view women as nothing more than baby factories. I wouldn't put it past them to at least try to prevent people from leaving. There's also things like how they clearly turn their heads away from migrant workers (while at the same time being unbelievably racist towards them). They seem to recognize that their economy depends on underpaid, exploited workers and I fear what they'd do when they recognize that.

I thank you sincerely as a woman in a red state with some blue dots. I'm past raising kids and have a good job, I truly feel I am of more use here for the time being. I'm the only one makng sure several people know that there are differing view points from theirs. With all the cognative dissonance I can stand and a kind delivery, they get a chance to understand what "all these crazy libruls" are on about. I have an Aunt and cousins that live in mtg district, but they've been beyond my scope since Obama. I've decided on my qualifiers for when I'd leave but I have people here that would need me and that I want to be here for. I guess we'll all just see right? Cheers

I’ve never understood this argument. If the Republicans take the presidency in 2024 and there’s no significant response, all of those people will experience the same “abandonment”, only they’ll have nowhere to go.

Why people are favoring secession of states over literal election results? Do you think Texas and Florida or Idaho or whatever is filled with republicans? Have you ever looked up the popular vote on these states?

I would rent a bus and start picking people up. I know it's not that simple, but I'm sure we could figure it out

My solution: LGBTQIA+ and vulnerable persons Evacuation scheme. They get you on a bus the fuck out of there to somwhere like California or New York or Massachusetts.

She should still be raving and slurring her words relatively harmlessly in some dive bar, but nooooooo...Georgia had to go and get her elected.

Ahh. Another Republican advocating sedition.

Lock her up!

To be fair, we should have locked her up already for her actions on Jan 6th and her continued obstruction of justice.

No idea why we haven't.

Why do Republicans continue to vote for people who openly hate America? I thought they were supposed to be the party of patriots?

She does know how that ended for Georgia, specifically, last time, doesn't she?

She doesn't know much, and you can't make her.

I wanted to tell you what an incredibly apt statement that was, and to thank you for teaching me a new turn of phrase I plan on using excessively

"and you can't make her."

Fantastic. Made me actually laugh. Thank you.

It's almost as if she has no interest in preserving the strength of our union. I wonder who that really benefits...

Cut off from the federal teat that they suck on, they wouldn't last a month.

They would pull a north Korea, threatening to attack unless the US sends them food, money, fuel, cars, doctors and Desaster relief after the seasonal climate change Desasters...

They wouldn't have a leg to stand on. Just send the world's largest military around their border. That's where it backfires for red states

It's not around inside, they won't get to keep military bases in their states if they seced, a second Confederacy would be occupied from the moment they began.

Oh please do! It’ll be an absolute joy to watch the red states bend over backwards trying to execute the mental gymnastics it will take to explain to their loyalist voter base- why they are all bankrupt now.

No, you traitorous shit hag, you can't. You already lost one war and one SCOTUS case saying so.

A statement like this should get you instantly booted out of Congress

yessss. do it. pleeeeease peel off some republican senate seats

Who cares what this dumbass wants? She should be getting asked why she was for the coup.

"please do anything that helps my russian bosses!! im desperate!"

  • mtg

She will say anything to stay in the news. Her big mouth, and the media's reporting on it, is the only way she remains relevant.

Apparently she's fighting with other members of the house over whose idea it was to (and fail at) impeach Biden. She peaked in middle school.

You know, for claiming to be patriots they sure seem to hate the US.

She's right. Blue states should consider it. I don't think blue staters in these comments realize how close abortion is to being illegal nationwide.

"Roe v. Wade will never be overturned, that'll turn the country into a warzone!!"

"States will never actually ban abortion, that'll turn states into warzones!!"

Yet here we are.

I don't neccesarily have strong opinions one way or another on this, but "choice state vs fetus state" is starting to remind me of "free state vs. slave state."

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Those states that consistently take but not contribute to the union, tax wise, should secede.

Lol, I'd love to see them do that and drop to poverty levels way below that of a South America country.

That would certainly happen and eventually they'd have such squalor that the US would invade for humanitarian reasons.

Even the Confederate secessionists were capable of using polysyllabic words properly in their discourse.

She sounds like a second grader in the slow reading group throwing a tantrum.

Well she probably thinks polysyllabic is something you catch from a truck stop glory hole so...

I caught an incurable case of polysyllabicism in a library. Marjorie says I deserved it as libraries are evil groomer lairs.

Getting really tired of hearing this woman's constant antics and theatrics.

Go for it. A pretty big portion of the red states can't manage to balance their budgets. It would be funny to see them collapse under the weight of corporate greed and political ineptitude.

Is she still talking?

I feel bad for whichever nursing home she ends up flapping her gums in.

She rich. Won't end up in a nursing home. She'll have in-home care until whatever poor caretaker can't deal with her shit anymore and let's her OD or choke on her own drool.

True Patriot™️

It's funny how the people most likely to brand themselves "patriots" are the same who support actively dismantling every principle the county was founded on.

Just like the people who most crow and beat their chests about 'loving the flag' are same people who desecrate it by wearing it as apparel, put it on their cars as bumper stickers or decals, beach towels, and so much more.

I mean, there's a US law - US code 8 - which covers all the things you can't do with the US flag and they break almost all of them. They are all just cosplayers.

Images of the flag and use of the flag are different. The people that hand a literal flag behind their car to get dirty and torn really piss off the boy scout in me

Side note: the thin blue line (and other such flags) are also not allowed either

Here in Colorado we have some idiots in at least one county who wants to secede from the state and become part of Wyoming. Personally, I would love that because those people have no idea what they're asking for. Wyoming is one of the strictest states when it comes to cannabis, which would become illegal again. You can't have it both ways where you keep your blue state protections and have your red state affiliation.

I just don't want to read about this woman any more. It's obvious she's a troll who is saying ridiculous things to stir anger and get attention.

I vote to secede any dumb and ignorant things she says from Lemmy altogether.

As stupid as the things she says are, she has real, tangible power. It's not smart to ignore such people.

If she actually has real power, she wouldn't be running her mouth and saying these ridiculous things that she wants to do, she would just be doing them.

What she's doing is something very Trumpian to get supporters(you can see that with DeSantis), the more you talk about how mad she makes you, the more reach she gets.

You don't have to actively ignore about her or get outraged, just be calm and treat her as the joke she is. In other words, don't take anything she SAYS seriously, take what she DOES seriously.

She's on multiple committees. She controls McCarthy's speakership. Why you think she has no power is beyond me.

Wasn't she kicked off pretty much every committee like a year ago?

Anyways, my point is by getting outraged by her trolling and posting what she says, you are just helping her spread her horrible message and doing free advertisment for her to gain more supporters and power. Because that's exactly what Trump did in 2016.

If that's what you want, then go ahead. I don't know what else to tell you.

I'm not outraged. I never even implied to be outraged. Don't make things up about me.

Maybe a little time apart wouldn't be such a bad thing? Like a trial separation.

Oh please get what you want. Let's have another civil war and you hateful bigots will be killed to near extinction again.

Then we'll give them political power again because they definitely learned their lesson this time

I remember when the rhetoric was to get along with others, including people with different views.

Paradox of tolerance - tolerance only works with the intolerance of intolerance.

Instead, this country is actively making intolerant behavior and views into law.

This has to be illegal? Like, a congress woman can say that without repercussion right?

Don't count her statement out. Yes, letting the REP states go would weaken the union, but think of the popcorn you'd consume while you see them sink without pork barrels and subsidies.

Think of the endless wars we'll have to fight to replace tinpot dictators and to defend established borders that "god" told them were wrong.

Because that went so well for those states the first time, right?

Yeah, and this time they should take their share of the national debt.

I'm trying to find a way to compare her to someyhing that isn't a derogatory attack on the thing I'm comparing her to.

A morlock from the bad Time Machine movie works.

But why did you just post another picture of her? Shouldn't you have posted a picture of one of those Morlocks?

How is that lady winning elections? She got reelected again in 2022 by a pretty large margin. Crazy world we live in.

A lot of fuckwits vote, unfortunately

Please do, the resulting catastrophe and people fleeing to the union would be hilarious

She'd be living in a very poor country.

@FlyingSquid what a traitorous scumbag. I can't wait for her to disappear from the media landscape because I'm so sick of her stupidity and absolute disregard for non-Christians.

Her mouth is an unending streaming of diarrhea'd bullshit. The news reporting on everything she says is a sisyphean task.

Sigh We do not need American Civil War 2... Electric Boogaloo...

So, I'd think that this one would take a lot less time. I can't see that a lot of the US army would flip.

Not only that Southern States are not uniformly composed. A lot of Republican power in the south comes from gerrymandering the large populations. That whole political border thing is less a thing when a particular group of citizens have just been given the green light to raze the State Capitol.

Seceding states themselves would have massive civil unrest, there’s just zero ways the States themselves would be sustainable. Not to mention that if say Texas tried it, it’s likely drug cartels would join in the looting and destruction of the State. So that State would be fighting something like a four prong war, by itself.

Citizens are a lot more educated today, especially in the large cities. They would absolutely take any secession as permission to burn the whole thing down. And a lot of the seats of Government in these States are in their largest city. Whatever political majority that MTG think she has to support her calls is fiction supported by electioneering.

The US is also drier. The US was very young back then and people didn't necessarily think of the united country as theirs, rather than their state than today. People still think in states, but universally also see the US as their country.

Depends who’s president at the time

I mean, would they secede in the first place if it was a Republican?

Maybe, this was a problem last time too, a couple northern states almost had to get checked by the army before the southern ones decided to secede proper

We are the United States and I love my fellow Americans, the politicians need to go

Why shouldn't they be allowed to secede? Let the inhabitants of each state vote under international supervision to make sure the vote goes by according to western standards. I see no reason why any community should be barred from seeking independence and self rule.

Because that's not how a functional society works. If Texas wanted to secede from the USA the whole USA would have to be called in this decision. You can't do what Puidgemont did in Catalunya, call for a referendum in the specific region, count the votes and declare independence from the central government. You are part of the government, if you want to secede this must be a common choice.

If you were an adult you might understand this with a (non-perfect) similitude with divorce: you cannot divorce by yourself, you need to sign the documents as a couple for divorce to take place.

That's also why Russia's claim of annexation of the Ukrainian regions has no value for the international law, it's a faux secession with no bearing on the Ukrainian national rights

It would quite literally become a humanitarian crisis. The states that want to look at secession are all unprofitable states.

Something tells me the secessionists wouldn't agree with that. Are they going to let their urban centers secede from their states if they voted to do so?

If Texas secedes from the US, does Houston get to secede from Texas?

You'd end up with a situation like Brexit, where Scotland voted to stay but had to leave with England, only the whole thing would be 100x worse because US states are far more integrated than EU member states.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

In February, Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene called for a “national divorce” between red and blue states.

On Monday, Greene (R-Ga.) wrote on X (formerly Twitter) that “if the Biden admin refuses to stop the invasion of cartel led human and drug trafficking into our country, states should consider seceding from the union.”

“From the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the Democrat’s traitorous America Last policies, we are done,” Greene said at the time.

The measure would allow Texans to vote on “whether or not the State should investigate the possibility of Texas independence, and present potential plans to the Legislature.”

In 2022, failed Ohio congressional candidate J.R. Majewski called for states where a majority of voters had supported Trump to split from the country.

While Majewski failed to make it into elected office, Greene’s repeated calls for succession have not gone unnoticed by her colleagues in the House.

The original article contains 458 words, the summary contains 155 words. Saved 66%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

If there's gonna be another civil war can we not give the traitors a free pass this time?

who carws what this dumb bitch says, stop giving her a platform

When she has power in congress, when she has a good chance of being Trump's running mate, when she says seditious things, I care.

has already happened work has me cross state lines all the time insurance laws for vehicles including what insurance companies are allowed to be used and how, laws for what medical drugs you are allowed to use, laws on what doctors are able to do, and the list goes on for state by state laws and the federal laws mean nothing unless the state wants the law to mean something states are able try and keep people in the states that they are in with laws and restrictions that are effective such as low wages and piss poor education South Carolina has an extra tax on vehicles bought out of state such as upstate residents buy in nearby Charlotte, or Kings Mountain, or Gastonia North Carolina that is hundreds of dollars extra just a small example

This is the Disunited States of America and has been for a bit

Citizens are also helping to fuel this by not recognizing the rot around them

Been on fire and no warnings of possible fires will help when s##t is already burnt almost down

MTG and her gross ass feet should secede. They could live off the proceeds from her freakish feet’s only fans. You know there are some real sick people out there that would pay big bucks to watch feet like hers.

Edit I didn’t know about the three toe thing. I was talking about this pic.

her gross ass feet

Do I want to know?

LOL, it's like there is a conspiracy theory for almost everything...

Oh man, that's hilarious. Now I wish it were true.

Yeah I think the original pic was actually her standing shoeless on a beach, and there was sand covering some of her toes. They looked gnarly. But it was still pretty obvious that those little piggies were hiding. But that’s still what I think of every time I hear her name.

That’s pic I saw. I never saw the ones on snopes lol. I didn’t even know about the 3 toe thing. Hahahahaha that’s even better.

Did not read the article yet, but based off the other comments and thumbnail, she is a literal Karen.