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Joined 11 months ago

I blame social media. Mainlining outrage and confirmation bias through your smart phone is one hell of a way to get high

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Seriously. Had he not ran, or dropped out early, he could have probably started his own fringe news channel and lived a relatively unchanged, trouble free life and probably made some money doing it.

I personally think he expected to lose and wasn’t expecting the Russians to barely tip the scales to eek out an electoral college victory.

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Why do people still buy Teslas? Serious question

Edit - great responses everyone. It was a genuine question & I appreciate the candor

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Sad story

I really hope not. You’d think it’d be difficult for a rational person to argue that Trump did not incite a rebellion on January 6th, but then again, we’re dealing with the folks who believe Jewish space lasers are a thing.

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As far as I’m concerned, tech companies are no better than Phillip Morris peddling tobacco to children. Checking your “likes” is the new age version of smoking.

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You make a good point about people who are informed or educated enough to actually recognize that. Ignoring the future vs present worth of money aspect.

There are a shit ton of folks out there who don’t know what inflation actually is. I’d say they probably fall into the doom spending category.

Pretty sure Meadows and Rudy are singing

Grow up bud

Having someone over a barrel doesn’t really work if the guy over the barrel doesn’t care.

I get the vibe McCarthy doesn’t want to be speaker of the house anymore, probably because of the Q crazies he has to treat like “equals” in order to secure their vote.

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Thanks for putting this together. I am currently looking to build a self hosted media server and I think you may have just convinced me to go with the build you wrote up

This. Some people need a book and a bunch of sanctimonious hypocrites to tell them to be a good person.

I’m going to venture to guess that many folks will go the route of Cubans and continuously rebuild their old cars.

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The rest of the world has left their obsolete ideologies behind and they hate the world for it.

What happened to her neck? Jesus

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This. I’m building a media server as we speak. Fuck these assholes

Listen when adults speak to you

My structural engineer buddy often says “I’m still an engineer when the power goes out” lol

The hottest of garbage

Did upvotes or downvotes ever matter on Reddit? Never did for me but maybe y’all know something I don’t

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It’s really just as simple as tribalistic zero sum game politics. They want to damage the other side at whatever cost. It’s fueled by hate whipped into a frenzy by social media because it makes a lot money for social media companies to have people so engaged in hating others.

I used to be a republican, back before GW Bush & Cheney sent me off to Iraq to go look for yellowcake lol. I also have never used Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platforms outside of Lemmy (formerly Reddit). All of that said, the transformation of the R party into what it is today has been pretty disturbing for me. Frankly it reminds me of the fanatic suicide bomber Islamic extremism you see in the Middle East and elsewhere.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve made a shit ton of money in the market by investing in green technology.

You can buy a lot of gas for the premium you’d pay but buying a brand new car.

Every time I run the numbers to buy a new car vs keeping my 2014 Taco, the Taco wins, even with its abysmal gas mileage.

A shiv in the form of a sharpened toothbrush

Unfortunately dude still has rights, regardless of how many times he breaks the law, or makes a mockery of it.

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Ah the good ol minivan motor Tacomas. They don’t make ‘em like they used to

It’s a great photo. Try not to give a shit about what some rando on the internet is complaining about. The adults in the room like your photo

Not defending the other douche but im willing to bet you’d probably be surprised at how expensive it is to live in European countries with all of those things you’re hoping for. Like 60p of your paycheck goes to taxes and services. I think most folks who want those things Carte Blanche haven’t done the math

That said, I think not having to worry about being bankrupted over a medical diagnosis would be worth it.

Source - am a dual citizen and have spent years living in Europe and USA

Eh I figure it’s just for attention. Rile up the base to get them out to vote.

Anger is a pretty strong motivator if social media hasn’t shown you that already.

Yea I was aware of the up/downvote ranking system they used. I guess I just didn’t care enough for it to matter to me. Thanks for the heads up regardless

Yea the point I was making is they’re not the same company the once we’re. Nissan of the late 90’s no longer exists.

Ha i see it now. Thanks

Please just fleece them for all they’re worth. They deserve it and will not do anything useful with the money

This is really the best option. Plus media server

Glad to see you’re happy with your purchase bud

Please provide a link to this

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Taking out a loan for a vehicle does not mean you are rich lol.

Anyone can get financing for a shitty new car, not everyone can figure out how to retire by the age of 55

Lol all of the mid 20’s to mid 30’s hipster chicks with arm sleeves are down voting you.

I have a couple of tats I got with my squad in Iraq when I was in the Army. Explaining those tats to those same younger hipster gals never seems to go over well.

Agree completely. Good comment