2 Post – 194 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

From what I understand, "whispers" were what private messages were called on twitch. And it's "then existing," I don't use twitch, but I guess it doesn't exist anymore, that's what they mean. Pretty poor wording though, don't blame you for not knowing what the hell they mean.

Lol as much as this is a fun larp, and reddit did take too long to ban them, I'm not partial to taking random twitter/mastodon/ discourse as gospel. I think it's goofy when conservatives do it, and I think it's goofy here.

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Lol yeah I can't get on it at work anymore. Goodbye to all the traffic they get from people looking for tech advice on corporate networks. Fucking morons.

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What's with the title?

Most of us are presumably adults who can afford to pay for things when they're convenient. That's what it's about for me, convenience. If you're not making it convenient for me to buy your thing fair and square, then I'm gonna pirate it.

Oh yes, Thor is oiled up and shirtless while Natalie Portman ogles him for the entire first movie because... It looks powerful? It represents his stoicism? Definitely not a sexual objectification thing, oh no sir

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Are you just making things up? I can't find anything about railroad crossings tearing up fire hoses. From the fireman who posted the image:

Hey, this past week our funny photo went viral throughout the whole world. Thousands of shares and likes in many different countries! Once and for all: the picture was taken in Belgium, in a small village called Bornem. After a minor intervention, we had some time left near the railway to make this picture. Since there were no trains running at all for a week due to maintenance works, we can state that our joke was a real success! Thanks to our entire team, 2nd sqdn Firefighters Bornem!

How about a discount for crossing their fingers and loading us up on a Boeing?

Started distancing myself from friends who become political extremists and life is much calmer

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90% of the time when I see someone swerving in traffic because they're blatantly staring at their phone, it's somebody 50+ years old

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My ex's parents were in one. They're some of the dumbest people I've ever met, so it just kinda confirmed to me that biker gangs are for terminally stupid people who think the vroom vroom sounds cool and that leather vests are badass.

I'd really just prefer a recommendation algorithm. I tried curating it for months and I rarely go on mastodon. Because I'm either seeing 100000 posts that I'm not interested in to find one decent one, or reading posts from the very few people I know I like and closing the app in 2 minutes. I'm honestly not a fan of the purely chronological approach.

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I've exclusively been on AMD since like 2015 and my GPUs "kinda-sorta working" has not been my experience at all lol. Literally have never had brand-specific problems. The only brand-specific issues I've had were trying to get my laptop with an Nvidia GPU to work properly under Linux.

Probably not lol. Seems to me more along the lines of those folks copy/pasting the whole "I hereby claim that nothing on my Facebook can be used without my permission" on Facebook.

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You one of those folks who thinks numbers on signs and stuff are speaking to them?

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Great, was wondering what happened with this fucking moron. The FAA won't let you get a license if you've ever smoked weed or sought treatment for depression. But chucklefucks like this can make it their whole career. Only wish the sentence was far longer.

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Lotta radical communities here who like to brigade posts on other, completely unrelated communities. Conversations were calmer with fewer slurs being thrown around a couple months ago.

I tried duckduckgo for a while and kept coming back to Google for "real" searches at work. It's not as good for searching in my experience. Yet.

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In my experience with these types of people, they more and more frequently shift conversation to them wanting their beliefs validated, because normal people have stopped engaging with them.

Funni youtuber

I'm fine with bots reposting images. Memes and whatever. Because the discussion is pretty irrelevant. What I've been seeing a lot of is bots reposting text posts. Like r/amitheasshole and the like. It pisses me off. Doesn't make any goddamn sense, the OP isn't here, you can't discuss with them. And they always lack any conversation on here. It's just spam and I report it as such.

Sync is far superior to the other apps so far, even with some features missing in the beta. I was using Liftoff, which is good, but not even close to the polish of sync.

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A normal person lmao

To be fair, the petite girl controversy thing was the admin being a weird tyrant, not Unless they did the same thing at LW lol. Thus far shitjustworks has been reliable and unobtrusive for me.

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Whatever you say man I don't speak orgen sporgen

That Linux video was so frustrating

Lmfao I'm in the same boat. It's exhausting.

Oh another one, when I was 8 or 9 one of the first grade teachers threatened me with expulsion for making a fart sound in the hallway. Cried for hours, the wicked bitch. She's dead now though!

Yep, 100% the asshole if you're eating out at restaurants here and you don't tip. Other things can be a little more debatable, but the 15-20% standard for eating at a restaurant is set in stone. If you don't tip or give a low tip, the server will assume you hated their service or that you're just an ass. It's a dumb rule, but it is what it is here right now.

Why are we pretending that this is just an inherent quality that needs to be taught out rather than a serious deviation from the norm? "Teach people not to murder" yeah, uh, we do, and unreasonable people still murder.

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Yeah I think the reasoning is that they're not allowed to have hair that, if let down, would be lower than their eyebrows/earlobes. You're not allowed to have long hair and put it up. Very stupid.

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Hexbear users have been some of the most toxic I've come across

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Beehaw seems to want to only be beehaw lol. I'm honestly not sure why they're even using lemmy to host their community.

Have you considered how awkward King of Queens would be without the laugh track? With the actors pausing for laughter every 45 seconds?

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Hot and active feeds are currently broken for a lot of big instances. It should be fixed in the next Lemmy server version. For now use New or New Comments. Growing pains of being such new software and such a huge, sudden adoption.

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Dudes the fuckin antichrist

I don't think so. I honestly think we grew up in a time that encouraged learning how these things work. Anecdotally, younger people don't seem as interested, because everything's always "just worked" for them; they were raised on iPads. I already see them struggling with technology similarly to boomers when it isn't immediately obvious how to do something.

I made an identical post on Reddit as here because the community was larger on Reddit. The reddit post was at -1 in like 20 minutes and got no engagement. Here, it was voted up and I got a bunch of really nice engagement. Reddit's dead. I like the feeling of community here.

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If it's based on what I like and repost, and recommends things that people with similar likes and reposts enjoy, that information is already out there. No extra data collection required. Doesn't need to be mandatory either, just a separate feed.

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