Thank you all. to [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual – 131 points –

Hi everyone. I just wanted to let you know how wonderful its been to jump from the old place to here over the last few months.

Nearly every conversation I've had here has been thoughtful, fun, and informative... Keep up the good work, you beautiful people.


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I made an identical post on Reddit as here because the community was larger on Reddit. The reddit post was at -1 in like 20 minutes and got no engagement. Here, it was voted up and I got a bunch of really nice engagement. Reddit's dead. I like the feeling of community here.

Why would you expect a positive reaction from the people who decided to stay?

Honestly more a test for myself, wanted to see the difference on top of wanting to make the post lol. For the record I don't mean an identical post to this post, I mean I just posted my own post on equivalent reddit and Lemmy communities.