YouTuber Trevor Jacob jailed after crashing plane for views to Not The – 348 points –
YouTuber Trevor Jacob jailed after crashing plane for views

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Great, was wondering what happened with this fucking moron. The FAA won't let you get a license if you've ever smoked weed or sought treatment for depression. But chucklefucks like this can make it their whole career. Only wish the sentence was far longer.

Not true, it's up to the AME to clear you as safe to fly in view of seeking treatment for depression and if you seek treatment for depression while holding a pilots license it grounds you until the AME reclears you, much like any other life threatening health conditions.

The fact that they treat pretty much any treatment of mental illness, no matter how long ago, as "probably actively suicidal and a danger to themself and others" is what I take issue with. And it's a tedious, time consuming, expensive process to try to get cleared. To the point where several flight instructors, and the chief pilot, have told me I should've just lied on the federal form. Because that's what everyone else does. But whatever, I have cheaper hobbies.

The FAA won't let you get a license if you've ever smoked weed or sought treatment for depression.

For real? But it's fine if you drink alcohol.... some rules seem so arbitrary...